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Sorry for a bit late reply. Last night I had to sleep as I was very late. I have told you this so that you know I am taking care of your issue seriously.
Well, I have found the solution to border problem.
Please put the following code to Dashboard>Appearance>Editor>style.css and save the file.
Here is the code:COPY CODE@media screen and (max-width: 991px){ #top-social { border-bottom-style: none !important; border-bottom-width: 0; } .top-bar { border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5 !important; } }
In my test I has worked perfectly, Please let me know if this works for you. ๐ Thank you very much for your patience.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
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I have got a solution to your problem. I have tested it and it really works great on ipad and iphone.
You need to do a little work to get this done. ๐ I hope you do not mind doing this.
1. Copy the file “general-header-section.php” from wp-content/themes/kleo/page-parts/general-header-section.php.
2. Create a folder inside kleo-child theme’s main directory with the name “page-parts” and paste the copied file.
Now you need to edit the file a bit.
In the line no 23, you need to change the following lineCOPY CODE'top-menu col-sm-12 col-md-7 no-padd'
COPY CODE'top-menu col-sm-7 col-md-7 no-padd'
and in line no 58 , you will need to change the following line
COPY CODE"col-sm-12 col-md-5 no-padd"
COPY CODE"col-sm-5 col-md-5 no-padd"
These changes will fix the problem on all iPad. However, if you would like to show your the top menu in one line on iphones and other small device then you can add an extra class to you above code.
Therefore for iphone or small devices, your first changed code at line 23 should look like the followingCOPY CODE'top-menu col-xs-7 col-sm-7 col-md-7 no-padd'
Please notice I have added col-xs-7 to the previous code here.
and your second changed code at line 58 should look like the following.COPY CODE"col-xs-5 col-sm-5 col-md-5 no-padd"
Here also I have added col-xs-5 to the previous changed code.
I have tried my best to explain in details. Still if you have any problem to understand anything, please ask me anytime. ๐Thanks,
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
ModeratorHi @Sebastien789,
1. For first problem I am working on it.
2. I would recommend using caching plugins to optimize your site with any Theme or KLEO. Our theme is already optimized for high performance.You need to optimize WordPress to get high performance. One of the best caching plugins is W3 Total Cache. You can also search on Google for WordPress optimization for high speed performance.
3. For issue with archive page title, You need to change the text written in first quotation. For example, lets say you want to change the title for category archive, so you should change the text like the following.
Example code was given:COPY CODE$output = __('Archive for category:','kleo_framework')." ".single_cat_title('',false);
You should change the text ‘Archive for category:’ to anything you want to show on category archive page.
eg.COPY CODE$output = __('MY CUSTOM TITLE FOR CATEGORY ARCHIVE','kleo_framework')." ".single_cat_title('',false);
I hope you understand now what to change in the code give there. and you asked about string there. String means characters eg. abcdeABCDE etc.
4. Custom registration page, I am working on it and will let you know soon.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
The line you see is a border. you can change it’s color to anything or black to match your site color from the following setting.
>Theme Options>Styling options>Alternate>border color.
Choose your favorite color for that line or border and refresh the page you should see your desired result achieved. ๐
Please let me know if this helps you. If it does not work, then use thisCOPY CODEsection.container-wrap.main-title.alternate-color.border-bottom { border-color: #000 !important; }
code on quick css to change that color forcibly. But the first option should work just fine.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
Maybe something overwriting the css code defined by the theme option setting. I have tested on my site and it is working fine. It would easy to debug the problem if you could provide link to your site. or you can use the below code to Appearance>editor>style.css to forcibly change the color. ๐ I have tested the code and it works fine. However, it should have worked without custom code. But I am giving this code for instant result.COPY CODE/*change color of title in breadcrumb area*/ section.container-wrap.main-title.alternate-color.border-bottom { color: red !important; } /*change color for link in breadcrumb*/ .breadcrumb-trail.breadcrumb span a { color: green !important; } /*change color for non link text in breadcrumb*/ .breadcrumb-trail.breadcrumb { color: blue !important; }
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
Please put this code on Theme options>General setting>quick css. or Appearance>editor>style.css of Kleo child theme.COPY CODEsection.kleo-page-header.container-wrap.main-color { display: none; }
save the file and refresh the page. It should work, you can see in the screenshot attached here.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
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You can change the font and border color of the top menu with the following code. Please read the comment in the code to edit them to according to your need.COPY CODE/* Custom Style for Menu STARTS */ .social-header.header-color { background-color: #805920 !important;/*Cange it for Color for background on the top menu area*/ color:#ECFF42 !important;/*Change it for Color for general text or icon on the top menu area*/ border: 0; } .social-header.header-color a{ color: #ECFF42 !important; /* Change it for Color for the link of the menu and icon on the top menu area*/ } .top-menu li > a { border-color: green !important; /*change it for color of border of top menu*/ } #top-social li a { border-color: green !important; /*change it for the color of border of top social icons*/ } /* ENDS Custom Style for Menu */
and you can use the following code to increase the height of the main nav menu. you can adjust the value of margin to your desired size.
COPY CODE/*change the height of the main nav menu*/ .kleo-main-header .container { margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 20px; } /*Removing extra margin if sticky menu is enabled*/ .kleo-main-header.header-scrolled .container { margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 5px; }
If you do not understand anything, Please ask me anytime.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
Can you please tell me more clearly what you meant? There are two menu on top of the page. One is called main nav menu and another is called top menu. Items on top menu have a right vertical border/bar on each. and if you meant this border, then you can adjust the height of that bar using the following code. you can add them to Appearance>editor>style.css like before.COPY li > a { line-height: 33px !important; /*Change the value to adjust to your need*/ }
However, if you meant something else, then please tell me with more details. I will try to help you instantly.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
You can test your site disabling all plugins, Maybe any plugin causing this problem. normally it should work just fine on iphone. However, if your problem is not solve by deactivating plugins then you can change your media query. It does not look perfect for iphone. Please use the following media query to target iphone 4 and 5 in portrait mode only as you have got problem in portrait mode.COPY CODE/* iPhone 4 ----------- */ @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) and (orientation : portrait), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) and (orientation : portrait) { /* Styles for iphone 4 goes here */ } /* iPhone 5 ----------- */ @media only screen and (min-device-width: 640px) and (max-device-width: 1136px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (orientation : portrait) { /* style for iPhone 5 only on portrait mode */ }
I hope this will fix your problem.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
ModeratorHello Victor,
It did work on my test. By the way, You can try with the following code. Replace the above code with the following code. This code should work fine.COPY CODE@media all and (max-width: 470px) and (min-width: 441px){ .logo, .logo a { width: 88% !important; } }
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
ModeratorHi Victor,
Thank you very much for your patience and giving me the link to test. I have just tested and found the problem from the viewport size 441px to 470px wide. I could solve the problem in my test using the following code. Please put the following codeCOPY CODE@media screen and (min-width: 441px) { .logo, .logo a { width: 88% !important; } }
to Appearance>Editor>style.css or Theme Option>general settings>quick css and the save the file.
Please refresh the page and it should work fine now. If you test with your browser window then please try to clear all cache and cookies etc from the browser to test properly. If you have any problem to understand anything, please ask me anytime.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
It is possible to change the background color and the text color of both menu easily. You should can achieve your desire result in the following ways.
1. You can change the link color and the menu background color for both main nav menu and top menu from the Theme option>Style Option>header. I have added a screenshot. You can get clear understanding seeing it.
2. To give top menu different color for text and its background. You need to add some css to the style.css file of the KLEO child theme which can be found Under Appearance>Editor>style.css. I have got some css code for you to change top menu color. You can change the color code to your taste. Please copy the following codeCOPY CODE/* Custom Style for Top Menu STARTS */ .social-header.header-color { background-color: #d0820d !important;/*Color for background on the top menu area*/ color:#fff !important;/*Color for any text/toggle button on the top menu area*/ border: 0; } .social-header.header-color a{ color: #fff !important; /*Color for the link of the menu on the top menu area*/ } /* ENDS Custom Style for Top Menu */
to Apearance>Editor>style.css and save the file. Refresh the browser. and see the result. and you can also clear the browser cache and cookies etc. to see the result. I have added a screenshot of the result after adding the code. You can have an idea looking at the screenshot.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
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Thank you very much for your patience and assistance. I have found solution to your problems. I Please have a look at them.
For solving your problems, Please add the following code to the stylesheet of KLEO child can find it From Appearance>Editor>style.css. After adding them, please save your file and refresh the page. and you can also clear browser cache and cookies and other data to test properly. Then your problem should be fixed.
Code to solve no 1 problem.COPY CODE.kleo-mobile-switch { display: none; }
Code to solve problem 2.
COPY CODE/*------ Smartphones (landscape) you can change 321 to 320 to apply this change on both portrait and landscape ----- */ @media only screen and (min-device-width : 321px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { .container { padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important; } }
Please let me know if this works for you. I have tested and It works for me. You can see the screenshot. Please ask me anytime if you have any more question.
KamalNB: white space on left and right of the header/full site is not the window. I have added highlight marker so It looks like that. Please see the second screenshot. thanks.
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ModeratorHi Albert!
I have checked your web site and I have got some code for you. Please copy the following codeCOPY CODE/*Begin Custom Styling for Register Page*/ /*changing general color only on register page*/ div#register-page { color: #fff !important; } div#register-page h2.article-title.text-center { color: #fff !important; } div#basic-details-section h4 { color: #fff !important; } /*Changing color of all label on register page*/ div#register-page label { color: #fff !important; } div#profile-details-section h4 { color: #fff !important; } div#profile-details-section p { color: #E2E2E2 !important; } /*changing color of toggle link eg. a link with text"change"*/ a.visibility-toggle-link { color: #D5C8C8 !important; } /*color for terms and condition link*/ p.right a { color: #3072F6 !important; } /*Changing color of testimonial*/ section.with-top-border div#quote_wrap { color: #fff; } /* End of Custom Styling on Register page */
to your style.css file which can be found “Appearance>Editor>style.css. and Save the file. Then please refresh the page and you should see the change and text should look in white color. If you like to change the color of any elements I have changed the color, then you can easily edit the css color code in the above code. I have also added some comments in the code to help you. I have added a screenshot to show you how it looks after adding this code. If you have any question please ask me without any hesitation.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Kamal
ModeratorHello @Roger,
You can create a dynamic link to your nav menu to add new article in the following way,
>Go To Appearance> menu>links>url
> in the url put this code>COPY CODE##profile_link##/articles/new/
>Write anything eg “Add new article” in the link text box and click “add to menu”
>Save your menu and refresh your page and you should get a dynamic link to add new article from the nav bar.
Please see the screenshot if you do not understand anything. You can also ask me if you want any more help. I will solve your problem instantly.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
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ModeratorOkey, Thanks, I understand your problem. It was the navigation for user profiles, I have checked now. It works fine. May be it was a plugin issue. I have added a screenshot. but if you want to hide this user navigation then please use this
COPY CODE.pagination-sticky { display: none; }
code to the style.css of KLEO child theme. and If still the problem exists, then please clear the browser caches and cookies etc and refresh the page. and you can see it is working on my browser. If you have any question, please ask me anytime. Thank you very much.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Kamal
Your problem is completely related to buddypress plugin as buddypress plugin outputs the excerpt for the group description. So you can get best solution if you ask about your problem in their forum. However, if you can afford buying a plugin, then the previous plugin will definitely get the job done. and you can also try with following code. I found this on buddypress forum.COPY CODEfunction bp_excerpt_group_description( $description ) { // your exceprt code $length = 30;// change it to whatever length you prefer $description = substr($description,0,$length); return $description; } add_filter( โbp_get_group_description_excerptโ, โbp_excerpt_group_descriptionโ);
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
thank you very much for the nice words. We are happy to solve your problem. Well, I have got this codeCOPY CODE/* custom css for hiding time and category under post */ article .article-meta .post-meta { content: none; display: none; } small.meta-category { display: none; }
for you. Please paste this code on the style.css of KLEO child and then save the file and refresh the page and you can also clear cache and cookies etc . and see if this works for you. Please let me know if this works. If you have any question, you are always welcome to ask me.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
You can try with the following code. Please insert this code to the functions.php in Kleo child theme.COPY CODE// limit group description length function my_excerpt_group_description( $description ) { $length = 20; $description = substr($description,0,$length); return $description; } add_filter( 'bp_get_group_description', 'my_excerpt_group_description');
then save the file and refresh the page. If you want more functionality for handling group descrioption, You can give this plugin a try. It will definitely get the job done. But unfortunately it is a paid plugin. If you have any question, please feel free to ask me anytime.
Thanks.Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
You can change the “Back to Portfolio” to whatever you like. To change it please follow the following steps.
1. Please copy the “single-portfolio.php” file from the KLEO parent theme’s home folder to KLEO Child theme’s home folder.
2. Edit the file using wordpress editor or you can use ftp to edit the file.
3. If you go to the line 149 , then you should see the following code:COPY CODE<section class="footer-color text-center portfolio-back"><a>" href="<?php echo get_archive_link( 'portfolio' );?>"><i class="icon-th icon-2x"></i></a></section>
4. Then you can change the value of title and href of “a” tag to whatever you would like to.
5. Save the file and refresh the page. You should see the link and title changed according to your given value. Please see the screenshots to see which line or portion should be edited.
If you do not understand anything clearly, please feel free to ask me.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
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After trying for hours and googling, I have come to know that it is a known problem with s2 member pro plugin. It conflicts with ajax login and wordpress redirection. This plugin also overwrites wordpress default user roles. The redirection works fine with normal login with the following code on functions.php.COPY CODEfunction only_admins_login_area( $redirect_to, $request, $user ) { global $user; if ( isset( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) { //check for admins if ( in_array( 'administrator', $user->roles ) ) { // Redirect to default admin area return $redirect_to; } } return home_url()."/welcome-back/"; } add_filter( 'login_redirect', 'only_admins_login_area', 10, 3 );
I have tried it on my server also. but your problem is plugin related. Please ask about ajax login problem on their forum. You can get best solution there. Thank you very much for your assistance and patience.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
To remove admin bar for subscriber or guest, add the following codeCOPY CODEadd_action('set_current_user', 'SweetDate_hide_admin_bar_subscriber'); function SweetDate_hide_admin_bar_subscriber() { if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { show_admin_bar(false); } }
to the functions.php of SweeyDate Child theme. You can find it Appearance>Editor>functions.php
If you want to Disable Admin Bar for All Users Except for Administrators,
then add the following codeCOPY CODEadd_action('after_setup_theme', 'SweetDate_remove_admin_bar'); function SweetDate_remove_admin_bar() { if (!current_user_can('administrator') && !is_admin()) { show_admin_bar(false); } }
to the functions.php and save. I hope this helps you.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
ModeratorHello Stephanus,
You can add video background to your site in the following way. You can add it using revolution slider with full control over it. and you can also add video background like the link you shared in your second video using a short code on a fullwidth template. If you want to add video background like on our demo page then you can use this short code on you home page and you can edit the source of the video to your own video. You can place this code on top of all code using classic editor. Here is the code:COPY CODE[vc_row inner_container="yes" section_type="main" type="video" bg_position="top" bg_position_horizontal="left" bg_repeat="no-repeat" bg_cover="true" bg_attachment="false" parallax_speed="0.5" min_height="0" border="none" css_animation="right-to-left" bg_video_src_webm="" padding_top="0" padding_bottom="0" text_color="#ffffff" bg_video_src_mp4="" bg_image="3214" bg_video_src_ogv="" bg_video_cover="3203"][vc_column width="1/1"][kleo_gap size="200px"][kleo_gap size="30px"][vc_column_text css_animation="right-to-left"]
you can see the attachment file to see which code should be changed.
You can also embed youtube video like this if you want. If you have any question then you can ask me. Thanks.Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Kamal
ModeratorHello @govind,
You can redirect your user to the home page after they log out using the following lines of code.
Please follow the steps below to do that.
1. you need to edit the functions.php file of KLEO Child Theme which can be found >Dashboard>Appearance>Editor>functions.php.
2. Open functions.php of KLEO Child Theme and the following codeCOPY CODEadd_action('wp_logout','redirectToHome'); function redirectToHome(){ wp_redirect( home_url() ); exit(); }
to that file and save it. Now go to your site and refresh the site and test it logging out. It should redirect to the home page after log out. Please let me know if this works for you.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
ModeratorHi Charles,
You can solve this problem in the following day. You need to have ftp access to your web host.
1. You need to create a folder in side the KLEO Child theme and you should name it “page-parts”.
2. Copy “general-popups.php” file from the KLEO parent theme to the page-parts(you created in the first step) folder in your child theme.. this file can be found at “wp-content/themes/kleo/page-parts/general-popups.php”.
3. Edit the general-popups.php in side page-parts in KLEO Child Theme. Replace line 55 with this line of code:COPY CODE<input type="text" id="forgot-email" autofocus required name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="<?php _e("Email",'kleo_framework');?>">
As you can see that I have only removed the “username or” from the placeholder value. ๐ Now save the file and refresh your your site. It should work just fine. If you can not do that, you can give me a temporary access to your site. Then I will fix this for you. Please let me know if it works for you.
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
ModeratorHi @govind,
1. You can hide the author name on both pages by using the following code. Please replace the previous code with this new code on your style.css file.
Please replace old code by this new code:COPY .meta-author, body.single-kleo-testimonials .meta-author{ display:none !important; } body.single-kleo-testimonials time.entry-date { padding-right: 4px; }
I hope this will give you the desire result. I have added a screenshot also.
2. If you want to show any content like slider etc. to fullwidth on a fullwidth layout, then you need to add a row first and then edit that row setting and set the inner container setting to “no” which is by default is “yes”. and then you can put any thing in that row and content inside that row should show up in fullwidth. If you still have problem, please ask me anytime. Thanks. ๐Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Kamal
1. If you want to show a portion of text of your testimonial on your homepage, you need to edit the shortcode template for testimonial and add some custom css to adjust the style. It is a bit complicated task. You may need to hire a developer to accomplish this task. By the way, the templates for shortcodes are found in wp-content/plugins/k-elements/shortcodes/templates folder. If you do want to edit and customize it then you need to copy it in the child theme under k_elements folder.
2. If you want to hide the author name on testimonial page eg. on the page you showed in the screenshot, then you need to do two things.
First: You need to add some css to the style.css file of KLEO Child Theme. You can edit the style.css file from Apprearance>Editor>style.css. Please copy and paste the following css code to that file and save it. Here is CSS code:COPY .meta-author{ display:none !important; }
Secondly: You need to copy and paste the following code to the functions.php file of KLEO Child Theme. You can edit this file from Appearance>Editor>functions.php. Please copy and paste the following code and the save the file. Then visit your site and it should give you the desired result. Here is the code:
COPY CODE/** * Prints HTML with meta information for current post: categories, tags, permalink, author, and date. * Create your own kleo_entry_meta() to override in a child theme. * @since 1.0 */ function kleo_entry_meta($echo=true, $att=array()) { $meta_list = array(); // Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. $categories_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'kleo_framework' ) ); // Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. $tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ', ', 'kleo_framework' ) ); $date = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time></a>', esc_url( get_permalink() ), esc_attr( get_the_time() ), esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ), esc_html( get_the_date() ) ); $author = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="author">%3$s</a>', esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ), esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View all posts by %s', 'kleo_framework' ), get_the_author() ) ), get_the_author() ); $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-author">'.$author.'</small>'; $meta_list[] = '<small>'.$date.'</small>'; $cat_tag = array(); if ( $categories_list ) { $cat_tag[] = $categories_list; } if ($tag_list) { $cat_tag[] = $tag_list; } if (!empty($cat_tag)) { $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-category">'.implode(", ",$cat_tag).'</small>'; } //comments if (!isset($att['comments']) || (isset($att['comments']) && $att['comments'] !== false)) { $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-comment-count"><a href="'. get_permalink().'#comments">'.get_comments_number().' <i class="icon-chat-1 hover-tip" data-original-title="'.sprintf( _n( 'This article has one comment', 'This article has %1$s comments', get_comments_number(), 'kleo_framework' ),number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ) ).'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top"></i></a></small>'; } if ($echo) { echo implode(" ", $meta_list); } else { return implode(" ", $meta_list); } }
I have tested on my site. I works just fine. I have added two screenshots so that you can see how it will look after you do this perfectly. If you have any more questions, you can ask me any happily ๐
KamalHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.November 11, 2014 at 00:20 in reply to: How to hide header and footer with Revslider for mobile ? #34957Kamal
ModeratorHello @Namsey,
You can hide header and footer on your home page just putting the following codeCOPY CODE@media screen and (max-width: 480px) { body.home-page #header, body.home-page #footer { display: none !important; } }
to your the style.css file of KLEO Child Theme. You can edit the file from Appearance>Editor>Style.css. Please just copy and paste the code to the style.css file and save. Then visit your site. I have tested on my site. It works fine. Please let me know if it works for you. Thank you very much. ๐
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionKamal
Please try adding this code ”COPY CODE.kleo-navbar-fixed .page-boxed .kleo-main-header, .container, .kleo-page { width: 1200px; } body, html { overflow-x: inherit; /* YOU TRIED OVERFLOW ONY. TRY OVERFLOW-X*/ }
to Theme options>General setting> quick css field and save it. and Copy the header.php to from “wp-content/themes/kleo/header.php” to “themes/kleo-child”. and then remove this “<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>” line of code from line 25. and let me know if this work.
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