Forum Topics Started
- Topic
- Voices
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- Resolved KLEO Posts Carousel
- 1
- Resolved missing background image
- 3
- Resolved reducing font size for footer text widget
- 2
- Resolved !–more–> tag not working
- 3
- Resolved facebook comment
- 2
- Resolved element size
- 2
- Resolved wrapping text around images
- 2
- Resolved vertical alignment and uniform sizing
- 3
- Resolved archive page
- 3
- Resolved TIP/POPOVER
- 2
- Resolved footer area: unable to click linked-URL
- 3
- Resolved Use of KLEO Client
- 3
- Resolved Sidemenu – custom link -question
- 2
- Resolved News Ticker element
- 3
- Resolved Toggle: font & background color
- 2
- Resolved row element background color not correct
- 1
- Resolved featured image not showing
- 3
- Resolved featured image not showing
- 2
- Resolved how to change Tag Archive layout
- 1
- Resolved KLEO Client
- 3
- Resolved buddypress integration
- 3
- Resolved facebook integration – facebook comment
- 3