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  • in reply to: Facebook Login/Registration Not Working #139727

    I did purge the cache after the modification but it didn’t work. However I just tried clearing the cache again, and now everything is fine. Thanks again for all your help. Stellar as always!!! 🙂

    in reply to: BuddyPress Profile photos do not work #139724

    Hi @radu

    I checked the WP help forum for this plugin, and 3 days ago a gentlemen posted he had the same trouble. He offered this code as a solution:


    add_filter(‘do_rocket_lazyload’, ‘disable_lazyload_own_profile’);
    function disable_lazyload_own_profile()
    if (bp_is_my_profile()) {
    return false;

    return true;


    You can find his post here:

    However, he does not mention where to place the code. Do you have a suggestion where the code would go?


    in reply to: BuddyPress Profile photos do not work #139722

    No, I haven’t seen a way to contact them for that sort of support.

    in reply to: Kleo Sign Up’s versus Paid Membership Pro #139719

    Hi @laura

    Yep, I sure did. See attached snapshot. 🙂

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Facebook App OAuth Settings #139718
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Styling Problem With Feature Box #139717

    Okay, thanks again. Have a wonderful day. 🙂

    in reply to: Kleo Sign Up’s versus Paid Membership Pro #139185

    Hi @laura

    Trying to use PMPro with the site, but it doesn’t seem to work. Followed the setup process, but the PMPro pages do not display properly.

    For example:

    As you can see, the page is blank, even though the correct short code has been placed in the editor.

    Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


    in reply to: Styling Problem With Feature Box #139071

    Hi @laura

    I did initially clear it, but for some reason it did not update. Tried again, and your code worked perfectly. Thank you. 🙂

    One question…while trying to get it to work, I added the code in both the style.css file, and in the Quick CSS area of the Theme Options. Would the code still work if I just keep it in the Quick CSS area, and eliminate the code in the style.css file?

    Thanks for your help. Your work excellent, as always.


    in reply to: Kleo Sign Up’s versus Paid Membership Pro #138994

    Hmmm, okay. That’s not what I need. Can you recommend a plugin that allows me to hide content for non registered or non logged in users?

    in reply to: Kleo Sign Up’s versus Paid Membership Pro #138524

    Hi @laura

    Thanks for the explanation.

    When a user signs up via Buddy Press, can the automatically be registered with PM Pro as a member? Would rather not have the user sign up twice.


    in reply to: BuddyPress Profile photos do not work #138514

    Hi @radu

    The plugin does not offer settings, as it simply works in the background.

    However I tried open and edit the plugin by located excepted language in the plugin, but didn’t find anything. The plugin code is below. Hopefully that helps. Thanks for taking a look. 🙂


    defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) or die( ‘Cheatin\’ uh?’ );

    Plugin Name: Rocket Lazy Load
    Plugin URI:
    Description: The tiny Lazy Load script for WordPress without jQuery or others libraries.
    Version: 1.0.4
    Author: WP Media
    Author URI:

    Copyright 2015 WP Media

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <;.


    * Add Lazy Load JavaScript in the header
    * No jQuery or other library is required !!
    * @since 1.0
    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘rocket_lazyload_script’, PHP_INT_MAX );
    function rocket_lazyload_script() {
    if ( ! apply_filters( ‘do_rocket_lazyload’, true ) ) {

    echo ‘<script type=”text/javascript”>(function(a,e){function f(){var d=0;if(e.body&&e.body.offsetWidth){d=e.body.offsetHeight}if(e.compatMode==”CSS1Compat”&&e.documentElement&&e.documentElement.offsetWidth){d=e.documentElement.offsetHeight}if(a.innerWidth&&a.innerHeight){d=a.innerHeight}return d}function b(g){var d=ot=0;if(g.offsetParent){do{d+=g.offsetLeft;ot+=g.offsetTop}while(g=g.offsetParent)}return{left:d,top:ot}}function c(){var l=e.querySelectorAll(“[data-lazy-original]”);var j=a.pageYOffset||e.documentElement.scrollTop||e.body.scrollTop;var d=f();for(var k=0;k<l.length;k++){var h=l[k];var g=b(h).top;if(g<(d+j)){h.src=h.getAttribute(“data-lazy-original”);h.removeAttribute(“data-lazy-original”)}}}if(a.addEventListener){a.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”,c,false);a.addEventListener(“scroll”,c,false)}else{a.attachEvent(“onload”,c);a.attachEvent(“onscroll”,c)}})(window,document);</script>’;

    * Replace Gravatar, thumbnails, images in post content and in widget text by LazyLoad
    * @since 1.0
    add_filter( ‘get_avatar’, ‘rocket_lazyload_images’, PHP_INT_MAX );
    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘rocket_lazyload_images’, PHP_INT_MAX );
    add_filter( ‘widget_text’, ‘rocket_lazyload_images’, PHP_INT_MAX );
    add_filter( ‘post_thumbnail_html’, ‘rocket_lazyload_images’, PHP_INT_MAX );
    function rocket_lazyload_images( $html ) {
    // Don’t LazyLoad if the thumbnail is in admin, a feed or a post preview
    if( is_admin() || is_feed() || is_preview() || empty( $html ) ) {
    return $html;

    // You can stop the LalyLoad process with a hook
    if ( ! apply_filters( ‘do_rocket_lazyload’, true ) ) {
    return $html;

    $html = preg_replace_callback( ‘#<img([^>]*) src=(“(?:[^”]+)”|\'(?:[^\’]+)\’|(?:[^ >]+))([^>]*)>#’, ‘__rocket_lazyload_replace_callback’, $html );

    return $html;

    * Used to check if we have to LazyLoad this or not
    * @since 1.0.1
    function __rocket_lazyload_replace_callback( $matches ) {
    if ( strpos( $matches[1] . $matches[3], ‘data-no-lazy=’ ) === false && strpos( $matches[1] . $matches[3], ‘data-lazy-original=’ ) === false && strpos( $matches[2], ‘/wpcf7_captcha/’ ) === false ) {
    $html = sprintf( ‘<img%1$s src=”” data-lazy-original=%2$s%3$s><noscript><img%1$s src=%2$s%3$s></noscript>’,
    $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3] );

    * Filter the LazyLoad HTML output
    * @since 1.0.2
    * @param array $html Output that will be printed
    $html = apply_filters( ‘rocket_lazyload_html’, $html, true );

    return $html;
    } else {
    return $matches[0];

    * Replace WordPress smilies by Lazy Load
    * @since 1.0
    remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘convert_smilies’ );
    remove_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘convert_smilies’ );
    remove_filter( ‘comment_text’, ‘convert_smilies’ );

    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘rocket_convert_smilies’ );
    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘rocket_convert_smilies’ );
    add_filter( ‘comment_text’, ‘rocket_convert_smilies’ );

    * Convert text equivalent of smilies to images.
    * @source convert_smilies() in /wp-includes/formattings.php
    * @since 1.0
    function rocket_convert_smilies( $text ) {

    global $wp_smiliessearch;
    $output = ”;

    if ( get_option( ‘use_smilies’ ) && ! empty( $wp_smiliessearch ) ) {
    // HTML loop taken from texturize function, could possible be consolidated
    $textarr = preg_split( ‘/(<.*>)/U’, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ); // capture the tags as well as in between
    $stop = count( $textarr );// loop stuff

    // Ignore proessing of specific tags
    $tags_to_ignore = ‘code|pre|style|script|textarea’;
    $ignore_block_element = ”;

    for ( $i = 0; $i < $stop; $i++ ) {
    $content = $textarr[ $i ];

    // If we’re in an ignore block, wait until we find its closing tag
    if ( ” == $ignore_block_element && preg_match( ‘/^<(‘ . $tags_to_ignore . ‘)>/’, $content, $matches ) ) {
    $ignore_block_element = $matches[1];

    // If it’s not a tag and not in ignore block
    if ( ” == $ignore_block_element && strlen( $content ) > 0 && ‘<‘ != $content[0] ) {
    $content = preg_replace_callback( $wp_smiliessearch, ‘rocket_translate_smiley’, $content );

    // did we exit ignore block
    if ( ” != $ignore_block_element && ‘</’ . $ignore_block_element . ‘>’ == $content ) {
    $ignore_block_element = ”;

    $output .= $content;
    } else {
    // return default text.
    $output = $text;
    return $output;

    * Convert one smiley code to the icon graphic file equivalent.
    * @source translate_smiley() in /wp-includes/formattings.php
    * @since 1.0
    function rocket_translate_smiley( $matches ) {
    global $wpsmiliestrans;

    if ( count( $matches ) == 0 )
    return ”;

    $smiley = trim( reset( $matches ) );
    $img = $wpsmiliestrans[ $smiley ];

    $matches = array();
    $ext = preg_match( ‘/\.([^.]+)$/’, $img, $matches ) ? strtolower( $matches[1] ) : false;
    $image_exts = array( ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘jpe’, ‘gif’, ‘png’ );

    // Don’t convert smilies that aren’t images – they’re probably emoji.
    if ( ! in_array( $ext, $image_exts ) ) {
    return $img;

    * Filter the Smiley image URL before it’s used in the image element.
    * @since WP 2.9.0
    * @param string $smiley_url URL for the smiley image.
    * @param string $img Filename for the smiley image.
    * @param string $site_url Site URL, as returned by site_url().
    $src_url = apply_filters( ‘smilies_src’, includes_url( “images/smilies/$img” ), $img, site_url() );

    // Don’t lazy-load if process is stopped with a hook
    if ( apply_filters( ‘do_rocket_lazyload’, true ) ) {
    return sprintf( ‘ %s ‘, esc_url( $src_url ), esc_attr( $smiley ) );
    } else {
    return sprintf( ‘ %s ‘, esc_url( $src_url ), esc_attr( $smiley ) );


    in reply to: Facebook Login/Registration Not Working #138511

    Hi @radu

    Thanks for the reply.

    I corrected the code per your instructions (see attached snapshot) but that didn’t fix the issue.

    Any other suggestions?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Styling Problem With Feature Box #138506
    This reply has been set as private.
    in reply to: Styling Problem With Feature Box #137875

    Hi @laura

    Yep, I did. It’s the home page that I provided.

    Go to

    Thanks for your help! 🙂

    in reply to: Facebook Login/Registration Not Working #137767

    Hi @radu

    The problem was caused by this plugin:

    The plugin can exclude specified scripts that conflict. See attached snapshot. I’ve circled in red where scripts to exclude can be added.

    Do you know which script it is, so I can add it to the list of exclusions?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: BuddyPress Profile photos do not work #137761

    Hi @radu

    The problem was caused by this plugin:

    Since the plugin helps with other parts of the site (mostly speed and caching) is there a way to exclude the buddypress profile photo script, so that the plugin does not interfere with it?


    in reply to: Facebook Login/Registration Not Working #137438

    Thanks @laura

    Hope you’re well.


    in reply to: Facebook Login/Registration Not Working #137298

    Hi @laura

    Actually, I originally had it without the “/”, but Facebook requires that it in order to save the settings. Dunno why, but I couldn’t save /close the window without it.

    in reply to: Menu #137269

    Will do. Thanks @radu!

    in reply to: KLEO Buttons not lining up on mobile #137266

    Great code. Thanks!

    in reply to: Facebook Login/Registration Not Working #137135
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    in reply to: Social Links Not Working #137041

    Never mind. For some reason, the problem went away. That was weird. Thanks!

    in reply to: Styling Problems with Kleo #137037

    Perfect. Top shelf work, as always. Thanks @radu

    in reply to: Changing the “@user” identity #137032

    Worked perfect @radu. Thanks!

    in reply to: Styling Problems with Kleo #136971

    Hi @radu

    If you go to, go to Login/Register (upper right), and hover so the menu displays the drop down. You’ll see that the drop down menu items are white font, and you can not see them.

    I’m reviewing this thread we created together a few months ago to style the top menu, but for some reason I can’t get the drop down fonts to display in black. Below is the custom CSS I have right now. Can you see what I’m doing wrong??? Thanks! {
    background-color: #000000;

    #top-social li, #top-social li a, #top-social li i, #top-social li .ts-text {color: #fff !important;}

    .top-menu li.bp-login-nav a:before, .top-menu li.bp-register-nav a:before {color:#fff !important;}

    ul#menu-kleotopmenu i.icon {color:#fff;}

    .top-menu ul#menu-kleotopmenu li.kleo-menu ul.dropdown-menu a { color:#fff !important; }
    .header-color .top-menu li > a, .header-color #top-social li a { color:#fff !important; }

    .kleo-carousel-container .entry-summary {
    display: none;

    .vc_column_container a.bbp-forum-title {
    color: #fff !important;

    .header-color .top-menu li > a span.caret:after {
    color: #fff !important;
    font-weight: bold !important;

    .kleocustomsection .template-page, .sidebar {
    padding-top: 0 !important;
    padding-bottom: 0 !important;

    .kleocustomsection input#bp-login-widget-user-login {
    width: 100% !important;

    .widget_bp_core_login_widget a, .widget_awpcp-categories a {
    color: #fff !important;

    in reply to: Header not displaying correctly. #136852

    That was it Radu! Thanks for your help. 🙂

    in reply to: Changing the “@user” identity #136849

    Hi Radu,

    Thanks for the reply. Nope, want to keep the @ but want to change the user name.


    in reply to: Visual Builder Not Updating #110393

    Got it. Thanks!

    in reply to: Visual Builder Not Updating #110286


    I just noticed I am having the same problem with the Slider Revolution Plugin also. Please advise.



    in reply to: KLEO Not Updating #108817

    Hi Radu,

    After trying different things, I determined it was a memory limitation with my host. I had them increase the memory and have successfully updated the theme.

    Thanks for your help.



    in reply to: KLEO Not Updating #108701

    Hi Radu,

    That didn’t work. Now I get a 500 Error –

    However, I can login to the admin via

    Only the user front end doesn’t work, but the back end admin works fine.

    What should I do?


    in reply to: KLEO Not Updating #108409

    Hi Radu,

    That didn’t work. Still not updating. Any suggestions?



    in reply to: Linking Pictures #107270

    Hi Laura,

    That snippet worked perfectly. Thank you! 🙂

    Have a great day,


    in reply to: Linking Pictures #107185

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for creating the code. That was a lot of work. I appreciate it.

    I tried your code, and it was close, but there are a few things that are off. So here’s what I did…

    I created a new page for your code to show you what it looks like. That way you can compare it to the home page.

    The home page where the code is intended for is here:
    The page with the code you created is here:

    I hope that makes it easier to see what tweaks might be needed.

    Thanks for all your help. Love working with you as always. 🙂



    in reply to: Align the home page image #107184
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    in reply to: Align the home page image #107026

    Took your suggestion and did it. Was a little effort, but got it to work. Thanks! 🙂

    in reply to: Linking Pictures #107025

    Hi Laura,

    Messed around with that a bit, but I don’t see a way to isolate just those 3 thumbnail pictures with PMP. The whole page becomes inaccessible.

    How about another way, like making the pictures static so you can’t click on them? Is there a way to do that? I just would prefer that they do nothing.


    in reply to: Align the home page image #106735

    By the way, I just tried it in IE and Chrome, and the issue is the same. So it’s not a browser issue.

    in reply to: Align the home page image #106731

    Hi Laura,

    I think it has something to do with the size of the users computer screen/display.

    I minimized the size of the browser, then dragged the sides to either stretch or narrow the width. When I do, the image does not stay anchored to it’s location in the browser window. In other words, the width of the browser causes the image to move on the page.

    Here are some snap shots showing what I mean. Each snap shot is my entire computer screen, but the browser has been narrowed or stretched to change the width, so you can see what I am talking about. See attached images.

    I using a 16″ screen, so I am assuming you are using a smaller screen? Maybe 14″? Try stretching your browser screen from the sides to change the width, and I think you can probably produce the same results.

    Let me know what you find out.


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    in reply to: Align the home page image #106478

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for the code. I tried the results almost look like the center.jpg I attached. Check it out at

    I tried moving the picture farther to the right by changing the number of pixels in the code you provided, but it did not move. Did I do something wrong?

    As always, thanks for your awesome help! 🙂

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