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  • in reply to: How to add dynamic bp profile links to the wp-menu? #1951

    Hi kswift,
    Here is a sample from an existing dropdown. You can create yours the same way:

    <li class="has-dropdown" ><a class="main-menu-link" href="#">Buddypress</a>
    <ul class="dropdown"><li><a href="#" class="parent-link hide-for-large-up">Buddypress</a></li>
    	<li><a class="sub-menu-link" href="">Members</a></li>
    	<li><a class="sub-menu-link" href="">Groups</a></li>
    	<li><a class="sub-menu-link" href="">Activity</a></li>
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    in reply to: User profile fields #1943

    Cool. Thank you

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    in reply to: User profile fields #1941

    If you want the same profile fields as in our demo site then you can import the fields from WP Admin -> Sweetdate -> Buddypress.
    If you want to configure the fields go to Users -> Profile fields

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    in reply to: Gravatar Not Working #1940

    Glad you figured it out.


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    in reply to: Translation contribution #1933

    Anybody has Spanish translation?

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    in reply to: BP Album error when viewing by another user #1931

    Our image link looks like this:
    I guess you are missing the /wp-content/uploads part. Have you changed your default image upload location From Settings -> Media?
    Or maybe your site url from Settings -> General has a trailing slash

    I couldn’t access your site, just the homepage

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    in reply to: Editing Search Results Appearance #1928

    You can use the mini version of displaying the profiles by modifying members/index.php file at line 72 from members/members-loop.php to members/members-loop-mini.php
    If you want to have more that three members on a row, edit members/members-loop-mini.php at line 28 from “four columns” to “three columns” or “two columns”.

    Note: All these changes in files have to be done in your sweetdate-child theme. So just copy the original files from the main theme to sweetdate-child folder in the exact folder structure and modify them there


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    in reply to: Google Fonts – international support #1927

    Give us a link to your website so we can see it in action. You can send it on our email if you don’t want it public:

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    in reply to: Editing Header.php #1926

    I don’t know how you configured it. give us a link to your site.

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    in reply to: how to get link for user's profile page? #1925

    Hi, this echoes the link

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    in reply to: How to add dynamic bp profile links to the wp-menu? #1924


    $profilelink = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain( '/' ) . '" rel="nofollow">' . __('Profile','buddypress') . '</a></li>';

    you can add another menus like this:

    $profilelink .= '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain( '/' ) . 'messages" rel="nofollow">' . __('Messages','buddypress') . '</a></li>';
    $profilelink .= '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain( '/' ) . 'friends" rel="nofollow">' . __('Friends','buddypress') . '</a></li>';
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    in reply to: Horizontal Nav #1921

    Hi Joel,
    This is not an easy thing since those controls are put in columns and these columns are based on Zurb Foundation framework but you can rewrite some default values for these columns. You have an example below, put this lines in Sweetdate/Styling options/Quick css box and adjust the values of ”width” and “padding”. Leave the “first-child” and “last-child” as they are.

    #search-bar .two { width: 14%; }
    #search-bar .two.columns { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px;  }
    #search-bar .two.columns:first-child,
    #search-bar .two.columns:last-child { padding: 0 6px; }


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    in reply to: Gravatar Not Working #1920

    We did some tests and it seems that the problem occures when the avatar is not reachable from outside. For example we encountered this when installing buddypress on a local domain, so maybe your images aren’t accessible to gravatar.

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    in reply to: Gravatar Not Working #1919

    We appreciate your help. Your answers were correct.
    Indeed, right now you need to have at least 6 members registered so they style correct in the home carrousel.
    Also we are trying to come up with a solution for adding members without having to log in

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    Hi, you need to edit home page from admin panel – Pages


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    in reply to: Editing Header.php #1893

    Those buttons take the styles configured for Secondary buttons under Sweetdate -> Styling options. so make sure you set the text color properly

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    in reply to: Editing Header.php #1892


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    in reply to: Editing Header.php #1885

    No, don’t delete anything from main theme.
    Copy/paste any file you want to alter to the child theme.
    The whole idea of the main(parent) theme is that is should remain intact and all changes are done in the child theme. This way you will be able to update with newer versions easily without comparing files and other complicated stuff 🙂


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    in reply to: Sending Private Message without a subject #1884

    Oh, sorry
    it should be bp_message_thread_subject(); instead of bp_message_thread_subject;

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    in reply to: Customize URL slugs for Buddypress components #1882

    Here is a list of slugs used by Buddypress

    define ( 'BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG', 'streams' );
    define ( 'BP_BLOGS_SLUG', 'journals' );
    define ( 'BP_MEMBERS_SLUG', 'users' );
    define ( 'BP_FRIENDS_SLUG', 'peeps' );
    define ( 'BP_GROUPS_SLUG', 'gatherings' );
    define ( 'BP_FORUMS_SLUG', 'discussions' );
    define ( 'BP_MESSAGES_SLUG', 'notes' );
    define ( 'BP_WIRE_SLUG', 'pinboard' );
    define ( 'BP_XPROFILE_SLUG', 'info' );
    define ( 'BP_REGISTER_SLUG', 'signup' );
    define ( 'BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG', 'enable' );
    define ( 'BP_SEARCH_SLUG', 'find' );
    define ( 'BP_HOME_BLOG_SLUG', 'news' );
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    in reply to: Few questions, please view image. #1876


    1. You can’t change this from admin, but you can change it by writing the following line in Sweetdate/Styling options/Quick css box:

    .top-links { border-bottom: 1px solid #0784b3; background: #000000; }

    – change the hex code to your desired color.

    2. You can change it the same way as in the above example:

    .top-links, .top-links a {
        color: #fff;
    background: #000;

    3) That is because your secondary color is white, same as the background. You can change the button color with this style:

    input#searchsubmit, input#searchsubmit:hover {background:#fff;}

    4. You can change the path to your image manually in: ../themes/sweetdate-child/page-templates/contact.php at line 42 or simply comment this line. You need also to clear browser cache or rename your picture.
    5. Same as point 3. Change the secondary button colors or:

    #kleo_ajaxsearch {background: #eee;}

    6. Sweetdate -> Buddypress HORIZONTAL FORM -> Text before form: remove any text added
    7. Add profile fields from Users ->Profile fields or Import our demo fields from Sweetdate -> Buddypress -> “Import Buddypress profile fields”
    8. You can edit your Home page and there is a button shortcode that show the video button:
    [kleo_button_video url=”; style=”alert” size=”large” round=”radius” icon=”film,after”] Our TV Commercial [/kleo_button_video]
    change style=”alert” attribute value with success, secondary,alert,standard
    In the same way as in section 1 with the following line:

    #call-to-actions .alert { background-color: #ff0461; border: 1px solid #ff0461; }
    #call-to-actions .alert:hover,
    #call-to-actions .alert:focus { background: #ed0058; border: 1px solid #ed0058; }
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    in reply to: Editing Header.php #1875

    You have removed the div id=”header” which should be there for the styling to apply.
    Make sure you modify the header.php in your child theme so when you update to a newer version of sweetdate you won’t lose your settings.

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    in reply to: Change Search Form Options #1872

    Hi, you can change this from admin panel in Users/Profile fields.

    If you haven’t imported the demo fields you can do that from Sweetdate -> Buddypress -> “Import Buddypress profile fields”

    To configure the Search form, go to Sweetdate -> Buddypress -> Search form customization.
    Select Age Range Field – is used to render in the search form a select with age ranges
    Select Numerical Field – displays a range search(From -To text fields) instead of one default text field
    Select Matching Fields – this one is used to search for a value in the other matching field. This is used in our demo for “I am a” and “Looking for” fields.


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    in reply to: Forgot password bug #1870

    Thanks for pointing this out. We will include the fix in our next update.

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    in reply to: Sending Private Message without a subject #1869

    This one displays Re: when no subject is entered

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    in reply to: Advanced Search #1861

    Unfortunately that is not possible right now. Filtering is available on the members page on the horizontal form

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    in reply to: Turn off gravatar #1829

    They render but you have taken that from the complete image source which is like I posted above. If you put the link without query strings it will render: /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/images/mystery-man.jpg

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    in reply to: Recreate Front Page Registration Form #1811

    Hi,It is border instead or “boder”.

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    in reply to: Mashup homepage: blogs + signup #1809

    Glad you worked it out,.

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    in reply to: Search By Selected Fields #1808

    Hi, Yes we will include it

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    in reply to: emailing is not sending. #1807

    Don’t think is a theme problem. It is about your install or hosting. Try sending by stmp. WP-Mail-SMTP plugin

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    in reply to: How to remove create group box #1804

    FIle is located in sweetdate/groups/index.php line 20

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    in reply to: I can't find "Looking for" and Album tabs. #1802

    Unfortunately the tab looks only for photos.


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    in reply to: BuddyPress Wall Integration #1801

    Also add the files to sweetdate-child if yor are using it. It seems that the plugin isn’t doing a very good check for the file location. 🙂

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    in reply to: Avatar size and cropping issues #1800

    Your problem comes from the avatar size that is set by Buddypress. On theme install create a file named bp-custom.php located in wp-content/plugins. Check if the file exists, if it doesn’t then create it and add the content form this one:

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    in reply to: Moving registration on homepage #1799

    You need to copy the file page-parts/home-register-form.php to your sweetdate-child theme and modify line 3 to add a class “to-right” so the class attribute will be like this: class=”five columns form-wrapper pull-right”

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    in reply to: Recreate Front Page Registration Form #1797

    You can wrap that embed in a div with the style=”boder:3px solid #777″
    something like this:

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    in reply to: Add symbols #1796

    In your second screenshot in Sweetdate -> Buddypress menu you need to set the Sex field.
    Those symbols are already in the theme package in PSD folder, file status_icons.psd. You need to open them with Adobe Photoshop and edit the way you want


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    in reply to: Support forum suggestions #1795

    Thanks for the suggestions. We had that in mind and will will shortly put it in practice.


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    You can restrict users from registering with space in the username:

    function bpdev_remove_bp_pre_user_login_action(){
     remove_action( 'pre_user_login', 'bp_core_strip_username_spaces' );
    //add a filter to invalidate a username with spaces
    function bpdev_restrict_space_in_username($valid,$user_name){
     //check if there is an space
     if ( preg_match('/\s/',$user_name) )
     return false;//if myes, then we say it is an error
     return $valid;//otherwise return the actual validity
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