Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: problem with Icons #13619

    when you are adding the icons through html, you add them like:

    <i class="icon icon-glass"></i>

    when you add it trough CSS, you add it like:

    .item-to-style:before: { content:"\f000"; font-family: "FontAwesome"; }
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi. to remove the matching please add this code to your sweetdate-child/functions.php

    //remove matching
    function kleo_remove_matching()
       /* disable matching on member profile */
        remove_action('kleo_bp_before_profile_name', 'kleo_bp_compatibility_match');      
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    in reply to: Hi. how can i change color and size sidebar ..?? #13590

    Hi Joss,
    To change the sidebar width we have done some changes to the theme and now you will have two new options in Theme options – Layout settings to set content width: “Main content width for one sidebar templates” and “Main content width for two sidebars templates”.
    Until next update please get this archive and replace current theme files with the one included in the archive.

    To change the colors for the sidebar you need to add custom css in the file kleo-child/style.css or in admin – Theme options – Quick css for example:

    .sidebar {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #CCCCCC;
        color: #0000FF !important;
    .sidebar a{
        color: #0000FF !important;
    .widget-title {
        color: #FF0000 !important;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Edit Field Group Glitch #13582

    Hi, it seems to be a buddypress related problem and couldn’t find a way to fix it without modifying BUddypress core files.
    Please change line 830 from wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-xprofile\bp-xprofile-template.php to

    $tabs[] = sprintf( '<li %1$s><a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></li>', $selected, $link, esc_html( stripslashes($groups[$i]->name) ) );


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: members profile page conflict with WP-FB autoconnect #13407

    Indeed something strange happens with that 🙂
    Add this css for a quick fix until next Kleo version:

    .logo, .logo a {
        height: auto;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: change friend icon #13406

    looks like you added it with some nasty quotes charachters, it should be like:

    #friends-my-friends:before {
    content: "\f005";
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    in reply to: My Photos Tab and rtMedia #13404

    I see what you mean and that happens until the script for the carousel loads. You could try to set a maximum height for the container with this CSS:

    #gallery-carousel {max-height: 135px; overflow:hidden;}

    Add that css in sweetdate-child/style.css or in Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css

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    in reply to: Sidebar Widgets Icons #13354

    Hi, That is achievable using CSS. Add this to Theme options – Quick css:

    .widget_nav_menu li a:before {
        content: "\e873";
        font-family: "fontello";
        margin-right: 10px;
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    in reply to: adding menu link to ap-admin-bar #13257

    Hi, This function added to kleo-child/functions.php and having the kleo child theme active will add a submenu to that forums menu:

    function kleo_my_forums_menu($wp_admin_nav) {
    	$wp_admin_nav[] = array(
    		'parent' => 'my-account-forums',
    		'id'     => 'my-account-forums-root',
    		'title'  => __( 'Forum', 'bbpress' ),
    		'href'   => '/forums'
    	return $wp_admin_nav;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Search form and other questions #13167

    1. You should add your custom fields from Users – Profile field and have a Type field with your desired values which you can add to the search form in Sweetdate – Buddypress
    To change the hearts:

    2. We plan to do that but can’t say when that will be included in the update

    3. Cart and Checkout can be changed from page edit to any template you want. For the other woo pages please replace theme files with the one in this archive and you will have a new setting to select woocommerce layout under Sweetdate – Woocommerce

    4. Provide a link to understand better. It could be related to buddypress thumb size. see:

    5. You need to edit sweetdate/members/members-loop.php template file and put this inside the div with the class “search-body”

    <?php if ( bp_get_member_latest_update() ) : ?>
                <span class="update"> <?php bp_member_latest_update(); ?></span>
              <?php endif; ?>

    6. That can’t be easily achieved.. it requires some significant changes

    1. You need to develop that funtionality. To place to add it is inside sweetdate/header.php somewhere around “Login buttons” section
    2. That visual shortcodes generator should give you all shortcodes options available so there isn’t a place to explain in detail each one, just the shortcodes page from the demo:
    We haven’t encountered this problem not to generate the shortcodes.. we will do some tests to see if we manage to reproduce that

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Customizing the Profile Menu #13055

    Hi, Right now that is not possible but we will add that functionality in future releases. For now you can do it with a small code added to you sweetdate-child/functions.php file. see the example below:

    function add_to_profile_submenu($menu) {
    $menu[] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain().'media/photo">'. __("Photo", "buddypress").'</a></li>';
    $menu[] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain().'media/video">'. __("Video", "buddypress").'</a></li>';
    	return $menu;

    Make sure you have the child theme active

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Avatar won't fit on members page #13041

    Hi, Try to add this css in Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick css

    .search-item .avatar {height: auto;}
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Maps like Contacts example page #12959

    Hi, If you haven’t imported the demo content, here is the code from the Contact page. Add it it the Text tab of the editor

    [vc_row inner_container="no" section_type="main" bg_position="top" bg_repeat="no-repeat" bg_cover="true" bg_attachment="false" parallax_speed="0.1" padding_top="0" padding_bottom="0" border="bottom" css_animation="right-to-left" min_height="0"][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_gmaps type="m" zoom="14" link="!1m14!1m12!1m3!1d13250.216292683543!2d151.23235643049514!3d-33.87538140441755!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!5e0!3m2!1sro!2s!4v1391343442092" size="250"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row inner_container="yes" section_type="main" bg_position="top" bg_repeat="no-repeat" bg_cover="true" bg_attachment="false" parallax_speed="0.1" padding_top="40" padding_bottom="40" min_height="0" border="bottom" css_animation="right-to-left"][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text css_animation="right-to-left"]
    <h4>Main Office</h4>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, has an nullam sadipscing ullamcorper, nisl graeci minimum usu no, ne est erat deseruisse vituperata.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, has an nullam sadipscing ullamcorper, nisl graeci minimum usu no, ne est erat deseruisse vituperata.
    <strong>Email: </strong>
    <a href=""></a>
    <strong>Phone: </strong>
    (+1) 07123456789[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text css_animation="right-to-left"]
    <h4>Send us a message</h4>
    [/vc_column_text][contact-form-7 id="29" title="Drop us a line"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Hide some Kleo metabox #12788

    Hi, This should do the trick:

    function foyervietnam_remove_post_meta_boxes() {
    	if( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) {
    		remove_meta_box( 'general_settings','post','normal' ); // Kleo Theme General Settings
    		remove_meta_box( 'post_meta','post','normal' ); // Kleo Theme Post Settings
    		remove_meta_box( 'mymetabox_revslider_0','post','normal' ); // Kleo Revolution Slider Options
    		remove_meta_box( 'post_layout','post','side' ); // Kleo Post Layout
    		// sidebar
    		remove_action('edit_form_advanced', array('sidebar_generator', 'edit_form'));
    		remove_action('edit_page_form', array('sidebar_generator', 'edit_form'));
    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'foyervietnam_remove_post_meta_boxes' );
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    in reply to: Button color #12782

    Hi, You can change it by adding a custom CSS code in Theme options – Quick css

    #buddypress .standard-form div.submit input {background:blue; color: white;}
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    in reply to: Facebook Connect Questions #12619

    this is the code that gets added

    <a href="#" class="facebook_connect radius button facebook"><i class="icon-facebook"></i></a>

    add it yourself in wp-content\themes\sweetdate\page-parts\home-register-form.php

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    in reply to: Hidden not being displayed for members #12460

    Thanks sharmstr

    this is the code we added and it will be available in next version:

    #buddypress #groups-list .hidden {
        display: inherit !important;
        visibility: visible !important;
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    Hi, Achieve that by replacing in functions.php:

    			echo json_encode(array('loggedin'=>false, 'message'=> '<i class="icon-warning-sign"></i> ' . __('Wrong username or password. Please try again.', 'kleo_framework')));


    			$error = array();
    			foreach ($user_signon->errors as $err) {
    				$error[] = $err[0];
    			echo json_encode(array('loggedin'=>false, 'message'=> '<i class="icon-warning-sign"></i> ' . join('<br>', $error)));

    around line 1344

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Remove "4U" heart #12436

    I see what you want to achieve. In that case please edit sweetdate/header.php
    – replace “eight columns” with “twelve columns” at line 194
    – remove the logo starting with

    <!-- Logo -->


    <!--end logo-->
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Hide Login on Homepage #12410

    Hi, If you are talking about the button on the right then edit header.php and remove the section from

    <!--Login buttons-->


    <!--end login buttons-->
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Facebook & Terms and Conditions at register form #12392


    1. You must edit wp-content\themes\sweetdate\registration\register.php and at line 249 and add a custom Javascript code to check if it is checked.
    You can adapt the code from the modal:

    	jQuery("#register_form, #register_form_front").submit(function() {
    		if (jQuery(".tos_register", this).length > 0) {
    			if (! jQuery(".tos_register", this).is(":checked"))
    				alert('You must agree with the terms and conditions.');
    				return false;

    2. Register modal can be edited from : wp-content\themes\sweetdate\page-parts\general-register-modal.php

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Force users to upload avatar photo #12301

    1. avatar uploading at register page isn’t possible. Try searching for a plugin.

    2. remove the hearts with this CSS:

    .circular-item .hearts {
        background: none;


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: How to add more tabs next to the Profile image #12038

    custom code for telui:

    //custom code for telui
    function kleo_my_custom_tabs()
        global $bp_tabs;
        $bp_tabs['base'] = array(
                'type' => 'regular',
                'name' => __('About me', 'kleo_framework'),
                'group' => 'Base',
                'class' => 'regulartab'
        $bp_tabs[] = array(
                'type' => 'regular',
                'name' => __('Myself Summary', 'kleo_framework'),
                'class' => 'regulartab'
        $bp_tabs[] = array(
                'type' => 'regular',
                'name' => __('My existing Language Level', 'kleo_framework'),
                'class' => 'regulartab'
    return $bp_tabs;
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    in reply to: Facebook Registration and Paid Memberships Pro #11885

    Based on this:

    you can assign a level when registering with Facebook like this:

    add_action('fb_register_action', 'kleo_pmpro_default_level');
    function kleo_pmpro_default_level($user_id) {

    This one assigns level with ID 1

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    in reply to: Horizontal Search Bar Layout #11841

    Hi Keith,
    We made some changes to the file that generates the form to add some specific classes to each form field so you can customize easily by CSS
    Please replace until next update this file content p-content\themes\sweetdate\custom_buddypress\kleo-bp-search.php with

    After that you can inspect the elements using Firebug for Firefox or Chrome browser and add specific styles like:

    .hz-checkbox {clear:left;}
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    in reply to: Registration Profile Fields #11674

    Hi, To hide that text add this css in Theme options – QUick css

    .register .field-visibility-settings-notoggle {
        display: none;

    -When updating profile fields as admin the changes are not made on the site.
    Updating other users profiles? This shouldn’t be related to the theme

    -Field Labels are invisible
    On what pages you encounter this?

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    in reply to: Home page Image CSS #11644

    I see what you mean now. Remove the image from where you added it and add this css to target only homepage:

    .home .kleo-page {
        background-attachment: scroll;
        background-color: #FFFFFF;
        background-image: url("");
        background-position: center top;
        background-repeat: repeat;
        background-size: auto auto;
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    in reply to: Add Profile tabs #11550

    Hi, Make sure you don’t have any spaces and the end in the field name in Users – Profile fields
    and you are missing one line in the function. THis is correct

    // Add another tab
    function kleo_my_actions() 
    	global $bp_tabs;
    	$bp_tabs['lifestyle'] = array(
    		'type' => 'regular',
    		'name' => __('Lifestyle', 'kleo_framework'),
    		'group' => 'Lifestyle',
    		'class' => 'regulartab'
    	return $bp_tabs;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Homepage online members status icons – How to #11501

    Display total site members:

    [kleo_status_icon type="total" subtitle="Members in total"]

    Display total site online members:

    [kleo_status_icon type="members_online" subtitle="Members online"]

    Display members with certain value for a profile field

    [kleo_status_icon type="custom" field="I am a" value="Woman" subtitle="Women online" image="http://link_to_icon"] 

    Display online members with certain value for a profile field

     [kleo_status_icon type="custom" online="yes" field="I am a" value="Woman" subtitle="Women online" image="http://link_to_icon"]
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi, Try changing by css

    #gallery-carousel .circle img, #gallery-carousel .circle {height: 150px;}
    #gallery-carousel {
        left: 0 !important;

    3. you need to edit sweetdate\members\single\member-header.php and make your customizations there

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    in reply to: Members directory page with sidebar – How to #11481

    Hi, this is the code but you will need to change a file for it to work until version 2.5 of the theme

    //Members left sidebar
    add_filter('kleo_bp_directory_main_cols', 'kleo_custom_members_cols');
    function kleo_custom_members_cols() {
    	return 'eight';
    add_action('bp_before_directory_members', 'kleo_add_buddy_sidebar', 99);
    function kleo_add_buddy_sidebar() {
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Remove header profile/login buttons #11478

    You have to edit header.php inside the theme files on your server and remove all from

    <!--Login buttons--> 


    <!--end login buttons-->
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    1. you can redirect users to another page instead of the levels page. Use this code in sweetdate-child/functions.php to redirect them to your own page:

    //Redirect users to another page instead of the levels page
    add_filter('kleo_pmpro_url_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect');
    function my_custom_redirect() {
    	return 'http://my-custom-link';

    2. Users wanted different menus in most cases, not to restrict pages. Paid memberships Pro can already restrict pages

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    in reply to: "About Me" in Profile #11386

    There is was also an example to change the name there

    //my changes to profile tabs
    function kleo_my_custom_tabs()
        global $bp_tabs;
        /* rtMedia tab - only if plugin installed */
        if (class_exists('RTMedia'))
            $bp_tabs['rtmedia'] = array(
                    'type' => 'rt_media',
                    'name' => __('About me', 'kleo_framework'),
                    'class' => 'mySlider'
        /* Bp-Album tab - only if plugin installed */
        elseif (function_exists('bpa_init')) {
            $bp_tabs['bp-album'] = array(
                    'type' => 'bp_album',
                    'name' => __('About me', 'kleo_framework'),
                    'class' => 'mySlider'
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    1. THis is how it is on the page:

    <span class="user-nicename">@sweetadmin</span>
    <span class="activity">

    So in css address those classes. Eq: #profile span.user-nicename

    2. Already created a topic for that. Please add your questions once in one place

    3. The avatar size depending on the section of the site where is shown can be changed by css

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Return to Search back link needed #11184

    Hi, you can use this in a members profile:

    <a href="#" onclick="window.history.back();">Go back</a>

    Add it where it suits you, probably in wp-content\themes\sweetdate\members\single\member-header.php

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Make Top Menu Full Width and Translucent #11168

    Hi, Sorry for the late reply. We tried to make something quick using CSS but it requires more than just a small code snippet.
    Here is a starting point:

    .contain-to-grid .top-bar {
        max-width: 100%;
    .sticky.fixed {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
        height: auto;
        padding: 20px;
    .top-bar ul.left {
        float: right;
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    Hi, I tried in this topic to give some instructions to get closer to that design:

    Whichever plugin you are using you will have to change file templates and add conditions based on user lever. Depending on the plugin the function to check for a user level will be different. For PMPRO the function to check for a specific level is:

    /* If members are levels 1 or 2 */
    <?php if ( pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(array(1,2))) { ?>
    /*put here code for those levels*/
    <?php } ?>
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi, Add this in your sweetdate-child/functions.php and you will have access to bp-Album settings page that allows that but you cannot limit based on membership level

    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'bp_album_add_admin_menu' );
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: horizonal search form styling #11107

    Hi, I am looking at your site and all fields are left aligned. What do you mean?
    To center align the whole form you can do something like this in CSS:

    #horizontal_search .two.columns:first-child {
        margin-left: 120px;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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