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you can remove our customization with this added to sweetdate-child/functions.phpCOPY CODEadd_action('after_setup_theme', 'my_customizations'); function my_customizations() { remove_action('login_head', 'custom_login_css'); }
Then you can define you own custom code based on ours:
COPY CODEfunction my_custom_login_css() { global $kleo_sweetdate; echo '<style>'; echo $kleo_sweetdate->get_bg_css('header_background', 'body.login'); echo "\n"; echo '.login h1 a { background-image: url("'.sq_option('logo',get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/images/logo.png').'"); background-size: 250px;width: 326px; min-height: 80px;}'; echo '#login {padding: 20px 0 0;}'; echo '.login #nav a, .login #backtoblog a {color:'.sq_option('header_primary_color').'!important;text-shadow:none;}'; echo '</style>'; } add_action('login_head', 'my_custom_login_css');
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterI see what you mean. Add this css to sweetdate-child/style.css or in WP admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:
COPY CODE.row { width: 100%; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
That is because breadcrumbs are displayed based on the Buddypress components which aren’t translated.You can display a minimal breadcrumb that will take your translated page names by modifying this file sweetdate/framework/functions/bredcrumb.php and replace lines 115-122 with this:
COPY CODE/* if Buddypress exists */ //if (class_exists('BP_Core_user') && !bp_is_blog_page() ) { // $trail = array_merge( $trail, breadcrumb_trail_get_buddypress_items() ); //} /* If bbPress is installed and we're on a bbPress page. */ if ( function_exists( 'is_bbpress' ) && is_bbpress() ) { $trail = array_merge( $trail, breadcrumb_trail_get_bbpress_items() ); }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi lobas, you can accomplish this in a few simple steps:
1). Replace all your code in header.php with this – make a backup first of your original file.
Basically I haven’t deleted anything, I just added some new classes and commented logo, menu and register buttons.2). Add the following lines in assets/app.css:
COPY CODE.always-sticky body { padding-top: 53px; } .always-sticky #header { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-top: 100px; } .always-sticky .sticky.fixed { background: rgb(0, 0, 0); height: 53px; padding-top: 6px; } .always-sticky .sticky.fixed .kleo-notifications { top: -4px; } .always-sticky .sticky.fixed .kleo-notifications a { padding: 0 2px 2px; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; font-weight: normal; display: block; }
To not affect other users I just used class “always-sticky” in html tag and prefixed custom styles with this class.
3). Add this code in sweetdate-child theme = > functions.php
Using child theme your code remains intact after feature update.Regards,
RobertHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
THe css could be this:COPY CODE.form-search .notch { border: none;}
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, right now these buttons are not linked to the system. You can change color by editing defauls.css(around lines 1661, 1668, 1673) in ../custom_buddypress/_inc/css folder or simply add directly in admin => sweetdate/styling options/quick css box:
COPY CODE/* For button color */ div.generic-button a { background-color: #fff; } /* For hover button color */ div.generic-button a:hover, div.generic-button a:focus { background-color: #e6e6e6; } /* For current button color */ div.generic-button a.friendship-button { background-color: #e6e6e6; }
To apply these changes you need to set transparency to “1” from admin => sweetdate/buddypress/profile header background/items transparency.
RobertHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, if you reffer to SweetDate at mobile version you cand add class to view only on mobile like this:
COPY CODE<a href="#" class="show-for-small">Link name</a>
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
UTF-8 is the default page encoding. It is already added in the head of the page with this line:COPY CODE<meta charset="UTF-8" />
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterYou haven’t added it right.. you need basic php knowledge:
<?php if (kleo_is_user_online(bp_displayed_user_id())) { echo '<button type="button" onclick="javascript:jqcc.cometchat.chatWith('. bp_displayed_user_id().');">Instant Message</button>'; } else { echo "Offline"; } ?>
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterYou can add this code to show the age in the profile:
COPY CODE/* Birthday to age in profile page */ bp_get_the_profile_field_value(); add_filter('bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'kleo_age_field',10,3); function kleo_age_field($value, $type, $id) { $age_field = sq_option('bp_age_field'); if ($age_field == $id) { $value = xprofile_get_field_data($id); $diff = time() - strtotime($value); $age = floor($diff / (365*60*60*24)); $value = sprintf( _n( '%s year', '%s years', $age, 'buddypress' ), $age ); } return $value; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
For #1 see this topic: This is the right code to add if you want to remove the sidebar:
COPY CODEadd_action('wp_head', 'kleo_disable_group_sidebar', 11); function kleo_disable_group_sidebar() { if(BP_GROUPS_SLUG == bp_current_component()) { remove_action('kleo_buddypress_before_content', 'kleo_buddypress_sidebar'); remove_action('kleo_buddypress_after_content', 'kleo_buddypress_sidebar'); add_filter('kleo_content_class', create_function(null, 'return "twelve";')); } }
Also you have to replace the contents of this file: wp-content/themes/sweetdate/page-parts/buddypress-before-wrap.php with
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterI don’t know what you added.. this is the sample code that needs to be modified accordingly to your needs:
COPY CODEadd_action('after_setup_theme',' kleo_my_member_data'); function kleo_my_member_data() { global $kleo_config; //this is the details field, right now it take the “About me” field content $kleo_config['bp_members_details_field'] = 'About me'; //this display the fields under the name, eq: 36 / Woman / Divorced / Berlin. Modify with the names of the fields you want to appear there $kleo_config['bp_members_loop_meta'] = array( 'I am', 'Type', 'City' ); }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
Please add this to sweetdate-child/functions.phpCOPY CODE/* category pages without sidebar */ add_action('after_setup_theme','kleo_cat_sidebar'); function kleo_cat_sidebar() { add_filter('kleo_content_class','kleo_change_cat_sidebar'); remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar'); } function kleo_change_cat_sidebar() { return 'twelve'; }
2. Add this css to WP admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css box:
COPY CODE#call-to-actions { text-align: left; }
Then I saw you centred the whole text from the editor. Align it to the left from the page editor
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi Nicolaus, I solved this, it will be available in next update. Until then you can use in sweetadmin/styling options/quick css box a temporary rule:
COPY CODE#whats-new-form .rtmedia-container { clear: both; }
RobertHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, You could add this css to sweetdate-child/style.css or in WP admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:
COPY .author { height: 22px; margin-bottom: 0; } .search-item p { margin-bottom: 0; padding: 5px 8px 0; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
I think there is one but here is the code you have to add to sweetdate-child/functions.phpCOPY CODE/* remove profile field links */ function remove_xprofile_links() { remove_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 9, 2 ); } add_action( 'bp_init', 'remove_xprofile_links' );
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
To remove the Friendships heart add this to Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:COPY CODE#friends-my-friends:before {content: "";}
to replace it with a star for example, do it like this:
COPY CODE#friends-my-friends:before {content: "";}
for the groups:
#invites:before {content: “”;}
You can choose another icon from here:
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, This is related to your PHP configuration, not allowing to use php short tags.
This will be fixed in the next version 2.3,.
Until then open header.php from the sweetdate theme via FTP to your server and search for:COPY CODE"<? "
and replace it with
COPY CODE"<?php "
PS: Do not include the quotes in the search/replace. Last character is a space
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, Probably this is default functionality. Try searching buddypress forums. Try adding this to sweetdate-child/functions.php
COPY CODEremove_filter( 'xprofile_get_field_data', 'wp_filter_kses', 1 );
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterIt is just like the other nav items: CODEfunction my_remove_friends_nav() { global $bp; if (!bp_is_my_profile()) { bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'friends' ); } } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_remove_friends_nav' );
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterBest is to change the login button not to open the modal, and send you to wp-login.php
Search for the PROFILE button in header.php and replace this:
COPY CODEhref="#" data-reveal-id="login_panel"
COPY CODEhref="/wp-login.php"
Otherwise you have to change the modal to include that captcha functionality.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, you can only to this by css right now. After you have added a normal list in your editor, switch to the Text tab and find your list and give it a class name as you like, something like:
COPY CODE<ul class="my-list"> ... </ul>
After that you can style in by adding css to sweetdate-child/style.css or in WP admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css
More on styling lists: there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterAdd this function to sweetdate-child/functions.php
COPY CODEfunction kleo_membership_info_guest() { global $membership_levels,$current_user; if (! $membership_levels) { return; } if (!bp_is_my_profile()) { $membership = pmpro_getMembershipLevelForUser(bp_displayed_user_id()); if ($membership) { echo '<span class="label radius pmpro_label">'.$membership->name.'</span>'; } else { echo '<span class="label radius pmpro_label">'.__("No membership",'kleo_framework').'</span>'; } } } add_action('kleo_bp_after_profile_name', 'kleo_membership_info_guest');
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi again, I have a temporary fix for you until the next update, put these lines in sweetadmin/styling options/quick css box:
COPY CODE.form-search.custom .columns { height: 32px; display: table; } .form-search.custom label { line-height: 16px; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .form-search.custom { height: inherit; display: inherit; }
RobertHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionNovember 9, 2013 at 22:03 in reply to: closing the gap between revolution slider and first line of copy on the home pag #6350SQadminKeymasterI see what you mean. You need to add this css to modify the minimum height of the slider
COPY .rev_slider_wrapper { min-height: 220px; }
Add this css to sweetdate-child/style.css or in WP admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
Try adding this to your sweetdate-child/functions.phpCOPY CODEfunction autoblank($text) { $return = str_replace('<a', '<a target="_blank"', $text); return $return; } add_filter('the_content', 'autoblank');
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterUnfortunately WordPress doesn’t allow to query normal post formats. You can query each of the other formats. You can also create a category for the normal ones and get only posts from that category with the attribute cat=”cat_id”
You can’t do it from the shortcode but you can add a css to customize that:
COPY CODE.widgets-container h2 { font-size:16px}
Change the size of the font to match your needs
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThanks for the rating. We appreciate it.
You can change the shortcode to include the name and to center it:COPY CODEfunction kleo_my_avatar() { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $output = ''; $output .= '<div class="friend-item" style="text-align:center;"><div class="avatar">'; $output .= get_avatar( $current_user->ID, 94 ); $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<span class="member-name">'.$current_user->display_name .'</span></div>'; return $output; } add_shortcode('kleo_my_avatar', 'kleo_my_avatar');
Please adapt your code in you need extra things added
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterThis hides the album, added to sweetdate-child/functions.php.
You have the code above in a reply:COPY CODEfunction my_remove_album_nav() { if (!bp_is_my_profile()) { remove_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bp_album_setup_nav' ); } } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_remove_album_nav', 9 );
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterYou can hide it with a css
COPY CODE#subnav ul li#activity-filter-select {display:none;}
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
1. add this css:
COPY CODE.row.membership .two.columns:nth-child(4n+1) { clear: left; } .row.membership .two.columns { width: 25%; } .row.membership .two.columns:last-child { float: left; }
3. The borders aren’t blue, but to edit them add this css to Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css
COPY CODE.pricing-table { border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi, try this:
1. Replace in header.php “Login buttons” section, around line 127, with the following code:
COPY CODE<!--Login buttons--> <div class="eight columns login-buttons"> <ul class="button-group radius right"> <?php if (is_user_logged_in()): ?> <?php /* Only show if Buddypress is installed */ ?> <?php if (function_exists('bp_is_active')): ?> <li class="relative btn-profile"> <div href="#" class="secondary button dropdown" data-options="is_hover:true"> <a href="<?php bp_loggedin_user_link(); ?>" class="tiny secondary button radius"><i class="icon-user hide-for-medium-down"></i> <?php _e("PROFILE", 'kleo_framework'); ?></a><div class="kleo-notifications"><?php if( bp_is_active('messages') && messages_get_unread_count() > 0 ) { ?><a href="<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain().'messages/'; ?>" data-width="210" title="<?php _e("New messages", 'kleo_framework');?>" class="kleo-message-count has-tip tip-left"><?php echo messages_get_unread_count(); ?></a><?php } ?><?php if (bp_is_active('friends') && bp_friend_get_total_requests_count() > 0): ?> <a href="<? echo bp_loggedin_user_domain().'friends/requests'; ?>" data-width="210" title="<?php _e("Friend requests", 'kleo_framework');?>" class="kleo-friends-req has-tip tip-right"><?php echo bp_friend_get_total_requests_count(); ?></a><?php endif; ?> </div> <ul> <li id="nav-menu-item-862"><a href="" rel="nofollow">About us</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-855"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Reasons to join</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-857"><a href="" rel="nofollow">404 Page</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-860"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Full Width Template</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-858"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Left Sidebar Template</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-859"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Right Sidebar Template</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-830"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Search Page</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-866"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Shortcodes</a></li> </ul> </div> </li> <?php endif; ?> <li><a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(get_bloginfo('url')); ?> " class="tiny button radius"><i class="icon-off hide-for-medium-down"></i> <?php _e("LOG OUT", 'kleo_framework'); ?></a></li> <?php else: ?> <li><a href="#" data-reveal-id="login_panel" class="tiny secondary button radius"><i class="icon-user hide-for-medium-down"></i> <?php _e("LOG IN", 'kleo_framework'); ?></a></li> <?php if(get_option('users_can_register')) { ?> <li><a href="#" data-reveal-id="register_panel" class="tiny button radius"><i class="icon-group hide-for-medium-down"></i> <?php _e("SIGN UP", 'kleo_framework'); ?></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php endif; ?> </ul> </div> <!--end login buttons-->
2. Add in app.css the following lines:
COPY CODE/* Profile dropdown button */ .btn-profile {} .btn-profile .dropdown { padding: 0 24px 0 0; border: none; } .btn-profile .dropdown:hover { border: none; } .btn-profile .dropdown .secondary.button { border: none; } .btn-profile .button.dropdown:after { border-width: 4px; right: 10px; border-color: black transparent transparent transparent; } .btn-profile .button.dropdown > ul { border-color: #e3f4f9; } .btn-profile .button.dropdown > ul li:hover a, .btn-profile .button.dropdown > ul li:focus a { background-color: #e3f4f9; color: #000 !important; } .btn-profile .button.dropdown > ul li .label { font-size: 10px; border-radius: 2px; }
RobertHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterYou can add this css code to WordPress Admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css
COPY CODE.profile-thumbs a, #profile-thumbs a {cursor: auto;}
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterTo work best also for responsive, add this css instead into Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:
COPY CODE.just-after-header .five.columns { float:right;}
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterTo put the cursor in the username fields you have to add this javascript code to registration/register.php somewhere at the end of the file before the get_footer( ‘buddypress’ ); line
COPY CODE<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready( function() { jQuery("#signup_username").focus(); }); </script>
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
This code worksCOPY CODEfunction my_remove_profile_nav() { global $bp; bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'activity' ); } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_remove_profile_nav' );
Also removing the activity, which is the default component that shows when you are viewing a profile you will have a 404 page. See this to change the default component: there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterIf you want to add another one you can do it in the same function above like:
COPY CODEadd_filter('kleo_pmpro_level_restrictions', 'kleo_extra_pmpro_restrictions'); function kleo_extra_pmpro_restrictions($restrictions) { $restrictions[] = array( 'title' => __('Chat with users','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Chat with users','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'unique_identifier' ); $restrictions[] = array( 'title' => __('Another restriction','kleo_framework'), 'front' => __('Another front restriction description','kleo_framework'), 'name' => 'unique_identifier2' ); return $restrictions; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterSo you want the select smaller. You said image button
add it like:COPY CODE<select class="three" name="os0">
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterHi,
Try adding this to WP Admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css to make the text white:COPY CODE.form-search.custom input[type="text"], .form-search.custom input[type="password"], .form-search.custom select { color: white; }
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSQadminKeymasterYou will need to edit header.php and do a search for “Profile” to find the button.
You need to have the structure like in the menu, eq:COPY CODE<ul> <li class="has-dropdown" id="nav-menu-item-836"><a class="main-menu-link" href="#">Features</a> <ul class="dropdown"> <li id="nav-menu-item-862"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">About us</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-855"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Reasons to join</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-857"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">404 Page</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-860"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Full Width Template</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-858"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Left Sidebar Template</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-859"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Right Sidebar Template</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-830"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Search Page</a></li> <li id="nav-menu-item-866"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Shortcodes</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul>
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution -