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  • in reply to: CollabPress Plugin #1569

    Indeed it converted some characters. This one should be fine:

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    in reply to: Add Buddypress Media To Member Header #1568

    Just install and activate rtMedia plugin. If the user has uploaded some images then the tab will appear

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    in reply to: I can't find "Looking for" and Album tabs. #1566

    If you want to change the group name then go to Users -> Profile fields and rename the existing groups to match your language.

    Then you need to change the tabs to show that translated groups. Add this to your sweetdate-child/functions.php. Just rename the group names here also:

    function kleo_my_actions()
        global $bp_tabs;
        $bp_tabs =  array();
        $bp_tabs['looking-for'] = array(
            'type' => 'cite',
            'name' => apply_filters('kleo_extra_tab1', __('Looking for', 'kleo_framework')),
            'group' => apply_filters('kleo_extra_tab1', __('Looking for', 'kleo_framework')),
            'class' => 'citetab'
        $bp_tabs['base'] = array(
            'type' => 'regular',
            'name' => apply_filters('kleo_extra_tab2',__('About me', 'kleo_framework')),
            'group' => 'Base',
            'class' => 'regulartab'
        /* rtMedia tab - only if plugin installed */
        if (class_exists('RTMedia')) 
            $bp_tabs['rtmedia'] = array(
                'type' => 'rt_media',
                'name' => __('My photos', 'kleo_framework'),
                'class' => 'mySlider'
        /* Bp-Album tab - only if plugin installed */
        elseif (function_exists('bpa_init'))
            $bp_tabs['bp-album'] = array(
                'type' => 'bp_album',
                'name' => __('My photos', 'kleo_framework'),
                'class' => 'mySlider'
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    in reply to: I can't find "Looking for" and Album tabs. #1563

    Can you email us temporary FTP access to take a look?

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    in reply to: I can't find "Looking for" and Album tabs. #1561

    For Bp-Album there is this fix until the next update:

    Replace the contents of this file custom_buddypress/class-bp-tabs.php in the parent theme with this one:

    After 1.5.1 update this is no longer needed

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    in reply to: Help please-Does this theme change our buddypress files? #1560

    Ha, No problem. We try to answer if we can also in the weekends.
    I already responded that the theme does not replaces buddypress core files but maybe someone else reads this topic.

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    in reply to: Looking for and Album disapear from profile page #1558

    Please check this topic if you want to add the renamed tabs to the profile:
    So to display the renamed group you should add this snippet:

    function kleo_my_actions()
        global $bp_tabs;
        $bp_tabs['looking-for'] = array(
            'type' => 'cite',
            'name' => __('My new tab', 'kleo_framework'),
            'group' => __('My new tab', 'kleo_framework'),
            'class' => 'citetab'

    For the photos replace the contents of this file bp_custom/class-bp-tabs.php in the parent theme with this one:

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1555

    Before the update have you modified some theme files? Or maybe after the 1.5 update you changed some settings?

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1554

    No we don’t modify any core files. I did the same exact test as in your site but without https and I set a prefix not a sufix for the blogs.
    We will figure it out. No problem

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1551

    I removed my account to register again. Definitely it is not a Home page form issue

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    in reply to: Members can't register #1550

    Thanks guys for your support.

    this problem was resolved in the latest update by removing a redirect. We first added a redirect in the login modal so after login you should go back to the previous page you were on and because the last page was “Activate” page, the site was redirecting you to the page where you already activated.
    Both @mcgreggor and @kswift solutions are right


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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1548

    I registered now and I haven’t received it. This happens only with the mixed option? Seems odd to be an issue with that. With the Bp default theme does this issue still exists?

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1545

    Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account please click the following link:

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1542

    And if I try to register the same site name again it says I can’t, which is good meaning that the request is saved but maybe you have an email problem and is not sending emails

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1541

    I see some options to go premium at bottom and Uses wordpress plugins developed by in the footer that renders kind of bad on the success page. Can you disable extra plugins for testing?

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1539

    That page gives a 404 error, meaning it doesn’t exist. That was the problem all along?

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    in reply to: Search By Selected Fields #1537

    Hi, We are testing this and will let you know the solution. Thanks

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    in reply to: Multiple Menus #1530

    We will take this into consideration. Right now it is not possible to have another menu in header without modifying header.php template file

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    in reply to: Forum Tab in Main Menu #1529

    The main menu is configurable from Appearance -> Menu.
    You can add existing pages or a custom link like: /forums

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1528

    The site user is created once the activation mail is clicked.
    Try to change the content of main theme functions.php with the one we are testing:
    Give us a link to your site if it still doesn;t work

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    in reply to: Gravatar Not Working #1525

    That is automatically generated… so maybe something else interfering to produce that

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    in reply to: Signup new profile #1524

    Hi, Can you make a screenshot?
    It should look like this when you are editing your profile:

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    in reply to: Recent Posts Widget doesn't update #1522

    Please replace the content of the file located in the main theme: sweetdate/framework/widgets/widget_recent_posts.php with the one from this file:


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    in reply to: Disable Profile tab below profile image #1521

    This snippet added to sweetdate-child/functions.php should do the trick:

    function my_remove_profile_nav() {
    	global $bp;
        if (!bp_is_my_profile()) {
            bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'profile' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_remove_profile_nav' );
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    in reply to: Initial site setup – How to #1517

    Hi there,
    First thing you need to do is to import the demo content( see the documentation)
    – Go to Settings -> Reading and select the Home page as the static front page and Blog page for the latest posts
    – Go to Appearance -> Menus and set the Sweetdate menu in the primary location.
    – You need to configure the widgets for the sidebar and footer. Go to Appearance -> Widgets and add whatever widgets you like in the preconfigured locations. See the image with the locations in the documentation
    In our theme we have added the following widgets in the footer:
    – in Footer Widget 1 we added: About us widget
    – in Footer Widget 2 we added: Custom menu (you can define it in Appearance -> Menus)
    – in Footer Widget 3 we added: Twitter widget (you also need to define twitter settings in Sweetdate -> Miscellaneous )
    – in Footer Widget 4 we added: Latest posts Widget

    We have added to this theme another footer section above the main footer which you can enable by adding widgets to Footer Section 1 and Footer section 2 widget locations

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    in reply to: Membsership plans suggestions #1515

    Thanks for your suggestion. Good one

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    in reply to: carousel , latest members and group widget #1514

    I am not sure what you are talking about. Can you provide some screenshots or a link to your site?

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1513

    We did some tests and it seems like when you have the multisite enabled and choose to register a blog you will receive an email to activate your account(check your spam folder too). If you don’t click the email activation link your user won’t be created.
    We modified a file from the theme that we think could cause the issue: sweetdate/registration/register.php
    Replace the contents of that file with this:

    Do a test with the new file and check your spam folders or try with other email account and let us know

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    in reply to: CollabPress Plugin #1506

    If you don’t want them to access the admin create a new page and add the shortcode in it: [collabpress]
    This way they can use this page instead of admin.
    I tried to add that shortcode to render in a profile tab but collabpress can’t render the content there(it shows some errors).
    Anyway to add a tab to buddypress this is the code(add it to sweetdate-child/functions.php), maybe you can talk with the devs at collabpress to fix it:

    To modify the content of the tab you need to change the function my_projects_page_function_to_show_screen_content()

    To add a page next to profile tabs, add it also to the sweetdate-child/functions.php. This displays the Reasons to join page. You can modify the name of the page you want to show:

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    in reply to: Chat plugin #1502

    You can try
    We haven’t fully tested it but looks promising

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    in reply to: Mobile View Nav Bar Question #1500

    Replace your foundation.min.js with this one and … magic will happen 🙂

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    in reply to: Sweetdate WP Feature Requests #1499

    1. You can do this by adding the following snippet in sweetdate-child/funtions.hp

    function kleo_new_wp_login_url() { return home_url(); }
    add_filter('login_headerurl', 'kleo_new_wp_login_url');
    function kleo_new_wp_login_title() { return get_option('blogname'); }
    add_filter('login_headertitle', 'kleo_new_wp_login_title');

    2. That text is found in sweetdate/registration/register.php at line 34. Copy the file in your child theme and modify it there(keep the same folder structure)

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    in reply to: Useful Links – Footer #1465

    Hi wisinyyandel7,
    You should have “Footer” selected menu in Appearance/Widgets/Footer Widget 2/Custom menu.


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    in reply to: Gravatar Not Working #1461

    You should check the image source that fails to load and maybe share it with us.

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    in reply to: Signup new profile #1460

    At registration only the fields from Base group appear. After registering you can’t see the other groups in the profile edit screen?

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    in reply to: Recent Posts Widget doesn't update #1455

    We’ll get back to you with a quick fix. This happens because of a cache we added not to query all the posts every time the page loads. To fix it quickly just re-save the widget

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    in reply to: Gravatar Not Working #1446

    Maybe you are testing it on a local domain. That could be the problem. We haven’t got any issues with Gravatar.

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    in reply to: 'Log In / Sign Up' buttons #1440

    Great. You had to map your pages with buddypress

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    in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1439

    We will test this and see what is it about.
    If you go directly to /register link and complete the fields this happens also ?

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    in reply to: Do You Do Custom Work? #1427

    Hi, Yes we do but it depends on the projects we are currently working on. Give us an email at with more details.

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