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We’ll check again then. Can you provide a link?
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
Change to register form in WP ADmin – Sweetdate – HomepageHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHave you enabled registration from Settings – General?
Please use the latest theme version 2.2 where this is fixed and you no longer have to make the code changeHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterI said before the return line 🙂
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymaster“uploaded a new picture” is probably related to bpAlbum
See this topic for translating bp-Album: don’t know what there are: ‘friendship_created’, ‘new_avatar’, ‘new_member’
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
That is fine and is more a notice than an error and just ignore it because it is nomarl since the theme has template files from other plugins. You just need to translate the strings that are under the “kleo_framework” domainHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasteri don’t know where is that. probably from a plugin you are using…
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionOctober 30, 2013 at 22:35 in reply to: How to list only members online clicking on whos online? on side bar #5452SQadminKeymasterThere was a character missing. Try again please:
You second question. Put a normal html link in a text widget
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterWe found the problem and fixed it. It was related to a strange thing … the www. in the link
somehow it was not taking the right link from php.
Now we added an extra test in the code so it should work fine.Ps. Nice thing iceCoder, good for mobile editing
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterOk, We are making some tests on it. I don’t think is because of the v2 subfolder. We will let you know the problem
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThy adding this before the return line:
str_replace(“.”,””,$number);Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionOctober 30, 2013 at 20:15 in reply to: How to list only members online clicking on whos online? on side bar #5437SQadminKeymasterHi, create a new file named like “tpl-onlinemembers.php” in your sweetdate-child folder and then add this code to it: you can create a page and set it to use this Buddypress Online members template
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterPlease set WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php file located in the root of your wordpress install and give us the error it shows… or a link to your site
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterWe added the exact same code and it should work. Please provide a link to your site
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterI made a change to a PMPRO file so you need to remove the plugin folder from wp-content/plugins to have admin access
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterCan you please disable pmpro? I can’t do proper tests from the online wordpress file editor, so can you provide FTP acess
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterIn your homepage edit the default kleo_status_icon shortcode and adapt it like this with your values:
COPY CODE[kleo_status_icon type="Translated Man" image="" subtitle="Man online"]
Also you need to set the Sex field from Sweetdate -> Buddypress. This is used for the member count
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
What version of IE.
We tested and works: there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, Instead of doing it from the settings you can add this code to Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css and change the path to your image:
COPY CODE.home .header-bg { background: url("/wp-content/themes/sweetdate/assets/images/patterns/blue_pattern.gif") repeat scroll 0 0 #0076A3; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
Sorry we missed this topic
Hope you understand that happens sometimes.
Can you give us temporary admin access?
mark the reply as privateYou probably configured something wrong or a plugin you are using
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThat function displays exactly the original text. Replace with your own text. Something like
COPY CODEecho '<div class="row"><div class="six columns">Bla bla</div><div class="six columns right">Bla bla</div></div>';
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterOk, to be more specific I modified the above function so you understand what I meant
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, Are you using latest theme version?
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
Set your homepage under Settings – ReadingHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThe following codes goes to sweetdate-child/functions.php
This manipulates the text that shows in the memberhips page:
COPY CODE/* These restrictions will appear to be configured in Sweetdate - Memberships */ add_filter('kleo_pmpro_level_restrictions', 'kleo_my_levels_checkmarks'); function kleo_my_levels_checkmarks($settings) { $settings = array ( //NEW RESTRICTION MESSAGES page with name: message array( 'title' => __('Restrict Messages page','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Access messages page','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'message' ), //NEW RESTRICTION SHOP page with name: shop array( 'title' => __('Restrict Shop page','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Access Shop page','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'shop' ), array( 'title' => __('Restrict members directory','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('View members directory','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'members_dir' ), array( 'title' => __('Restrict viewing other profiles','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('View members profile','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'view_profiles' ), array( 'title' => __('Restrict access to groups directory','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Access group directory','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'groups_dir' ), array( 'title' => __('Restrict access to single group page','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Access to groups','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'view_groups' ), array( 'title' => __('Restrict users from viewing site activity','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('View site activity','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'show_activity' ), array( 'title' => __('Restrict users from sending private messages','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Send Private messages','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'pm' ), array( 'title' => __('Restrict users from adding media to their profile using rtMedia or bpAlbum','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Add media to your profile','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'add_media' ) ); return $settings; }
This makes the messages page restriction to happen:
COPY CODE// restrict profile area - Messages page add_action('kleo_pmro_extra_restriction_before_my_profile','kleo_my_custom_restrict1'); function kleo_my_custom_restrict1() { //full current url $actual_link = kleo_full_url(); //our request uri $uri = str_replace(untrailingslashit(home_url()),"",$actual_link); //restrict messaging page url if(preg_match("/^\/".bp_get_members_root_slug()."\/". bp_get_loggedin_user_username()."\/messages\/?/", $uri)) { $my_restrictions = array('message' => array( //2 - restrict certain levels. 0 -restrict none; 1 - restrict all 'type' => 2, //levels that you apply the restrictions to 'levels' => array(2,3), //'not_member' => 1, //restrict users without a membership level //'guest' => 1 // restrict not logged in users ) ); //We use the name "message" from the new restriction added above kleo_check_access('message',$my_restrictions); } } //Restrict Shop page add_filter('kleo_pmpro_match_rules', 'kleo_my_custom_restrict2'); function kleo_my_custom_restrict2($restrictions) { //regular expression for shop page $restrictions["/^\/shop\/?$/"] = array('name' => 'shop'); return $restrictions; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThere is no integration like that.
I saw this plugin for events: there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterin functions.php there is this function: kleo_show_breadcrumb()
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterYou should have header-2.php and the function get_header(‘2’);
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi guys,
Hope this helps also: there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterSee here my answer: there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterAlso this code checks for a specific profile value and add only those users to the membership level:
COPY CODE/** * When registering, add the member to a specific membership level * based on the field value he has selected * * @global object $wpdb * @global object $bp * @param integer $user_id */ function kleo_pmpro_default_level($user_id) { global $wpdb, $bp; //Change this with your field name $field_name= "I am a"; //Change the field value $value_to_match = "Woman"; //Membership level id $membership_level = 1; //Done editing $field_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} WHERE name = %s", $field_name ) ); if ($_POST['field_'.$field_id] == $value_to_match) { pmpro_changeMembershipLevel($membership_level, $user_id); } } function kleo_mu_pmpro_default_level($user_id, $password, $meta) { global $bp, $wpdb; //Change this with your field name $field_name= "I am a"; //Change the field value $value_to_match = "Woman"; //Membership level id $membership_level = 1; //Done editing $field_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} WHERE name = %s", $field_name ) ); $field_value = $meta['field_'.$field_id]; if ( $field_value == $value_to_match ) { pmpro_changeMembershipLevel($membership_level, $user_id); } } if (is_multisite()) { add_action( 'wpmu_activate_user', 'kleo_mu_pmpro_default_level', 10, 3); } else { add_action('user_register', 'kleo_pmpro_default_level'); }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterAnyone care to send a translation? 🙂
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
I see what you mean by isn’t available by default.
Hehe 🙂 If there are small things of functionalities that we consider it will help other people we try and give solutions.
You can send us a list with what you want to accomplish and give you a quote.
themesupport@seventhqueen.comHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
Please wait for next theme update in about 1-2 weeks and will include this by default.Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, Add this css in WP admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:
COPY CODE.kleo-friends-req { background: #000000; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThat is really strange 🙂
Give me a temporary admin user to the site pleaseHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThere is a difference in the pictures you sent and what you first said and how we tested. You said RESTRICT CERTAIN LEVELS (Not logged in, Not members)
We will conduct another test with your setting
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, We did some changes to the code to support excluding users. Add this code to sweetdate-child/functions.php until next theme version:
COPY CODE/** * Get next profile link * @param int $current_id Displayer user ID * @return string User link */ function bp_next_profile($current_id) { global $wpdb; $extra = ''; $obj = new stdClass(); do_action_ref_array( 'bp_pre_user_query_construct', array( &$obj ) ); if ($obj->query_vars && $obj->query_vars['exclude'] && is_array($obj->query_vars['exclude']) && !empty($obj->query_vars['exclude']) ) { $extra = " AND us.ID NOT IN (" .implode(",",$obj->query_vars['exclude']).")"; } $sql = "SELECT MIN(us.ID) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users us" . " JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."bp_xprofile_data bp ON us.ID = bp.user_id" ." JOIN ". $wpdb->base_prefix . "usermeta um ON um.user_id = us.ID" . " WHERE um.meta_key = 'last_activity' AND us.ID > $current_id" .$extra; if ($wpdb->get_var($sql) && $wpdb->get_var($sql) !== $current_id ) return bp_core_get_user_domain( $wpdb->get_var($sql) ); else return '#'; } /** * Get previous profile link * @param int $current_id Displayer user ID * @return string User link */ function bp_prev_profile($current_id) { global $wpdb; $extra = ''; $obj = new stdClass(); do_action_ref_array( 'bp_pre_user_query_construct', array( &$obj ) ); if ($obj->query_vars && $obj->query_vars['exclude'] && is_array($obj->query_vars['exclude']) && !empty($obj->query_vars['exclude']) ) { $extra = " AND us.ID NOT IN (" .implode(",",$obj->query_vars['exclude']).")"; } $sql = "SELECT MAX(us.ID) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users us" . " JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."bp_xprofile_data bp ON us.ID = bp.user_id" ." JOIN ". $wpdb->base_prefix . "usermeta um ON um.user_id = us.ID" ." WHERE um.meta_key = 'last_activity' AND us.ID < $current_id" . $extra; if ($wpdb->get_var($sql) && $wpdb->get_var($sql) !== $current_id) return bp_core_get_user_domain( $wpdb->get_var($sql) ); else return '#'; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterWe just tested and restrictions always apply.
We created some test levels. Then in Sweetdate – Memberships – Restrict members directory – Certain levels – Checked: Not logged in, Not membersHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterGreat. Glad we could help!
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution -