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  • in reply to: myCRED and BadgeOS #6161

    Of course.
    I have mycred up and running but have not yet implemented BadgeOS.

    in reply to: reCAPTCHA not working #4447

    What plugin would that be?

    in reply to: Change activity links to buttons #4338

    I dont suppose you could give me an example? I do not know code very well.

    in reply to: Admin toolbar blocks navigation toolbar #4222

    That worked while on Home and Blog pages but it is not working in Activity or the groups/members directory.

    in reply to: Admin toolbar blocks navigation toolbar #4131

    Adding !important moved the text down but not the shaded background.

    .top-bar {margin-top: 28px !important;}

    in reply to: Admin toolbar blocks navigation toolbar #4129

    I was having the same issue. I put that into my quick css but am still having the issue. Here is what is in my quick css:

    .fixed.log-entries {position:static;}
    .top-bar { margin-top: 28px; }

    Am I doing something wrong?

    in reply to: Predefined Profile tabs missing #3970

    That worked great! Thank you.

    in reply to: Groups Navigation #3945

    I have that same issue. It is due to the length of the names. If the names of the groups are shorter it looks better. Not sure how to resolve it so that it looks good with shorter names.

    in reply to: Predefined Profile tabs missing #3929

    That does not help me. I am trying to add “Profile Fields” tabs. I have four tabs total:
    1. Base
    2. Summary
    3. Physical
    4. Location

    In my functions.php file I do not see anything about tabs. I do have the child theme active. Here is the functions.php

    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Sweetdate
    * @author SeventhQueen <>
    * @since Sweetdate 1.0

    * Sweetdate Child Theme Functions
    * Add extra code or replace existing functions


    function kleo_my_actions()
    /* disable matching on member profile */
    remove_action('kleo_bp_before_profile_name', 'kleo_bp_compatibility_match');

    /* Replace the heart over images */
    add_filter('kleo_img_rounded_icon', 'my_custom_icon');

    /* Replace the heart from register modal */
    add_filter('kleo_register_button_icon', 'my_custom_icon_register');

    /* Replace the heart with a camera icon function */
    function my_custom_icon () {
    return 'camera';

    /* Replace the heart from register modal with a user icon function */
    function my_custom_icon_register () {
    return 'user';

    /* Filter the redirect url for login*/

    function kleo_redirect_to_profile($redirect_to_calculated,$redirect_url_specified,$user){
    /*if no redirect was specified,let us think ,user wants to be in wp-dashboard*/
    return bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID );
    return $redirect_to_calculated; /*if site admin*/
    function bpdev_remove_bp_pre_user_login_action(){
    remove_action( 'pre_user_login', 'bp_core_strip_username_spaces' );

    //add a filter to invalidate a username with spaces
    function bpdev_restrict_space_in_username($valid,$user_name){
    //check if there is an space
    if ( preg_match('/\s/',$user_name) )
    return false;//if myes, then we say it is an error
    return $valid;//otherwise return the actual validity


    in reply to: myCRED and BadgeOS #3804

    Worked perfect! Thank you.

    in reply to: myCRED and BadgeOS #3760

    Here is what the myCRED support had to say about the issue:

    myCRED comes with very little built-in styling which means that if items seem “out of place” it is usually because of the CSS styling applied to them via your current theme (sometimes other plugins).

    Check what styling is applied to this bar, could be that a default styling is applied to the table element (which is what is used for the history) pushing it up into the corner.

    in reply to: Predefined Profile tabs missing #3757

    I am having a similar issue. “About Me” and “My Photos” are the only tabs showing. I am viewing a profile that does have all of the profile fields filled out.

    in reply to: Members Cannot Purchase #3756

    It’s working now. I had to switch it to PayPal Express

    in reply to: Members Cannot Purchase #3755

    I am using PayPal standard. Verified IPN’s are correct on both my site and on paypal.

    in reply to: Unable to Select Membership #3687

    Figured it out. It was a conflict with BadgeOS plugin. Apparently there is a issue with one of the badeges. Once I removed all badges it worked with BadgeOS still activated. Conflict somewhere, probably with registration badge or something.

    in reply to: Groups Navigation #3678

    I refreshed permalinks and it went away.

    in reply to: Memory Error #3677

    It is something with the host. They are checking into it. They said my php.ini looks good.

    in reply to: Unable to Create Group #3585

    I figured it out. It is a conflict with Membership plugin and Groups Hierarchy plugin. If I disable Groups Hierarchy it works fine. That stinks. I will get ahold of the Groups Hiearchy developers and see if there is a resolution.

    in reply to: Unable to change sidebar #3583

    That does work however “Groups” is the only part of buddypress I would not like to have a sidebar. I would also like to set different sidebars for different parts of buddypress. IE different sidebar for activity stream and a different sidebar for groups. Is that possible or is it all or nothing in BuddyPress pages?


    Worked great!

    in reply to: Envato update plugin #3581

    Okay got it. Thank you!

    in reply to: Unable to change sidebar #3475

    I lied. Everything but groups is working fine. Groups page will not allow me to manipulate the layout template/sidebar.

    in reply to: Profile Fields #3473

    Ah… okay thank you.

    in reply to: Unable to change sidebar #3464

    Found the issue. It happens when the Memberships Pro MailChimp addon is active.

    in reply to: Facebook registration w/ avatar #3441

    I miscellaneous settings what is the difference between:

    Enable Registration via Facebook
    If you enable this, users will be able to register a new account using Facebook. This skips the registration page including required profile fields


    Facebook integration
    Enable or disable Login/Register with Facebook

    in reply to: Memory Error #3372

    Not sure why but now the error is:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in /home/brink/public_html/sandcomm/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-friends/bp-friends-functions.php on line 104

    in reply to: Missing Member Options #3371

    Well I feel dumb 🙂 Works great.

    in reply to: Register Page Issue #3361

    That is exactly what happened. Not sure how. Thank you!


    Where does that code go? theme/functions.php?

    in reply to: RTMEDIA UPDATE THEME ISSUE #3306

    That code worked for me. Hopefully the next rtmedia update doesn’t break it. They just did a update and still didnt work for me without sqadmins code.

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