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  • in reply to: Megamenu issues #84375

    ah, ok. good to know!

    any idea offhand if things like ubermenu work the same way?

    in reply to: Manual Theme Update #68260

    er, i just meant using the add new theme option (a la the attached) rather than doing the whole thing via SFTP.

    I gave it a shot and it seems to have worked, although just want to make sure didn’t screw anything up?

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    in reply to: Weird plus menu appearing? #65105

    Ok, fair enough. i really appreciate the effort!

    in reply to: Weird plus menu appearing? #65044

    Hmm… I assume no thoughts here still by chance, right?

    in reply to: Weird plus menu appearing? #64245

    It’s weird. It only seems to happen on the top menu. I’ve also tried swapping in other menus to that location and the same happens, although only if that Kleo My Account item is there…

    in reply to: Weird plus menu appearing? #64224

    ok, think should be good to go!

    in reply to: Weird plus menu appearing? #64220
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    in reply to: Custom title bug? #63991

    That’s amazing. Will look forward to the update then!

    in reply to: Weird plus menu appearing? #63890

    Hmm… interesting. Here are two logins:

    goergia-rooney / oh3aoi2hoa (regular user)
    devuser / ahsdg78312ig23d (admin — manually created)

    it looks like maybe the issue may have to do with that custom function you’d (graciously 🙂 created for us previously to sync up Kleo avatar setting with our Loginradius social registration.


    // Avatar retrieval correction for LoginRadius fetch
    function kleo_menu_user_avatar( $item_output, $item, $depth, $args ) {
        $output = '';
        if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
            $url = bp_loggedin_user_domain();
            $attr_title = strip_tags( $item->attr_title );
    			$output .= '<a title="' . bp_get_loggedin_user_fullname() . '" class="kleo-bp-user-avatar kleo-rounded-noborder kleo-avatar-menu' . ( $args->has_children && in_array($depth, array(0,1)) ? ' js-activated' : '' ) . '" href="' . $url . '" title="' . $attr_title .'">' . bp_get_loggedin_user_avatar(array('width' => 25, 'height' => 25)) . '</a>';
            $output .= ( $args->has_children && in_array($depth, array(0,1))) ? ' <span class="caret"></span></a>' : '</a>';
            return $output;
        } elseif ( $args->has_children && in_array( $depth, array( 0, 1 ) ) ) {
            return $item_output;
        } else {
            return '';

    I can potentially play around with this a bit! (or if you have any ideas offhand 😉

    in reply to: Weird plus menu appearing? #63872

    Thanks very much!

    Although, hmm… no dice unfortunately. Not sure what’s going on?

    You can check out the page at if interested!

    in reply to: Custom title bug? #63842

    Oh btw, for the release fix… if it’s possible, one thing to consider as well would be having it replace the title in the browser tab display. Currently it still shows the title, rather than the override one if it exists… (eg

    in reply to: Custom header images #63699

    That’s great!

    #crushingit 🙂

    in reply to: Custom title bug? #63652

    Ok, awesome. Thanks so much as always!

    in reply to: Custom header images #63636

    I just realized on this. The ‘custom header content’ box ( doesn’t seem to like html or php, correct?

    Assuming not, couldn’t I just create the image I want in the visual composer, then copy over the shortcode it produces? The header box does seem to accept shortcodes…

    in reply to: Menu colors #61982

    You mean these?

    Not sure either of these answers… although I’m getting the sense the answer is just needs custom CSS?

    in reply to: Custom header images #61803

    Ok, cool. To be clear, not in the header though, right? So if there’s a side bar, the image couldn’t go over it, just next to it… correct?

    in reply to: Custom header images #61795

    If edit header.php, how then do you have different banner images for different pages?

    in reply to: Custom header images #61777


    Although hmmm… seems like it’s not liking php either?

    See links:

    And you can’t edit the header with visual composer, right?

    in reply to: Custom header images #61753

    fyi, have tried adding them in the header box in page edit screens, although it doesn’t seem to accept HTML and I can’t figure out how to structure as a shortcode?

    in reply to: Issue with search result types #49395

    ok, yeah — i can try that

    in reply to: Issue with search result types #49394

    that’s code for you’re not able to support here?

    in reply to: Issue with search result types #49388

    interesting. ok, lemme check. although I’m getting pages in the results there too? screenshot attached.

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    in reply to: Issue with search result types #49382

    Update, i’ve added the code below, and it seems to have mostly solved the problem:

    // Avoid page results in ajax search
    function filter_search($query) {
        if ($query->is_search) {
        	$query->set('post_type', array('post', 'event', 'product', 'topic'));
        return $query;
    add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'filter_search');

    Only issue now is with one of the post types (“Event”), it doesn’t seem to be displaying a header category — see screenshot. Is there any way I can adjust this? Or if there’s an alternative solution to the original problem, that works as well!

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    in reply to: Search box issue #49304

    Hey Abe. Wanted to try returning to this issue… have updated the theme, and am now seeing the settings option you describe. I’ve done as you say and selected everything I want to include, excluding Pages. Pages still seem to be loading in the dropdown though? Let me know how I can potentially diagnose… see screenshots attached.


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    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48597

    Hmm… ok. I still don’t understand if Kleo has official support (or if you are official support?), although suppose will take it how can get it…

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48593

    And Hma — wanna email me at and can discuss off-thread?

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48590

    Ok, have just gone through the code some more and think getting closer to understanding what you mean. So i see now how the $text variable in login_radius_bp_avatar I guess needs to line up with the $output variable being returned in kleo_menu_user_avatar, which is the adjustment you made.

    Just confused still the order these things are getting called though. kleo_menu_user_avatar is getting called by kleo_setup_user_avatar_nav I guess every time the page loads with the menu in it? What about login_radius_bp_avatar… when / how is that getting called?

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48586

    Hey Herve. Wanna send a link to your site? Happy to show you how I set things up if can be at all helpful!

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48570

    Hmm… ok. So it looks like you’re overwriting kleo BP config file, changing the “output” within kleo_menu_user_avatar from:

      $output .= '<a title="' . bp_get_loggedin_user_fullname() . '" class="kleo-bp-user-avatar' . 
                ( $args->has_children && in_array($depth, array(0,1)) ? ' js-activated' : '' ) . '" href="' . $url . '" title="' . $attr_title .'">'
                    .  '<img src="' . bp_get_loggedin_user_avatar(array('width' => 25, 'height' => 25, 'html' => false)) . '" class="kleo-rounded" alt="">' . ($item->attr_title != '' ? ' ' . $item->attr_title : '');


    $output .= '<a title="' . bp_get_loggedin_user_fullname() . '" class="kleo-bp-user-avatar kleo-rounded-noborder kleo-avatar-menu' . 
                    ( $args->has_children && in_array($depth, array(0,1)) ? ' js-activated' : '' ) . '" href="' . $url . '" title="' . $attr_title .'">' . bp_get_loggedin_user_avatar(array('width' => 25, 'height' => 25)) . '</a>';

    Where the difference is you’re adding the extra classes (I guess just to ensure proper styling?) and then calling the bp_get_loggedin_user_avatar function, which it wasn’t previously.

    Is this all right?

    Thanks so much for your help here!

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48555

    Hey, thanks so much for this. Semi-out of curiosity, are you able to let me know what you did to fix it?

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48471
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    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48469

    eh, somewhere in between. but no actual users yet, and just made a backup

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48467
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    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48464
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    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48463

    yes. didn’t solve the problem…

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48459

    ah, how bout this?

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    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48457

    see attached. does this help??

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48446

    See below reply from social login provider. Is this helpful in diagnosing what the issue is?

    Hi Benji,
    I found a bug when displaying the full sized avatar and have fixed that. However that does not help you with your kleo theme not displaying the proper thumbnail. Since that is something that is out of our scope I cannot code that modification. I can however point you to the code we have developed and hopefully you can modify your theme to use the same code. In the file LoginRadius.php there is the code:
    if ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings[‘LoginRadius_socialavatar’] ) && in_array( $loginRadiusSettings[‘LoginRadius_socialavatar’], array( ‘socialavatar’, ‘largeavatar’, ‘allgravateravatar’, ’emptysocialavatar’ ) ) ) {
    add_filter( ‘bp_core_fetch_avatar’, ‘login_radius_bp_avatar’, 10, 2 );
    The login_radius_bp_avatar() is the function used for Buddypress avatar rendering. This is probably the same function you need for your theme icon. Please let us know if this is helpful in your modification.
    LoginRadius Team

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48229

    Ok, definitely will. To be honest, still a bit confused though. Where is bp_get_loggedin_user_avatar calling to? As in, the image address it seems isn’t stored in the database anywhere, right?

    in reply to: Issue displaying image #48226

    when you say “it” — kinda confused. I’d think it’s the theme that’s looking for either the buddypress or wordpress avatar, rather than the plugin, no?

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