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There is no setting to change this, you’ll need to be using the SweetDate Child theme and edit the code.
With the SweetDate Child theme active copy the below file from the parent theme to the Child theme. Recreate any folder structure that is not already present in the Child theme.
Scroll to around line 210 and look for the below code
COPY CODE<?php if ( get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) { ?> <li class="header-register-button"> <a href="#" data-reveal-id="register_panel" class="tiny button radius"> <i class="icon-group hide-for-medium-down"></i> <?php _e( "SIGN UP", 'kleo_framework' ); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?>
Change the a tag to
COPY CODE<?php if ( get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) { ?> <li class="header-register-button"> <a href="/my-custom-page/" class="tiny button radius"> <i class="icon-group hide-for-medium-down"></i> <?php _e( "SIGN UP", 'kleo_framework' ); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?>
Replace “/my-custom-page/” with the path to your custom page
Save, clear all caches and log out to test.
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September 9, 2018 at 14:03 in reply to: Hide the first Profile tab group on the Profile edit page #209065Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionSeptember 9, 2018 at 12:57 in reply to: Profile Nav Menu items not highlighted when selected. #209049Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionKieran_SQModeratorHi Phinos,
You can override this media query by using the below custom CSS in your KLEO Child theme’s style.css file via WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > KLEO Child > Style.css
COPY CODE@media (min-width: 1050px) { .container {max-width: 1000px !important;} }
This first number, 1050px, is the minimum width of the page you wish to apply the rule to. The second, 1000px, is the value you wish to constrain all containers to.
Make sure to purge your website cache, browser cache and any CDN after saving these changes.
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I will refer the first part of this question to a higher support level to see if there is a dynamic way to change the breakpoints for BuddyApp – they’ll be in touch with you as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time. With this said, BuddyApp uses quite advanced and specific breakpoints and should you change them it would be up to you going forward to address any specific styling issues this will bring with it.
To target different screen sizes you can use media queries, see here for more information on media queries
COPY CODE@media only screen and (max-width: 920px) { .my-class { background-color: red; } .my-class-2 { background-color: blue; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 921px) { .my-class { background-color: blue; } .my-class-2 { background-color: red; } }
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September 2, 2018 at 17:26 in reply to: Like to change Buddypress Nav subnav and fonts color to something different but one color. Please help me. #208239Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionSeptember 2, 2018 at 17:10 in reply to: Like to change Buddypress Nav subnav and fonts color to something different but one color. Please help me. #208232Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionSeptember 2, 2018 at 16:56 in reply to: Like to change Buddypress Nav subnav and fonts color to something different but one color. Please help me. #208226Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionKieran_SQModeratorHi,
Please add the below CSS to remove these two buttons from the page. You can add this to your SweetDate Child theme’s style.css via WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > SweetDate Child > Style.css or via WP Admin > Theme Options > Styling Options > Scroll to: ‘Quick CSS’
COPY CODE.pmpro-account #pmpro_account-profile .pmpro_actionlinks { display: none; }
Make sure to purge your browsers cache, any CDN and your browsers cache to see the changes.
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Sorry to hear of the issue you’re facing setting up your website. I’ll answer each point in the same numbered format below.
1. The SweetDate Child theme inherits all files from the parent theme so you do not have to update the Child theme. With the said, from time to time, you will need to update any files you have overridden within the Child theme as something major may have changed. If you plan to use the Child theme you should update on a staging or local environment before your live site to ensure all of your custom code works. Always check the changelog before updating, you can find it here
2. The login and signup buttons on your site do work and trigger login or sign up modals. When logged in the login button is replaced with the user profile button which also shows any pending notifications. If you still wish to remove the buttons please add the below CSS to your SweetDate Child theme’s style.css file
COPY CODEli.header-login-button { display: none; } li.header-register-button { display: none; } li.relative.btn-profile { display: none; } a.tiny.button.radius.btn-logout { display: none; }
3. There is only one profile matching feature in SweetDate which can be found in WP Admin > Theme Options > Profiles Matching. You should configure all of the options here.
4. You can use BuddyPress and/or Paid Memberships Pro as you see fit for your project needs. If you you wish to run a dating site then you will need to use BuddyPress and if you wish members to pay to use the site you will need to use Paid Memberships Pro too.
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August 27, 2018 at 18:45 in reply to: Hide Admin users from being displayed in Members Directory #207660Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
I did some testing on your site and away from your site and found the above code is working, as well as the code below, on my local and live environment but not on your site. I think you’ve either got custom code or a third party plugin that is interfering with the code running.
You’ll need to test this yourself in a staging environment and disable plugins/custom code until you find what is interacting with it.
COPY CODE// Exclude administrator role from loop function bgmc_get_user_ids_by_role($role) { $users = array(); $founded_users = get_users( array( 'role' => $role ) ); if ( !empty( $founded_users) ) foreach ( (array)$founded_users as $user ) $users[] = $user->ID; return $users; } function bgmc_exclude_by_role( $exclude_roles, $implode = true ) { $memberArray = array(); foreach ( $exclude_roles as $exclude_role ) $memberArray = array_merge( $memberArray, bgmc_get_user_ids_by_role( $exclude_role ) ); if ( !$implode ) return $memberArray; $theExcludeString = implode( ",", $memberArray ); return $theExcludeString; } function bgmc_exclude_byroles( $qs=false,$object=false ) { if ( $object!='members' ) return $qs; //hide for members only $args = wp_parse_args( $qs ); if ( !empty( $args['user_id'] ) ) return $qs; //check if we are searching for friends list etc?, do not exclude in this case $excluded_roles = array( 'administrator' ); // you can add roles here $exclude = get_transient( 'excluded_members' ); // Use a transient to prevent overloading the database on sites with a lot of members if ( !$exclude ) : $exclude = bgmc_exclude_by_role( $excluded_roles ); set_transient( 'excluded_members', $exclude, WEEK_IN_SECONDS ); endif; if ( !empty( $args['exclude'] ) ): $args['exclude'] = $args['exclude'].','.$exclude; else: $args['exclude'] = $exclude; endif; $qs = build_query($args); return $qs; } add_action( 'bp_ajax_querystring', 'bgmc_exclude_byroles', 20, 2 );
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The easiest way to change the order of profile and group tabs is to use a plugin. You may wish to try this free plugin to achieve that
If you’re comfortable coding PHP then you can rework this code (make sure to account for all tabs from custom plugins etc)
COPY CODE/** * Reorder BuddyPress profile tabs/navigation. */ function buddydev_reorder_buddypress_profile_tabs() { $nav = buddypress()->members->nav; // it's a map of nav items for user profile. // mapping component slug to their position. $nav_items = array( 'settings' => 10, // first. 'activity' => 20, 'friends' => 30, 'groups' => 40, 'blogs' => 50, 'messages' => 60, 'profile' => 70, ); foreach ( $nav_items as $nav_item => $position ) { $nav->edit_nav( array( 'position' => $position ), $nav_item ); } } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'buddydev_reorder_buddypress_profile_tabs', 999 );
With regards to colors you can follow the tutorial (step 1) you linked to but assign a color value at the same time, for example:
COPY CODE#buddypress div#item-nav ul #groups-personal-li a:before { content: "e995"; color: red; }
This will change the color of the groups icon on the profile page to red. I have attached a screenshot of the particular element you need to select in the browser console (F12) to generate the CSS you need.
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You must be logged in to view attached files.Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
You can do this with CSS as described above. I have generated a basic set of classes and styles that you can copy, paste and adjust to use as you need.
COPY CODE#buddypress table.profile-fields tr td.label { background-color: red !important; color: white; border-radius: 10px; } #buddypress table.profile-fields tr { background-color: purple; color: white; border-radius: 10px; } #buddypress table.profile-fields tr a { background-color: purple; color: white; font-weight:bold; border-radius: 10px; } #buddypress table.profile-fields { border: 0 !important; border-spacing: 5px; } #buddypress table.profile-fields tr td { padding: 15px !important; }
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August 25, 2018 at 15:53 in reply to: The kleo_top_members shortcode is not working properly #207417Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionKieran_SQModeratorHi Martin,
In your examples I can see curly quotes which would break the functionality of the shortcode. They should appear like this.
COPY CODE[kleo_news_ticker posts_query="size:10|order_by:date"] [kleo_news_focus name="ALL NEWS" posts_query="size:4|order_by:date"] [kleo_news_focus name="LIFESTYLE" posts_query="size:4|order_by:date"]
Note in the above example the straight quotes.
If after you have copied and pasted the above examples (from the webpage not the email preview) you still have the same issue then please double check the following
1. You have WP Bakery and K Elements installed and activated. If you do not then please install and activate them via WP Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins. Clear your website and browser cache and check the page again.
2. Ensure you have not disabled either of these two features in WP Admin > Theme Options > Modules and Speed. Make sure News Ticker and News Focus are enabled.
Let me know the outcome,
All the best,
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That is possible to do but would be classed as custom development and is not something we can do within the scope of support provided via the forums.
If you have knowledge of PHP you should be able to rework a snippet that was posted here This snippet redirects to the users profile upon their first login
COPY CODEfunction buddydev_redirect_on_first_login( $redirect_to, $redirect_url_specified, $user ) { //check if we have a valid user? if ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) { return $redirect_to; } //check for user's last activity $last_activity = bp_get_user_last_activity( $user->ID ); if ( empty( $last_activity ) ) { //it is the first login //update redirect url //I am redirecting to user's profile here //you may change it to anything $redirect_to = bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID ); } return $redirect_to; } add_filter( 'login_redirect', 'buddydev_redirect_on_first_login', 110, 3 );
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August 18, 2018 at 16:43 in reply to: How to set shorter header height on profile/group page #206841Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionKieran_SQModeratorHi,
You could try this instead which will check if the user doesn’t have the activate plugins capability (administrator).
COPY CODEadd_filter ('bp_ajax_querystring', 'modify_members_loop', 20, 2); function modify_members_loop ($qs=false, $object=false) { if (is_user_logged_in() && !current_user_can('activate_plugins') ){ global $wpdb; if ($object != 'members') return $qs; // figure out if the logged-in user is male or female $gender = xprofile_get_field_data (2, bp_loggedin_user_id ()); if ($gender == 'Male') $query = "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 2 AND value = 'Female'"; else $query = "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 2 AND value = 'Male'"; $custom_ids = $wpdb->get_col ($query); $args = wp_parse_args ($qs); $args['include'] = implode (',', $custom_ids); $qs = build_query ($args); return $qs; } }
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Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I will refer this ticket to one of our developers for review. They’ll be in touch with you as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time.
In the meantime you can hide the element with CSS by adding the below snippet to WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > KLEO Child > Style.css or by going to WP Admin > Theme Options > General Settings > Scroll to: ‘Quick CSS’
COPY CODE.single-product .related.products { display: none !important; }
Thank you for your patience,
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I tested this locally. It restricts logged in users to opposite sex and shows all to any logged out user. Let me know if this works for you or not.
COPY CODEadd_filter ('bp_ajax_querystring', 'modify_members_loop', 20, 2); function modify_members_loop ($qs=false, $object=false) { if (is_user_logged_in() ){ global $wpdb; if ($object != 'members') return $qs; // figure out if the logged-in user is male or female $gender = xprofile_get_field_data (2, bp_loggedin_user_id ()); if ($gender == 'Male') $query = "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 2 AND value = 'Female'"; else $query = "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 2 AND value = 'Male'"; $custom_ids = $wpdb->get_col ($query); $args = wp_parse_args ($qs); $args['include'] = implode (',', $custom_ids); $qs = build_query ($args); return $qs; } }
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August 5, 2018 at 15:54 in reply to: Problem with Facebook registration and membership level #205452Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
I have logged into your site but I do not see any custom code in your functions.php file. Please try this updated snippet and let me know if this works for you or not. Remember that you will need to update this code with the correct membership level that you wish to assign.
COPY CODE/** * When registering, add the member to a specific membership level * based on the field value he has selected * * @global object $wpdb * @global object $bp * @param integer $user_id */ function kleo_pmpro_default_level($user_id) { global $wpdb, $bp; //Change this with your field name $field_name= "I am a"; //Change the field value $value_to_match = "Woman"; //Membership level id $membership_level = 1; //Done editing $field_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} WHERE name = %s", $field_name ) ); if ($_POST['field_'.$field_id] == $value_to_match) { pmpro_changeMembershipLevel($membership_level, $user_id); } } function kleo_mu_pmpro_default_level($user_id, $password, $meta) { global $bp, $wpdb; //Change this with your field name $field_name= "I am a"; //Change the field value $value_to_match = "Woman"; //Membership level id $membership_level = 1; //Done editing $field_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} WHERE name = %s", $field_name ) ); $field_value = $meta['field_'.$field_id]; if ( $field_value == $value_to_match ) { pmpro_changeMembershipLevel($membership_level, $user_id); } } if (is_multisite()) { add_action( 'wpmu_activate_user', 'kleo_mu_pmpro_default_level', 10, 3); } else { add_action('user_register', 'kleo_pmpro_default_level'); add_action('fb_register_action', 'kleo_pmpro_default_level'); }
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Please try the following CSS in WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > SweetDate Child > Style.css
COPY CODE#logo img { display: none; }
Clear your website cache, CDN and browser cache (Ctrl+F5) to see the changes.
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August 4, 2018 at 16:31 in reply to: Couple things which seem simple enough but i cannot figure them out! #205393Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
To add your login to KLEO login / register modal you will need to using the KLEO Child theme. Copy the below file from the parent to the child theme, if the folder structure doesn’t yet exist please create it.
Once you have copied this across you can then edit the general-popups.php file from the child theme.
Add a new line between the two lines (8-9) shown below and add your custom HTML
COPY CODE<div class="kleo-pop-title-wrap main-color"> <h3 class="kleo-pop-title"><?php esc_html_e( "Log in with your credentials", "kleo_framework" ); ?></h3>
COPY CODE<div class="kleo-pop-title-wrap main-color"> <img src="path/to/image.png" alt="Acme Inc." height="42" width="142"> <h3 class="kleo-pop-title"><?php esc_html_e( "Log in with your credentials", "kleo_framework" ); ?></h3>
To do this without a plugin will require a large amount of custom code and to be placed in the KLEO Child theme’s functions.php file. Such an amount of specific code would be best hosted in it’s own plugin therefore I would advise finding a simple BuddyPress security question plugin or implement a invisible recaptcha plugin from the plugin repository.
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Please try adding the below custom CSS in addition to the CSS you are already using
COPY CODE#main-container .row:nth-child(1) { margin-right: -31px; }
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You can override the colors of the two states for the header ajax search form with the below CSS. Add this snippet to your KLEO Child theme’s style.css by going to WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > KLEO Child > Style.css. Once you have saved your changes clear your website cache, purge any CDN and then clear your browsers cache (Ctrl+F5) to see the changes.
COPY CODEinput.ajax_s.form-control { color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; } input.ajax_s.form-control:focus { color: #000000; }
This CSS will make the background of the input white (#FFFFFF) and the font color black (#000000), when the input is selected the color black is defined again for font to make sure the colors are the same.
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I have applied the below CSS to WP Admin > SweetDate > Styling Options > Scroll to: ‘Quick CSS’.
COPY CODE.registration aside.four.columns { width: 0% !important; display: none !important; } .registration #main-content { width: 100% !important; }
Please clear your browser cache to see the changes
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This is not a z-index issue so assigning a value shouldn’t work, please try this instead. Also, if this does not work, please provide admin credentials so I can test this live.
COPY { display: inline !important; }
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You may wish to try the below CSS but I cannot check if this will work without rendering the page again.
COPY { height: auto !important; }
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You can use the below CSS in your SweetDate Child theme’s style.css to reduce this space. Change the value from 10px to a number that suits your needs
COPY CODE@media only screen and (max-width: 940px) { .directory #main { padding-top: 10px !important; } }
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You can use the below CSS to move the button up and add some space below so it sits better in the space. If you do not want the extra margin on the bottom removed the line for margin-bottom
COPY .bp-member-dir-buttons { margin-top: -20px !important; margin-bottom: 20px !important; }
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You can use the below CSS to remove those two buttons only on the directory page
COPY .generic-button.block-member { display: none !important; } .directory .bpmts-type-user-button { display: none !important; }
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