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  • in reply to: Sweetdate WP Showcase #6238

    We would like to put some works on the Themeforest item page, so if you want it to share your website with the world… let us know πŸ™‚

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    in reply to: Disable links of Latest Members carousel #6236

    You can add this css code to WordPress Admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css

    .profile-thumbs a, #profile-thumbs a {cursor: auto;}
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    in reply to: Search Form Align #6235

    To work best also for responsive, add this css instead into Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css:

    .just-after-header .five.columns { float:right;}
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    in reply to: Display username instead of Name in profile #6234

    Well, it will ask it yes. Maybe edit registration/register.php and make it a input hidden type instead of text and set the value to a space or something

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    in reply to: Home Search Box Boarder #6233

    Thanks @adam πŸ™‚

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    in reply to: Select Matching Fields (optional)? #6229

    Matching fields can be textboxes or selectboxes. If you stick to those types then you will be fine

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    in reply to: Is this possible…discount code #6228

    Hi, This is more a custom request and we don’t have a solution for you. Try microlancer for custom wordpress development

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    in reply to: Full width menu and body #6225

    Hi airsidworld, I’m trying to help you but I think I don’t understand what exactly you want. Can you explain please in a little more detail, maybe with a prinscreen and some arrows?


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    in reply to: "Username already exists" situation at registration #6220

    To put the cursor in the username fields you have to add this javascript code to registration/register.php somewhere at the end of the file before the get_footer( ‘buddypress’ ); line

    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
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    in reply to: Cards after member search #6217

    Add it to sweetdate-child/functions.php … You probably added it wrong… it has to be before the ending “?>”

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    in reply to: Slider Buttons #6216

    We included this in the readme.txt:
    “We also included the custom slider bullets and arrows in folder revslider_assets. If you want to use them you have to replace the default ones located in wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/assets/”

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    in reply to: Remove activity from profile. #6215

    This code works

    function my_remove_profile_nav() {
        global $bp;
    	bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'activity' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_remove_profile_nav' );

    Also removing the activity, which is the default component that shows when you are viewing a profile you will have a 404 page. See this to change the default component:

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    in reply to: Private-Group request – No buttons! #6212

    Give me temp. access to the franzi username to check. Change the password after. set the reply as private

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    in reply to: Adding level restrictions #6210

    If you want to add another one you can do it in the same function above like:

    add_filter('kleo_pmpro_level_restrictions', 'kleo_extra_pmpro_restrictions');
    function kleo_extra_pmpro_restrictions($restrictions) {
    $restrictions[] = array(
    'title' => __('Chat with users','kleo_framework'),
    'front' => __('Chat with users','kleo_framework'),
    'name' => 'unique_identifier'
    $restrictions[] = array(
    'title' => __('Another restriction','kleo_framework'),
    'front' => __('Another front restriction description','kleo_framework'),
    'name' => 'unique_identifier2'
    return $restrictions;
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    in reply to: Login Issue #6209

    Yes, send here the link and mark the reply as private

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    in reply to: reply to address #6208

    This has to do with WordPress and you can change it with any plugin like Configure SMTP

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    in reply to: Disable links of Latest Members carousel #6178

    I opened your site and your links don’t work…which id good πŸ™‚

    try clearing cache or use another browser

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    in reply to: tweeks #6177

    I gave you an answer above. Haven’t you seen it?

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    in reply to: Disable links of Latest Members carousel #6149

    I saw your link somewhere above.
    You are right. We did some changes to the theme for next version and some things changed. Please try the code again. Sorry for that:

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    in reply to: 404 Error message #6148


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    in reply to: ul.button-group #6147

    Great πŸ˜€

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    in reply to: paypal button size #6141

    So you want the select smaller. You said image button
    add it like:

    <select class="three" name="os0">
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    in reply to: ul.button-group #6140

    the style isn’t applied. you’r using caching plugin. disable that πŸ˜‰
    also I think you need -30px instead of 30px

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    in reply to: Text Color Help #6137

    Try adding this to WP Admin – Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css to make the text white:

    .form-search.custom input[type="text"], .form-search.custom input[type="password"], .form-search.custom select {
    color: white;
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    in reply to: ul.button-group #6135

    I added it and works for mobile..
    What is your site link?

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    in reply to: Buddypress Verified Member Plugin Compatibility #6134

    Then disable your plugins one by one. Like I said, I tested and it works. Make sure to have the latest theme installed also

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    in reply to: profile button , dropdown #6124

    put your code in “pre” html tag to display it and not render it

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    in reply to: Display username instead of Name in profile #6123

    Then you have to edit wp-content/themes/sweetdate/members/single/member-header.php and change bp_displayed_user_fullname with bp_displayed_user_username

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    in reply to: Border problem… #6122

    hehe, this happens to the best also πŸ™‚

    no problem

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    in reply to: View Your Membership Account #6121

    Hi, file is wp-content/themes/sweetdate/paid-memberships-pro/pages/confirmation.php around line 113

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    in reply to: paypal button size #6119

    If you are talking about the image, put a width=100 attribute to set the width manually

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    in reply to: Add friend PMPRO #6107

    Yep πŸ™‚

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    in reply to: profile button , dropdown #6105

    You will need to edit header.php and do a search for “Profile” to find the button.
    You need to have the structure like in the menu, eq:

    <li class="has-dropdown" id="nav-menu-item-836"><a class="main-menu-link" href="#">Features</a>
    <ul class="dropdown">
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-862"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">About us</a></li>
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-855"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Reasons to join</a></li>
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-857"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">404 Page</a></li>
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-860"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Full Width Template</a></li>
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-858"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Left Sidebar Template</a></li>
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-859"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Right Sidebar Template</a></li>
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-830"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Search Page</a></li>
    	<li id="nav-menu-item-866"><a class="sub-menu-link" href="#">Shortcodes</a></li>
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    in reply to: Activity Shortcode or Three Column Solution #6103

    Who’s onine widget shows members horizontally.

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    in reply to: Hide Profile tab #6099

    See this topic:

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    in reply to: 404 Error message #6097

    public message takes you to the Activity page. Is your page accessible and set in Settings – BUddypress – Pages?

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    in reply to: tweeks #6095

    See this topic on manipulating the numbers:

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    in reply to: tweeks #6094

    To start a new topic, choose a theme from the right sidebar then down on the page you have the form.

    For space in usernames:

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    in reply to: Display username instead of Name in profile #6093

    have you tried this?

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    in reply to: Private-Group request – No buttons! #6092

    hehe, you did some customizing πŸ™‚ nice
    I think you need to be an administrator of that group to manage requests. login as Franzi-Niedermeier/

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