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  • in reply to: Activity stream – multiple posts with every post #54660

    Hosting at I have the activity stream pages on the site disallowed from their cache and this test environment has their object cache disabled. Any other ideas?

    in reply to: Support Needed for Visual Composer #54337

    fixed these issues.

    The P problem is fixed by editing the following line in wp-content/themes/kleo/vc_templates/vc_column_text.php:

    Line 57:

    $output .= “\n\t\t\t”.wpb_js_remove_wpautop($content, true);

    change it to:

    $output .= “\n\t\t\t”.wpb_js_remove_wpautop($content, false);

    To fix the Bootstrap conflict, you need to edit two files. The first one is:


    Line 50:

    <span class=”hide” style=”display:none;”><?php echo esc_html($args[‘search_text_hide’]); ?></span>
    <span class=”show”><?php echo esc_html($args[‘search_text_show’]); ?></span>


    <span class=”em-hide” style=”display:none;”><?php echo esc_html($args[‘search_text_hide’]); ?></span>
    <span class=”em-show”><?php echo esc_html($args[‘search_text_show’]); ?></span>

    Second file wp-content/plugins/events-manager/includes/js/events-manager.js

    Line 26:

    if( el.hasClass(‘show’) ){
    if( rel.length > 1 ){ el.closest(rel[1]).find(rel[0]).slideUp(); }
    else{ $(rel[0]).slideUp(); }
    if( rel.length > 1 ){ el.closest(rel[1]).find(rel[0]).slideDown(); }
    else{ $(rel[0]).slideDown(); }

    Change to:

    if( el.hasClass(’em-show’) ){
    if( rel.length > 1 ){ el.closest(rel[1]).find(rel[0]).slideUp(); }
    else{ $(rel[0]).slideUp(); }
    if( rel.length > 1 ){ el.closest(rel[1]).find(rel[0]).slideDown(); }
    else{ $(rel[0]).slideDown(); }

    in reply to: Report Plugin Incompatibility #53703

    When visual composer is enabled there is something happening where p tags and line breaks are being inserted into the html which is causing the js to fail.

    There are also some conflicts with Bootstrap (theme) happening an issue with the toggles and field labels not being displayed. In the search section of the page there should be a close link to close the toggle and some of the style items are conflicting.

    in reply to: Support Needed for Visual Composer #53633

    ok, so I’ve got the geo search working and the issue was a file in the plugin geo.js, it had white space. Now I am returning a result and the auto-complete from Google is working. There are still a handful of formatting issues that look like they may be theme related. Let me know what you find and if you can shed any light on why @sharmstr would not have this issue while I do.

    in reply to: Support Needed for Visual Composer #53616

    I see the options from the Events Manager plugin inserted in the page in the search area. There are some random p tags and > so there are errors for unclosed tags and unexpected characters. I’m pretty confused how with only the EM plugin and the VC plugin active I have the issue and with everything else active except VC it all good. I’m confused how @sharmstr does not have the issue. I’d really appreciate an assist on this one. @abe have you had any luck?
    The big issue here is there is no autocomplete for the geo search feature which is a google service to return city, state. The geo search should be on the same line as the general search..


    in reply to: Support Needed for Visual Composer #53407

    Hey @sharmstr did you have rtmedia installed as well?

    in reply to: Report Plugin Incompatibility #53287

    Visual Composer conflicts with Events-Manager. The geo search functionality breaks.

    I’m having issues with the search page:
    The geo search is not working at all, I’m assuming this is causing these other issues.

    – There are no results when entering a city name in the geo search field. I do have events in the cities I’m searching. There is no auto-complete happening either and the label for geo search is also not displayed.

    – The formatting is screwy and there are extra breaks in the page causing the search fields to be to tall and oddly formatted. The search button has no text in it and is also formatted strangely.

    – The advanced search section “hide” link is not visible but the show link also hides the section. Below is a screen shot which has a link to the testing site.

    The link below illustrates the issues:

    I have pinpointed the issue to a conflict with the latest version of the Visual Composer plugin regardless of the theme or other plugins that I’m using.

    Can anyone point me in the direction to a fix?

    in reply to: Accordian Shortcode in Post? #52765

    you can enable the visual editor for various post types in your theme here:

    in reply to: Top Bar Menu not displaying 2nd level items #51694

    sorry done

    in reply to: Top Bar Menu not displaying 2nd level items #51682
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    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #51680

    OK This works, I cant seem to figure out why the video is opening way down the page rather than on top of the slider, you would never know its there except that the whole page has the overlay gray color. Any idea how to position the modal over the slider?

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #51668

    I really appreciate this response! I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Thank you again.

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #51535

    Why wont anyone from the support team respond to this? I understand there are bugs and broken items in software, it happens – but I cant even get a hint if this is the case or just my ignorance. Please help.

    in reply to: Top Bar Menu not displaying 2nd level items #51534

    oops.. Its actually a 3rd level child item not a second…. No mega menu in use either… But it also does not work with mega menu enabled for children on the parent item.

    in reply to: Top Bar Menu not displaying 2nd level items #51395
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    in reply to: Portfolio filter font wont change colors #51367

    Here is the CSS I used to get the portfolio tabe to display on a black background:

    .main-color #buddypress .portfolio-filter-tabs li a, #main .main-color h3 a {color: #fff;}

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #51366

    Hello Support / @Abe

    This is really a pain and holding up my delivery of a project. I’ve spent countless hours on this and really need the support. No response to myself or others looking for the same functionality is a real bummer! There are several ways to achieve this but ultimately is going to require some code that is not presently available in the theme. Even with adding all the js/css and html for a modal it does not work properly as it conflict with the way it is natively implemented in the theme. I see most of the code that is being leveraged in the theme for things like login modals but obviously that code needs to be expand on to allow for a button to open a full screen modal. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help

    in reply to: add color to social media icons in top menu #51363

    Thanks, a bit different than I implemented because I have a black header area and this css does’nt exactly make it look good with the black background but it will work. Appreciate it!

    in reply to: Social Articles user capabilities #51361

    Thanks Laura,
    This is a bad suggestion as this plugin has some serious security issues including allowing users to alter the capabilities of administrators.

    I’m going to have to alter some core theme files to set capabilities for your custom post types and grant permissions to admins and editors. I’d really rather not do this and will surely experience some issues after doing it. But without a way to go from all you friendly support folks this is what has to be done.

    So the post-types.php file included in your theme /wp-content/themes/kleo/lib/post-types.php, I’ll be able to alter a few of the post types (Portfolio, Testimonial, & clients) I need to alter capabilities on.
    * Setup Clients post type
    * @since 1.0
    * @return void
    public function setup_clients_post_type () {

    $args = array(
    ‘labels’ => $this->get_labels( ‘clients’, $this->labels[‘clients’][‘singular’], $this->labels[‘clients’][‘plural’], $this->labels[‘clients’][‘menu’] ),
    ‘public’ => true,
    ‘publicly_queryable’ => true,
    ‘show_ui’ => true,
    ‘show_in_menu’ => TRUE,
    ‘menu_icon’ => ‘dashicons-businessman’,
    ‘query_var’ => true,
    ‘rewrite’ => array( ‘slug’ => esc_attr( apply_filters( ‘kleo_clients_slug’, ‘clients’ ) )),
    ‘has_archive’ => true,
    ‘hierarchical’ => false,
    ‘menu_position’ => 20, // Below “Pages”
    ‘supports’ => array( ‘title’, ‘thumbnail’ )

    register_post_type( ‘kleo_clients’, $args );

    $tag_args = array(
    “label” => _x(‘Client Tags’, ‘tag label’, “kleo_framework”),
    “singular_label” => _x(‘Client Tag’, ‘tag singular label’, “kleo_framework”),
    ‘public’ => true,
    ‘hierarchical’ => false,
    ‘show_ui’ => true,
    ‘show_in_nav_menus’ => false,
    ‘args’ => array( ‘orderby’ => ‘term_order’ ),
    ‘query_var’ => true

    register_taxonomy( ‘clients-tag’, ‘kleo_clients’, $tag_args );

    Can you provide the proper code for this theme to add capabilities and map_meta so I do this properly and don’t break the theme? I need to restrict all these CPT’s to editor and administrator…

    These are the CPT’s I need to alter:
    – Posts (created by other users)
    – Clients
    – Testimonials
    – Portfolio
    – Grid Elements


    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #51049

    Sorry I missed a / in the path above /wp-content/themes/kleo/assets/js/app.js

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #51048

    I found the code in /wp-content/themes/kleo/assets/ If I add the class kleo-show-login to the link I can get the login modal to pop up. Assuming I need to extend this or a related class to get the desired effect. Any support to achieve this????


    After adding this code and replacing “shortcode” with soundcloud I only show this in the profile header “[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] View


    Is this what I need to allow user additional profile fields to display shortcode content from sites like soundcloud, youtube, etc? can you show me the code to add multiple providers, youtube, soundcloud, vimeo and the rest of the native supported oembed providers integrated with wordpress core?

    in reply to: Social Articles user capabilities #51041

    Can you provide any code that will allow me to change the required capabilities for the mentioned post types to author rather than contributor?

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #51039

    I’m getting the modal to work but still have some issues. Can anyone point me in the direction of some documentation for utilizing Modals within this theme?

    in reply to: Who's Online Page #51003

    I’m also looking for a way to expand the filters for searching members. I’d like to filter based on a custom profile field. So when you access the members listing pages we have options based on profile fields.

    in reply to: Profile Header missing – Social Articles #50963

    OK so I figured this out and its kind of a problem, the user role needs to have the edit_posts capability. Once granted the ability to see and add social articles is there.

    in reply to: Profile Header missing – Social Articles #50958

    I also do not have the link for social articles available. I’ve checked roles and capabilities and nothing seems to be pointing to the cause. I do not have the link unless the administrator account is used. Any help wpould be appreciated.

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #50947

    Please let me know whats going on with this one. I really need the modal window to function for this project and nothing I’m doing seems to be working. Can I anticipate a response for this one? This should be included with bootstrap and rtmedia is utilizing modals on my site so I know it will work, I just need some details on how. Please help, thanks

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #50722

    @us do you have the same issues as displayed in my screenshot with adding an album? Does the modal work properly on your add new album screen?

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #50719

    @us do you have the same issues as displayed in my screen shot with adding an album? Does the modal work properly on your add new album screen?

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #50717

    Wondering if this may be a conflict with rtmedia? Check out the screen shot in my link:

    rtmedia uses modal overlays when adding a new album and they are pretty jacked up.

    I really need to be able to use modals and even using the bootstrap html classes and markup they are not working. Can we get this handled today?????

    Much appreciated.

    in reply to: Portfolio filter font wont change colors #50562
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    in reply to: Portfolio filter font wont change colors #50522

    this seems simple enough and was fine, not sure what changed to make this change happen. I feel like I’m losing my mind dealing with this simple issue but really cant find a solution. I can easily recreate this on the page but seems like it should just be a setting and if I cant figure it out I will end up not knowing how to fix it.

    in reply to: Button to open video in pop-up / light-box #50482

    Your example link is exactly what I am looking to do. I want to add this button on my revslider. I have no customizations outside of the child theme css file…

    in reply to: Portfolio Issues #50335

    Please let em know if I should start a new thread.
    My category filter text for the portfolio is the same color as my background. I am not able to alter the color of the category filter text. The black font is the same color as my background and I cant seem to alter the font color no matter which element I set to have white font. Please advise, image link attached for reference. Thank you.

    in reply to: Separate Registration From Additional Profile Fields #50075

    sorry where is x-profile?

    in reply to: Media Uploads not working #50010

    both the parent and child themes were installed as they were provided so there is a folder inside of a folder of the same name. If I should not have the double folder please advise and I will change it. Also, is it safe to remove the macosx folders?

    in reply to: Media Uploads not working #49450

    Would you please remove my site url from the first message I posted for me?

    in reply to: Media Uploads not working #49449

    Not sure if these will help but I have ensured the media trying to upload has a filename and a name in the UI for the file, these errors seemto be related to the handful of notices and errors I’m receiving:

    [10-Mar-2015 01:16:10 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/rezon8/public_html/pro/wp/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/app/main/controllers/template/RTMediaTemplate.php on line 524
    [10-Mar-2015 01:16:10 UTC] PHP Warning: include(): Filename cannot be empty in /home/rezon8/public_html/pro/wp/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/app/main/controllers/template/rt-template-functions.php on line 1933
    [10-Mar-2015 01:16:10 UTC] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening ” for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/rezon8/public_html/pro/wp/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/app/main/controllers/template/rt-template-functions.php on line 1933
    [10-Mar-2015 01:16:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function kleo_get_img_overlay() in /home/rezon8/public_html/pro/wp/wp-content/plugins/k-elements/shortcodes/templates/buddypress/kleo_bp_members_carousel.php on line 56
    [10-Mar-2015 01:17:45 UTC] PHP Notice: bp_core_delete_notifications_for_user_by_type is deprecated since version 1.5! Use bp_core_delete_notifications_by_type() instead. in /home/rezon8/public_html/pro/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3378

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