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  • in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #706

    As for the images in the tabs we will take it in consideration

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    in reply to: Problem Register Form #705

    You should make sure the fields are deleted under Users – Profile fields

    After that they should not appear..

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    in reply to: Custom Field with Progress Bar #704

    bp_get_profile_field_data( ‘field=Country ‘ ) for example gets a user country field

    You can hook on this action:bp_after_member_header
    This action will show content after the profile image and info tabs

    Hope this helps

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    in reply to: Google map #701

    Hi rmrenaud,

    Right now you can’t do it from admin
    You can change the path to your image in: ../themes/sweetdate-child/page-templates/contact.php at line 42

    PS: If you don’t want to lose the customization on theme update, activate the child theme and copy the template file in the same exact folder location in sweetdate-child and edit it there. You need also to clear browser cache or rename your picture.

    Let me know if this helps you.

    Best regards,

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    in reply to: How to add a slider on home page header #700

    Hi liensenor,

    Yes is possible but need to do hard changes to the template files. We plan to add Homepage Slideshow function in near feature, still testing some sliders from the market.


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    in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #699

    To get rid of 404 page go to Permalink Settings and do a “Save Changes” even if you don’t modify other settings. If this is not working try to change form some options and do a save again, rtMedia seems to have some issue with Permalinks on some servers.

    Let me know if this helps you.
    Best regards,

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    in reply to: Activation Key page #685

    Sasupo: 1.4 is not visible on backend?

    What do you mean it is not visible?

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    in reply to: New hosting account – inexistent recent topics #683

    Hi. We are changing our hosting account.
    Please create them again since probably were created on the old server.

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    in reply to: Change colors of some items #675

    I guess you have changed the hex colors with your own, right? πŸ™‚
    And where did you put the code I gave you.
    Please try to give as much details

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    in reply to: rtMedia plugin data migration and other #671

    When you are on the activity tab seems like you need to post the update… the upload is done after you click it
    As for the 404 page error check this topic:

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    in reply to: How to update Theme? #670

    It should appear in Updates from WordPress. Send us an email with login details at

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    in reply to: Change colors of some items #669

    Please use, for example, Firebug for Mozilla to inspect css
    For the notifications add this to your style.css from sweetdate-child/style.css or to quick css section from Admin -> Sweetdate -> Styling options:

    .kleo-message-count {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F00056;
    .kleo-friends-req {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #01A8DA;
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    in reply to: 404 Page Error #667

    It is possible that your PHP version is lower than 5.3.
    You can modify your 404.php page by copying it to your sweetdate-child theme and do this changes there:
    Replace these 2 lines
    add_filter(‘kleo_main_section_class’, function() { return ‘text-center’; } );
    add_filter(‘kleo_content_class’, function() { return ‘twelve’; } );

    add_filter('kleo_main_section_class', 'custom1' );
    function custom1() { return 'text-center'; } 
        add_filter('kleo_content_class', 'custom2' );
    function custom2() { return 'twelve'; } 
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    in reply to: Front page search box – Change to Upcoming Events #666

    You can change the function that renders the search form by adding this in sweetdate-child/functions.php

    function render_user_search() 
        if (is_page_template('page-templates/front-page.php') AND sq_option('home_search',1) == 1)

    Try changing get_template_part(‘page-parts/home-search-form’); with what you want to show. It you want to display a shortcode you can do this:

    echo do_shortcode('[my_shortcode]');
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    in reply to: Users online problem #664

    You should just the the Sex fields under Sweetdate -> Buddypress and after that change the shortcodes in the Homepage like this:

    [kleo_status_icon type="Uomo" subtitle="Men online"]

    Also do not change main theme files, activate the sweetdate-child theme

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    in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #657

    Hi pulla,
    1. You can disabe BP-Album from Sweetdate/Buddypres/BP-Album (ON/OFF)
    2. To activate rtMedia you need to install first:
    – Go to Plugins/Add New and search for “rtMedia”
    – Install and activate
    – Go to rtMedia Settings and activate your preferred options

    Let me know if this helps you.

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    in reply to: WMPL to translate profile fields #655

    You can try with the new v1.4 and see if those profile fields appear in WPML strings

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    in reply to: Posts Carousel Post Types #654

    v1.4 is out. Make sure to upgrade.

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    in reply to: Registration page not sending values #653

    You can upgrade to the new v1.4. See if it fixes your problem

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    in reply to: Activation Key page #652

    1.4 is out. Please upgrade

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    in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #651

    Version 1.4 is now available. Please upgrade and you’ll have the option to disable BP-Album
    After that you can install rtMedia

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    in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #648

    Can you upload other files in posts or pages?

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    in reply to: Posts Carousel Post Types #643

    Not yet. It is ready but it will take another 6 hours.
    Thanks for your patience.

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    in reply to: Mobile suggestions #641

    Hi rugwarrior,
    I played with it and I think it’s ok now. It will be available in v1.4.

    Best regards,

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    in reply to: Responsive Table Issue #635

    If you have pasted the table from a document or a webpage then the table could have taken the styles from there. You can see the styles from the Editor in the Text tab

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    in reply to: Searching #634

    If you have changed some profile field names from Users -> Profile fields, users have to save the new one on their profile.
    Also try setting the Matching fields from Sweetdate -> Buddypress

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    in reply to: Activation Key page #633

    This is resolved in 1.4
    It is coming in a couple of hours.
    That was just a redirect that takes you to the page you were before login

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    in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #625

    Usually wp-content/uploads or if you changed the default one, the one you defined in Settings -> Media

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    in reply to: Registration page not sending values #622

    As I can tell it is a problem with POST not being sent. Can you check sending some data trough a form on that server and see if it submits?

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    in reply to: WMPL to translate profile fields #621

    Those fields come from the database and since they are added as english I have tried to add the generated string into a translation function. That means that you will have to translate all fields that are added as option to the fields.

    I have added this in v.14 which is coming today those

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    in reply to: Show Options next to profile image like in demo #620

    Hi guys
    When you are viewing your own profile non of these option will appear πŸ™‚

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    in reply to: Some Issues & Bugs #619

    Hi.We are working to make the update today.
    Also in V1.4 we have added a option to disable Bp-Album

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    in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #617

    For Albums you should check on the server if you have the permissions to write files. Uploading should happen without your intervention to create folders or anything else

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    in reply to: 2 problems. (menu css and album files) #615

    To use different walker class you can change with your own in header.php:

    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container' => false, 'menu_class' => 'left', 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'fallback_cb' => 'sweetdate_main_nav', 'walker' => new sweetdate_walker_nav_menu) ); ?>

    Instead of -> sweetdate_walker_nav_menu put your class name.
    Then in your sweetdate-child you can duplicate our sweetdate_walker_nav_menu class and edit there.
    Also we didn’t liked all those added classes and removed them but we left the commented like that adds the classes in functions.php ->

    //$output .= $indent . '<li id="nav-menu-item-'. $item->ID . '" class="' . $depth_class_names . ' ' . $class_names . '">';
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    in reply to: Modify User Profile fields with my own #613

    Profile fields can be changed from Users -Profile fields

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    in reply to: Search by Country #612

    Hi. Thanks
    I’ll add it in the initial fields import

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    in reply to: Unable to activate the theme #593

    Monday we are releasing v1.4 which fixes this. Until then you can edit:
    replace this at line 9:



    if (!class_exists('TwitterOAuth')) {
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    in reply to: Unable to activate the theme #592

    It was a conflicting plugin that also used Twitter Oauth. It is fixed in upcoming 1.4 version

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    in reply to: Unable to activate the theme #587

    Make sure to get the already zipped files under WordPress subfolder.
    You should have and
    If you upload via FTP then extract files and upload the two themes under wp-content/themes
    If you upload from WordPress Admin then upload the already .zip files

    If you can’t succeed give us an email with access to your site at

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    in reply to: Image slider shortcode: how to change images #584

    When you upload the image you have image’s link like in the screenshot:
    You need to copy/paste that link in the src attribute.

    Your link is probably with: /2013/07/foto-11.jpg instead of /2013/06/foto-11.jpg since uploads are categorized by date

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