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When I use this code the site dosnt works…
add_filter( ‘bp_get_total_member_count’, ‘kleo_my_total_members’ );
function kleo_my_total_members($number) {
return $number+345000;
str_replace(“.”,””,$number);October 30, 2013 at 21:23 in reply to: How to list only members online clicking on whos online? on side bar #5443willianlima83ParticipantThis reply has been set as private.October 30, 2013 at 21:22 in reply to: How to list only members online clicking on whos online? on side bar #5442willianlima83ParticipantHi
I did what you explain.
I created a new page and set it with Buddypress Online tamplate.Now, wahen I open this new page show me many members who is not online.
(I will send you the link on a private message)Questions:
How can I list only online members on this page?
How can I put the tittle ”who’s online?” linked to this page like the tittle Groups and Members on the side bar (members profile page)???willianlima83ParticipantHi
I used this code to show a fake total members not to show a fixed number but to add +345000 members for the total true number , and the code is:add_filter( ‘bp_get_total_member_count’, ‘kleo_my_total_members’ );
function kleo_my_total_members($number) {
return $number+345000;The problem is: When the true member number is more than 1.000 it shows the number with a dot together like 345001.08.
I have 1.081 true members, then adding 345000 false the correct value must be 346081 members.
Can you help me to take off the dot or put the dot in the correct place?willianlima83ParticipantOk.. thank you.. I think this function is very good if included by default…
The code to add the word ”online” and ”offline” after the name on member directory is working very well…
The other code to add on the members loop by hand, I can’t…
My code on members-loop.php is like that:
(what is wrong?)<?php
* BuddyPress – Members Loop
* Querystring is set via AJAX in _inc/ajax.php – bp_dtheme_object_filter()
* @package BuddyPress
* @subpackage bp-default
<?php if (kleo_is_user_online(bp_get_member_user_id())) { echo “Online”; } else { echo “Offline”; } ?><?php do_action( ‘bp_before_members_loop’ ); ?>
<?php if ( bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( ‘members’ ). ‘&per_page=’.sq_option(‘buddypress_perpage’) ) ) : ?>
<?php do_action( ‘bp_before_directory_members_list’ ); ?>
<div class=”item-list search-list” id=”members-list”>
<?php while ( bp_members() ) : bp_the_member(); ?><div class=”four columns”>
<div class=”search-item”>
<div class=”avatar”>
<?php bp_member_avatar(‘type=full&width=94&height=94&class=’); ?>
<?php do_action(‘bp_members_meta’);?>
<div class=”search-body”>
<?php do_action( ‘bp_directory_members_item’ ); ?>
<div class=”bp-member-dir-buttons”>
<?php do_action(‘bp_directory_members_item_last’);?>
</div><?php endwhile; ?>
</div><?php do_action( ‘bp_after_directory_members_list’ ); ?>
<?php bp_member_hidden_fields(); ?>
<!– Pagination –>
<div class=”row”>
<div class=”twelve columns pagination-centered”>
<div class=”pagination” id=”pag-bottom”>
<div id=”member-dir-pag-bottom” class=”pagination-links”>
<?php bp_members_pagination_links(); ?>
<!–end Pagination–>
<?php else: ?><div id=”message” class=”alert-box”>
<?php _e( “Sorry, no members were found.”, ‘kleo_framework’); ?>
</div><?php endif; ?>
<?php do_action( ‘bp_after_members_loop’ ); ?>
<div class=”avatar”>
willianlima83Participantwow.. it works very well… thank you very much…
PS. This code works well without the Sticky Menu, because the Sticky Menu, if enabled, overrides the budpress menu..willianlima83ParticipantYes.. on my site this code not works too.. I don’t know what is the problem..
willianlima83ParticipantOk, thanks..
Now the site is not blocked with the new code but not appear the ”signal online” on profile..willianlima83ParticipantThanks… but this plugin has not a option to disable notifications for ”new user registrations”..
willianlima83ParticipantSorry my english is very bad lolololol
I mean.. when a new user is creating his account, he receive a e-mail to open a link and activate his account…
My question is: Can I activate his account for him on my wordpress admin panel, without he click on link in his email inbox?willianlima83ParticipantMy theme that is active is:
Tema actual
Sweetdate Child
Por SeventhQueenVersão 2.0I did copy the file to sweetdate-child/members/members-loop.php and edit there..
I cant see the ”online signal” on profile..
I’m did many tests with 2 different browsers with 2 member online.. and with 2 computers online in differents houses… Not works.. 🙁Now I have just a question: My theme was updated automatically some days ago, why the version that appear is 2.0 and not 2.2 (that was my last updated version I think)??????????????????
PS. When the updated was completed the new version was actived, I remember that…willianlima83ParticipantHi
Before a user create his accunt.. can I activate this account inside my wordpress panel?willianlima83ParticipantSorry.. I’m lost still…
I edited the file and copy to sweetdate-child/members/members-loop.phpDoes not work… 🙁
I tryed to put the ”online symbol” on my site but it not works.. What I did wrong?
1 – Need I put the code on sweet-child/Members/single/articles/loop.php
sweetdate/members / members-loop.php???
2 – Need I put the code inside the <?php …code… ?> ???willianlima83ParticipantHi
Today my theme did an update automatically.
After that, many words lost their translation.
On Codestyling Localization I opened the ThemeChild 2.2 > kleo_framework and there are no words translated.. then on home page the buttons Login, Logout, Profile, Singin is not translated… (and others words like Newest, Active and Popular)
Is this an update error?
How can I fix this?
I think my old files .po and .mo was lost with this update and now I have a new file .po.. Do you know why?willianlima83ParticipantI did, but not on child theme, I translated the plugin buddypress, textdomain kleo_framework, and now it’s working well…
Thank you 🙂
willianlima83ParticipantHi, please, can you help me?
My site is not in English then I need to translate the PROFILE and LOGOUT button on the main menu.The translation I need is to pt_PT, but I want keep the button name for english too… I cant to do that with codestyling localization…
willianlima83ParticipantWhen I click on a activity or comment, the page is always fixed on the same place… it’s verry good.. but on profile menu it not happen.. 🙁
willianlima83ParticipantI think I didn’t explained the situation I want resolve.
When I click on menu on my profile page (wall, profile, account, friends, My pictures), it open a new page correctly but on the top.
Always I click on profile menu, the new page opened go to the top, then everytime I need to scroll down it to see the new page content because the space where the main picture is positioned is very big…
There are an solution for this situation, please?willianlima83ParticipantI edited the code in the Text mode, the ”span” is not there, but the problem is the same.. lolol sorry
willianlima83ParticipantI changed the image size for all images to 149×149 px, the problem is the same.. 🙁
willianlima83ParticipantAll images has the same sixe, 213×149 px, the format is .PNG with transparent background..
The problem is not the size.Any sugestion?
willianlima83ParticipantHey sqadmin,
I’m here again.. lolol
Do you know why there are an erros when I tranleted either plural word on Codestyling Localization plugin??? -