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  • in reply to: Profile page – make profile fields un-clickable #3085

    The Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type plugin author sent me a fix that works. I had to include this in my wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php file instead (in case anyone is using the same plugin and having this issue):

    function remove_xprofile_links() {
    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_value’, ‘xprofile_filter_link_profile_data’, 9, 2 );
    add_action(‘bp_setup_globals’, ‘remove_xprofile_links’);

    in reply to: Profile page – make profile fields un-clickable #3074

    I realize now it’s a conflict with my plugin: Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type. It works when I deactivate it. Any chance you know a work-around? If not, I’ll try contacting the plug-in author. Thanks!

    in reply to: Profile page – make profile fields un-clickable #3070

    I tried making this change as well and it’s not working for me. It doesn’t seem like any changes I make to wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php work. Do you know why this might be? Here is what my file looks like:


    if ( !defined( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH’ ) )
    define( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH’, 120 ); //change this with your desired thumb width

    if ( !defined( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’ ) )
    define( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’, 120 ); //change this with your desired thumb height

    if ( !defined( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH’ ) )
    define( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH’, 580 ); //change this with your desired full size,weel I changed it to 260 :)

    if ( !defined( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT’ ) )
    define( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT’, 580 ); //change this to default height for full avatar

    function remove_xprofile_links() {
    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_value’, ‘xprofile_filter_link_profile_data’, 9, 2 );
    add_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘remove_xprofile_links’ );



    in reply to: Where are the Theme installation instructions? #2839

    Once you get this setup, I would remove your comment from the Themeforest Sweetdate site. Otherwise, some folks might not purchase the theme when the issue is that you just didn’t set it up correctly 🙂

    in reply to: Remove Full Name from profile? #2838

    Instead of deleting it from users/profile fields, why not just edit it and change “First Name” to “Nickname/User Name”? You can then add a new name field and keep it private if you like.

    Woocommerce is if you want to have a store on your site in order to sell stuff. Memberships pro is if you want to charge for memberships. You can have both, either, or none installed.

    in reply to: Memberships Pro plugin – where is it? #2837

    Go to Appearance->Themes->Install Plugins. Install the membership plugin. You’ll see the membership settings in the new Memberships tab on the left side of your WP Admin panel.

    Alternatively, you can download it here: and upload it through your WP Admin panel.

    in reply to: Where are the Theme installation instructions? #2836

    It’s all there. When you download the files from Themeforest make sure you download all files with documentation. Then unzip, open the Documentation folder and open index.html, there you will find the installation instructions. It was also show you how to import all of the stuff on the demo and setup the correct plugins etc.

    in reply to: Newsletter Sidebar #2776

    In the WP Admin panel go to Appearance>Widgets then click and drag [Kleo] Mailchimp Newsletter to where you want it to go in the footer (inside one of the footer boxes on the right hand side of the page).

    in reply to: Why is installed sweetdate-child? #2518

    just to be clear – sweetdate-child is the main theme to be activated (and can be customized by you without losing any changes when sweetdate is upgraded).

    in reply to: Why is installed sweetdate-child? #2517

    sweetdate-child is only to modify and should be the activated one. sweetdate is the one that you upgrade when there is a new release.

    in reply to: Why is installed sweetdate-child? #2515

    sweet-date child theme needs to be activated with the sweetdate theme installed. this way, you can make any customizations to the child theme that you want and they won’t get lost when you upgrade to the newest release of the sweetdate theme.


    I am also hoping that geolocation gets added to the next update (e.g. the ability to search by distance from members using a zip code). In the meantime, I came across this plugin: which I am considering using.

    in reply to: Website in general very slow #2513

    do you mind if i ask which plugin it was? my site runs a bit slow as well. thanks.

    in reply to: Free membership level (display $) #2359

    that was removed the Strong tags in case anyone else would like to do this 🙂

    in reply to: Free membership level (display $) #2358

    that worked perfectly, thanks! i just changed ‘0’ to ‘0.00’ and removed the tags to have it match the other levels.

    in reply to: Free membership level (display $) #2241

    I’m referring to the Membership Levels page. It should display as $0.00 but is displaying just as 0

    in reply to: Sweetdate WP Feature Requests #2231

    Ishanna – make sure you update to 2.0 then install the new membership plugin (Appearance->Themes->Install Plugins). You’ll see the membership settings in the new Memberships tab on the left side of your WP Admin panel.

    in reply to: Sweetdate WP Feature Requests #2226

    Thanks so much for the membership update. I was wondering when you might be offering support for a homepage slider (e.g. Revolution Slider) as well as a chat feature?

    in reply to: Sweetdate WP Feature Requests #1096

    Ah great, thank you.

    in reply to: Membsership plans suggestions #1086

    AKG86 – Fantastic idea. A coupon code like that would be great.


    in reply to: Sweetdate WP Feature Requests #1067

    Hello –
    1) I agree with Nicholaus above and say that the ability to search members by zip code would be amazing (so you can find members closest to you). It would be great to be able to see how many miles away from you they are.
    2) I like the idea of being able to see the members who’ve recently viewed your profile.
    3) On the members page, members should have their usernames displayed instead of their real names
    4) Also on the members page, the results show a lot of unused space. Inside the blocks I would like to see more information such as city and state, distance to you (see request #1) above, and the ability to include information from other created fields
    5) I would like to force members to upload a photo upon registration. Either in the initial registration step or after they verify their email address on the page that says “Your Account is Now Active”.


    in reply to: Membsership plans suggestions #1058

    Hi – I would like to suggest two different plan options:

    1) Offering 30day, 60day, 90day, annual membership plans that all have the same features for members, but different prices. Ideally, the site would be free to create a profile and view other profiles, but would require a paid membership to send and receive messages, use the chat feature (once this is implemented), and have access to the forum and groups.

    2) Offering like the person above suggested. 3 different plans based on number of private messages you may send.

    Personally, I would use the 1st option myself, but it seems like a lot of other users like the 2nd option so hopefully we could have both.

    Thanks again – great theme.


    in reply to: Car-sharing style? #940

    Sorry – this doesn’t work for me. I go to Sweetdate->Import/Export, click, Import from Text, paste the code above, click Import, and click Save Changes. But, nothing changes.

    in reply to: Car-sharing style? #937

    Ok – I see I can change the settings to make it like the car-sharing style. But, how do I set a background image that covers the full header like the car-sharing theme?

    I also see how to update the footer so please disregard that questions. Thanks.


    George – can you tell me exactly where these settings are? I have this problem also. Thanks for your help!

    Edit: Nevermind found it! General->Settings->Anyone can register

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