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  • in reply to: Urgent! Can't login/register anymore through modal.. #4800

    We haven’t changed anything related to Facebook in v2.2. Maybe is something you did until the update. Check again the settings in the Facebook App.

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    in reply to: Upgrade Version Theme #4799

    Thanks @JohnDoe for your time

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    in reply to: Sending a message #4795

    Please add
    <?php bp_head(); ?>
    in header.php just before wp_head()

    Then add this css for little styling:

    #TB_window {padding:5px}
    #TB_title {margin-bottom:10px;}
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    in reply to: Hide hover sticky top menu on home page #4794

    Is that happening also on our demo?
    It that is fine then you done something bad in there. Maybe you forgot to close a tag or something

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    in reply to: Show username in Members directory instead of full name #4793

    This does the trick:

    /* Display Username in Directory  */
    function my_member_username() {
        global $members_template;
        return $members_template->member->user_login;
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    in reply to: add users to mailchimp on signup #4788

    Mailchimp integration is only for the widget that shows the newsletter form. You can try searching for a plugin.

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    in reply to: search users and activity #4785

    You can search by their name. Just check the name field in Sweetdate – Buddypress
    Username and activity is not possible unfortunately


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    in reply to: Membership Checkout Terms #4761

    Please change the contents of this file wp-content/themes/sweetdate/paid-memberships-pro/pages/checkout.php with this one:

    This will be included in next theme version to you can replace main theme file without problem.

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    in reply to: Accordion close or half open #4760

    I modified the shortcode to support the opened attribute. It can take as value the item number you want to be opened by default, or “none” value to have al closed.

    [kleo_accordion opened="none"] [kleo_accordion_item title="Title"] Accordion Item Content [/kleo_accordion_item] [kleo_accordion_item title="Title2 "] Accordion Item Content 2 [/kleo_accordion_item] [kleo_accordion_item title="Title 3"] Accordion Item Content 3 [/kleo_accordion_item] [/kleo_accordion]
    [kleo_accordion opened="2"] [kleo_accordion_item title="Title"] Accordion Item Content [/kleo_accordion_item] [kleo_accordion_item title="Title2 "] Accordion Item Content 2 [/kleo_accordion_item] [kleo_accordion_item title="Title 3"] Accordion Item Content 3 [/kleo_accordion_item] [/kleo_accordion]

    Until next theme version update this files content:
    wp-content/themes/sweetdate/assets/scripts/app.js with this:

    wp-content/themes/sweetdate/framework/shortcodes/shortcodes.php with this:

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    in reply to: How can I add a link to the horizontal search? #4752

    You can add a text before the form in Sweetdate – Buddypress

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    in reply to: RTMedia thumbnail on video? #4751

    It is probably related to rtMedia plugin. You can add css that applies to small devices like this:

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    in reply to: Tab name from user field data #4672

    Great. Just reorder the defined arrays inside the kleo_my_tabs function

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    in reply to: about IE6 warning box #4671

    @JohnDoe, that won’t work since only php templates work this way(copying them to the child folder)


    Editing the main theme file should do the trick. Maybe is just the cache the problem you don’t see the translated strings. Clear browser cache

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    in reply to: RTMedia thumbnail on video? #4670

    I think you added some custom css that might affect this..
    Try adding this in Quick css box:

    .rtmedia-activity-container .rtmedia-list .rtmedia-item-thumbnail .mejs-poster img {
        display: block;
        margin-left: 0;
        margin-top: 0;
        max-height: inherit;
        max-width: inherit;
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    in reply to: Bugs – rtMedia #4667

    That is default behaviour for rtMedia. I have tested it with the default BP theme.

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    in reply to: Default profile #4666

    Hi, Right now it is not possible but we will think of a solution

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    in reply to: Slider Issues #4637

    Give me a link to your site please.

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    in reply to: Hide hover sticky top menu on home page #4636

    There was a conflict with Revslider but we fixed it in v2.2. We did some changes to header.php if you changed the default header.php

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    in reply to: View profile #4618

    Instead of your add_action(); add this add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘ray_remove_public_nav’ );

    And add this code to plugins/bp-custom.php

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    in reply to: tutorial smtp setup registering email #4613

    We did a test right now and we received the email. Check your spam folder please..

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    in reply to: back to search results #4610

    Also not a simple solution for your request. You have to extend the theme to achieve that.

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    in reply to: restrict forum directory #4607

    Restrict different forums by users level :

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    in reply to: Default profile #4606

    Hi, Those are not possible by default. You need to alter the code in different places.


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    in reply to: Sign Up Homepage Login #4605

    Hi, That should work. That is a middle step to the final registration page. Take a look at our demo to see the normal behaviour:

    Easily translate those plugins using Codestyling Localization plugin. It will do all the dirty work. After you translate the strings you have a button to generate the .mo file

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    in reply to: Create An account. #4603

    What do you mean by that?:)

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    in reply to: Translation Problems #4602

    Even the update is done automatically, it starts only when you click to update

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    in reply to: Check if user is online #4601

    You copy the file to sweetdate-child/members/members-loop.php and edit it there.
    You must have the child theme activated. To see if the changes take effect add some text somethere and see if it appears. If the text appears then you are not doing the edit right

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    in reply to: Tab name from user field data #4599

    Hi @adam,
    That is interesting and I have created the code you have to enter in your sweetdate-child/functions.php

    add_action('bp_after_member_header','kleo_my_custom_tab', 0);
    function kleo_my_custom_tab()
    	global $bp_tabs;
    	$bp_tabs[] = array(
    	'type' => 'regular',
    	'name' => bp_get_member_profile_data( 'field=Test' ),
    	'group' => bp_get_member_profile_data( 'field=Test' ),
    	'class' => 'pagetab'
    /* Add more  */
    add_action('after_setup_theme','kleo_my_tabs', 1);
    function kleo_my_tabs() {
    	global $bp_tabs;
    	//remove default tabs
    	$bp_tabs = array();
    	//add here other tabs as the array examples

    You must remember that you need to replace my “Test” field with your own. And also the value that is inside that field must be a name of a Group of fields.

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    in reply to: Layout Broken – Top Members #4597

    Hi, You can add this css to sweetdate-child/style.css or in WP admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:

    .section-members .two.columns:nth-child(6n+1) {
        clear: left;
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    in reply to: View profile #4596

    This code added to wp-content/bp-custom.php ges the job done

    function my_change_profile_default_subnav() {
        global $bp;
        bp_core_new_nav_default(array( 'parent_slug' => $bp->profile->slug, 'screen_function' => 'bp_profile_screen_edit', 'subnav_slug' => 'edit'));
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_change_profile_default_subnav' );

    but you won’t be able to see other users’s profile tab

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    in reply to: Translation in Breadcrumbs #4595

    – You need to translate Buddypress into your language.
    – You need to translate the Page names that are mapped to Buddypress.
    – You need to define the name for the Buddypress components. I gave an example here:

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    in reply to: Just another slider issue #4593

    Hi all,
    Replacing theme original files is not advised. to add your custom css you can enable the child theme and add your style to sweetdate-child/style.css

    Also you cannot copy the style to child theme in assests/styles/app.css
    Only template PHP files work this way.
    custom CSS needs to be added to sweetdate-child/style.css

    You code:
    .section { padding: 10px; }

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    in reply to: Slider Issues #4590

    Hi @gavinthompson
    Sorry for the late reply
    You request is not skipped and as @JohnDoe said we respond to all requests without exception depending on the topic

    For you issue you can add this CSS code to Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css and adjust the height as you need:

    .page-template-page-templatesfront-page-php .rev_slider_wrapper {
        min-height: 580px;

    You also have a setting in your added Revolution slide to set the slider height

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    in reply to: Activity tab #4589

    I think I already said that all texts can be changed using this technique:

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    in reply to: RTMedia thumbnail on video? #4588

    Hi , We haven;t managed to reproduce your “glitch”.. Isn’t a way to give us a link to your site?

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    in reply to: edit profile #4587

    Hi @adam
    The same should apply for the registration form.

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    in reply to: Manual number of members change #4586

    I did some changes to a theme file to allow this, so please change the contents of sweetdate/custom_buddypress/bp-functions.php with

    then this is the code you need to add to sweetdate-child/functions.php and customize:

    //manual number online members
    add_filter( 'kleo_online_users_count', 'kleo_my_online_users', 10, 2);
    function kleo_my_online_users($number, $value) {
    	switch ($value) {
    		case FALSE:
    			return '1 MILION';
    		case "Woman":
    			return $number+50000;
    		case "Man":
    			return $number+1000;
    			return $number;
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    in reply to: Membership Digital Download Site #4583

    You can create you memberships level according to your needs and you could create a post for each product you are selling. In the post edit page you can choose which level to restrict. This way you can let users from a specific membership to download only some products you specify.

    You have also some shortcodes available to show content only to some membership levels.

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    in reply to: RTMedia thumbnail on video? #4542

    A temp user or a print-screen, something to see it

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    in reply to: RTMedia thumbnail on video? #4539

    Can you provide a link so we can understand the issue?

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