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  • in reply to: The Grid with Kleo #207176

    Hi, well you can use the php function in the loop:


    Let me know if that helps.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Custom favorite and subscribe button for forum #202815

    Hi there, we haven’t isolated that functionality and it is only available on our support site. You can check our CSS and try to reproduce it. Here is the part that stands out but please take a look at our css file for any missing style

    .bbp-reply-content #subscription-toggle {
        float: right;
    a.favorite-toggle:before {
        font-family: 'sq-icons';
        font-size: 24px;
        line-height: inherit;
        vertical-align: top;
        margin-right: 10px;
        transition: all 0.5s ease;
    a.subscription-toggle:before {
        content: "\e904";
    #bbpress-forums a.favorite-toggle:before {
        content: "\e907";
        color: #F5A623;
    #bbpress-forums a:hover.subscription-toggle:before,
    #bbpress-forums a:hover.favorite-toggle:before {
        color: #fff;
    #bbpress-forums .is-subscribed a.subscription-toggle:before {
        content: "\e903";
        font-weight: normal;
    #bbpress-forums .is-favorite a.favorite-toggle:before {
        content: "\e908";
        font-weight: normal;
    #bbpress-forums a.favorite-toggle,
    #bbpress-forums a.subscription-toggle {
        width: 42px;
        height: 42px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 50px;
        -moz-border-radius: 50px;
        border-radius: 50px;
        overflow: hidden;
        white-space: nowrap;
        padding: 10px 5px !important;
        transition: all 0.5s ease;
        text-align: left;
        color: #fff;
        font-weight: bold !important;
    #bbpress-forums a:hover.favorite-toggle,
    #bbpress-forums a:hover.subscription-toggle {
        width: 150px;
        color: #fff;
        -webkit-box-shadow: 4px 4px 22px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
        -moz-box-shadow: 4px 4px 22px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
        box-shadow: 4px 4px 22px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Lazy load #194282
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    in reply to: Visual composer post grid order issue. #175149
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    in reply to: Membership Label #168885

    Hi there, we are using a function that shows it only to you for your profile, to show the membership to everyone you can just redefine the function in sweetdate-child/functions.php. The modified function to add is this:

    function kleo_membership_info() {
    		global $membership_levels, $current_user;
    		if ( ! $membership_levels ) {
    		//if ( bp_is_my_profile() ) {
    			if ( isset( $current_user->membership_level ) && $current_user->membership_level->ID ) {
    				echo '<a href="' . pmpro_url( "account" ) . '"><span class="label radius pmpro_label">' . $current_user->membership_level->name . '</span></a>';
    			} else {
    				echo '<a href="' . pmpro_url( "levels" ) . '"><span class="label radius pmpro_label">' . __( "Upgrade account", 'kleo_framework' ) . '</span></a>';

    Careful when adding custom codes, do it from FTP so you can always remove the code if it gives you errors.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Media Tab missing media items / icons under Kleo #162662

    Hi, Right now I added a CSS in Theme options – Quick CSS to make them appear

    .rtmedia-list-item.el-zero-fade {
        opacity: 1;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: AJAX Login and Redirection #160236

    You can add two elements, one for the logged in user and one for the guest and put them in the kleo_restrict shortcode.

    Here is the example and the class works on the button:

    [vc_row][vc_column][kleo_restrict type="guest"][kleo_button title="Button shows for guest to login" href="#" icon="0" el_class="kleo-show-login"][/kleo_restrict][kleo_restrict][kleo_button title="Button shows for logged in user" href="" icon="0"][/kleo_restrict][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Questions #158405
    Not marked as solution

    Hi, we limited the height for only two lines of text since it could get ugly in some scenarios but if you want it full text then you need to add this custom css to your child theme style.css or in Theme options – Quick CSS section:

    .buddypress div#item-header div#item-header-content p:first-child {
        overflow: visible;
        text-overflow: inherit;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Event that activates scolling based post visibility #142408
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    in reply to: Footer text gets changed on its own #142198

    Hello, this seems to happen because of WordPress that is removing empty tags.

    You can do a Google search related to “wordpress editor removes empty tags” and you will find some similar problems.

    An easy fix is to add a comment inside each span to prevent it:

    <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>© [current-year] ArboLife Ltd liab. Co | Neuchâtel | Switzerland | <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #b2b8c0;"><i class="icon-facebook-1"></i><!-- icon --></span></a> | <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #b2b8c0;"><i class="icon-linkedin-1"></i><!-- icon --></span></a> | <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #b2b8c0;"><i class="icon-twitter-1"></i><!-- icon --></span></a></strong>
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi there, you need to add this code to your child theme functions in order to enable it for other pages and also change the page permalink in the code with your name

    add_filter( 'bp_activity_maybe_load_mentions_scripts', 'sq_enable_mention_autosuggestions', 10, 2 );
    function sq_enable_mention_autosuggestions( $load, $mentions_enabled ) {
    	if( ! $mentions_enabled ) {
    		return $load;//activity mention is  not enabled, so no need to bother
    	//modify this condition to suit yours
    	if( is_user_logged_in() && is_page('my-activity-page') ) {
    		$load = true;
    	return $load;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Uber Menu broke with Kleo 4.1 release #133707

    Hi, please add this CSS until our next update

    .header-overflow .kleo-main-header, 
    .header-overflow .kleo-main-header .navbar-collapse {
        overflow: visible !important;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Change BuddyPress navigation menu icons #131106

    The selector should be the same but the rule should be like this

    #object-nav .responsive-tabs > li a::before {
        font: 200% "fontello";
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Change BuddyPress navigation menu icons #130420

    Hi, try this selector and make the statements with !important like this example

    #object-nav .responsive-tabs > li a::before {
        color: red!important;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: add age next to member name #130417

    Well to display another fields you need to do this for each field name:

    echo bp_get_profile_field_data(array('field' => 'Field name here'));
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Avatars #127151

    Hi, it depends where you want to increase it and I suggest to get help from a programmer with HTML/CSS skills.

    for example to increase the avatar size in the topic for the replies author avatar this css snippet is required:

     #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author .bbp-author-avatar {width: 80px;}
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Broken homepage after update #127115
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Remove post meta for custom post types #125840
    Hi there, until next version please replace this file where I added an extra filter. The file from the zip should be replace in the theme under "/lib" folder. After doing that you can add this snippet to your child them functions.php
    function kleo_my_meta_changes( $meta_status ) {
        if ( 'sfwd-certificates' == get_post_type()) {
            return 0; // zero disables it, 1 enables it
        return $meta_status;
    in reply to: Dynamic.css loading problem #119557

    if is rendered inline then it is not registered as a css file that loads

    Example of css style

    <link rel='stylesheet' href='//' type='text/css' media='all'/>
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Change the scrolling speed #119116

    Hi there, I did a small improvement for you but you need access to the link so you can set a speed data attribute like:

    <a href="#section-in-page" class="kleo-scroll-to" data-speed="2000">MY LINK</a>

    The speed attribute is in milliseconds and in my example above it means the animation to the specific section will take 2 seconds.

    Here is the modified app.js and app.min.js to put in you theme in assets/js

    Will be included in the next update too.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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    in reply to: Illegible group descriptions – Pre Sales #118619

    Hi there, the css should be somehow the same:

    .buddypress div#item-header div#item-header-content {
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Edit Title Attributes #118552

    Hi there, we used this function to create the my_tasks placeholder. You can create your own by following our initial logic. make sure to rename functions names and add it to your child theme/functions.php

    add_filter('walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'kleo_ctdl_replace_placeholders');
    function kleo_ctdl_replace_placeholders( $output ) {
        if ( strpos( $output, '##my_tasks##' ) !== false ) {
            if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
                return '';
            $count = CTDL_Lib::get_todos( get_current_user_id(), 5000, 0)->post_count;
            $output = str_replace('##my_tasks##', "<b class='bubble'>" . $count . "</b>", $output);
        return $output;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: BP Activity Stream & Flowplayer bug #117913

    Hi, that shortcode that appears has nothing to do with recent WP update or other things, it is just the page content that is showing since it is built with Visual composer. to remove it please add this to your child theme functions.php

    add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content_body','kleo_bp_activity_filter', 1 );
    function kleo_bp_activity_filter( $content ) {
        $content = preg_replace("/\[(.*?)(?:(\/))?\](?:(.+?)\[\/\2\])?/s",'', $content);
        return $content;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Visual Composer code in activity stream #117912
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Child theme not loading Them options correctly #116097

    Before posting questions here please make sure whatever you did to the site is not messing with the theme.

    You have added a custom style that is messing that

    .kleo-shop-cols-4 li.product, .kleo-shop-4 li.product, .woocommerce.columns-4 li.product {
        width: auto;

    This support site is intended to help you solve theme questions and problems and not your customisations. I am sure you understand that we are not able to check each and every thing clients do custom on their sites.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: On the activity page breaks styles #116087

    Hi there, try adding this code snippet to your kleo-child/functions.php file and see how it goes when you post a new activity.

    add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content_body','kleo_bp_activity_filter', 1 );
    function kleo_bp_activity_filter( $content ) {
        return preg_replace("/\[(.*?)(?:(\/))?\](?:(.+?)\[\/\2\])?/s",'', $content);;


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Profile title "| Sitename" with Yoast #113785

    You can add this function to your sweetdate-chil/functions.php file to override our theme default function

    function sweetdate_wp_title( $title, $sep ) {
        global $paged, $page;
        if ( is_feed() )
            return $title;
        // Add the site name.
        $title .= get_bloginfo( 'name' );
        // Add the site description for the home/front page.
        $site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );
        if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) )
            $title = "$title $sep $site_description";
        // Add a page number if necessary.
        if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 )
            $title = "$title $sep " . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'kleo_framework' ), max( $paged, $page ) );
        return $title;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi, the “unread” row looks like that just to point out the unread message. If you want to make it another BG color you should add this custom css

    #buddypress table.messages-notices#message-threads tbody tr.unread td {
        background: red;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Register page shorcode #110681

    Hi, we have a register shortcode but it is just a step and it will continue the registration on the buddypress page after.

    [kleo_register style="default"]

    It is used here:

    You can see all the shortcodes in the Visual composer interface, check the attach

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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    in reply to: Full width div wrapper on dropdown menu #110488

    I think your first solution was a good starting point and it should need some CSS based on the .open class added to the parent “li” tag
    something like:

    COPY CODE .sub-menu-wrap, .sub-menu {
       display: block !important;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Please try to add this CSS code in Theme options – Quick CSS until we see what is causing it.
    This used to work and now it does not work or never worked?

    body {
        overflow: initial !important;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Long updates not Showing #101798

    Until next update please add this css to fix it:

    #buddypress .activity-read-more {
        white-space: nowrap;
        display: inline !important;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Remove \"Match\" #101416

    This should be the code to remove it but your error is something not related to the theme since the add_action function is coming from wordpress. Try updating your wordpress version

    function kleo_remove_matching() 
        remove_action('kleo_bp_before_profile_name', 'kleo_bp_compatibility_match');
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: search box overlapped with Forum table #100146

    The small one searches just in forums.

    You can hide it with this small css rule:

    .entry-content .bbp-search-form {
        display: none;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Color Presets #100144

    Hello, this was added for the 4.0 update coming next week. You will be able to add a new preset like this in your child theme/ functions.php

    add_filter('section_color_presets', 'kleo_my_add_custom_color_preset');
    function kleo_my_add_custom_color_preset( $presets ) {
        $presets['my-preset-slug'] = array(
            'alt'     => 'My color preset name',
            'img'     => KLEO_LIB_URI . '/assets/images/presets/deep-purple-ac-amber.jpg', //path to custom image
            'presets' => array(
                'text'    => '#ffffff',
                'headings'    => '#ffffff',
                'bg'    => '#673ab7',
                'border'    => 'transparent',
                'link'    => '#ffffff',
                'link_hover'    => '#d1c4e9',
                'high_color'    => '#ffffff',
                'high_bg'    => '#ffc107',
                'alt_bg'    => '#7e57c2',
                'alt_border'    => '#7e57c2',
        return $presets;

    All the best

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: style login form #99861

    Hello, the login shortcode supports a style attribute and you can set it to dark like this, the default value being white

    [sq_login_form style="dark"]

    If that does not suit your needs then you need to come with some custom css for the background and text elements like:

    .kleo-login-wrap .before-login-form-wrapper,
    .kleo-login-wrap .login-form-wrapper,
    .kleo-login-wrap .login-create-account-wrapper {
    background: red !important;

    You should use Chrome Inspect element feature to detect existing css rules so you can override them with new CSS rules added by you.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Keep Side Menu Hidden #98659

    You can add this code to your buddyapp-child/functions.php file but it be closed on desktop and opened on mobile devices unfortunately. We are doing some tests to include this functionality next week but to apply only on desktop

    add_filter( 'body_class','kleo_closed_menu_body_classes' );
    function kleo_closed_menu_body_classes( $classes = array() ) {
        $classes[] = 'sidemenu-is-open';
        return $classes;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Change color of links in updates #98498

    Oh and I added this extra fix for a padding to the rtmedia images in the activity oo

    #buddypress ul.rtmedia-list li {
        padding-left: 0;
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Change color of links in updates #98497

    I see what you mean. I added the fix for the next week update that will include woocommerce compatibility too.

    Here is the css to add until next week

    #buddypress .activity-inner > p img {
      display: block;

    If you love our work please don’t forget to give us a 5 star rating on Themeforest.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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