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ParticipantOk thanks. At the moment this code create buddypress activity with title but still cant find activity stream and notification comment with post title…
COPY CODEfunction monkey1980_include_post_type_title( $action, $activity ) { if ( empty( $activity->id ) ) { return $action; } if ( 'new_mot' != $activity->type ) { return $action; } preg_match_all( '/<a.*?>([^>]*)<\/a>/', $activity->action, $matches ); if ( empty( $matches[1][1] ) || 'Mot' != $matches[1][1] ) { return $action; } $post_type_title = bp_activity_get_meta( $activity->id, 'post_title' ); if ( empty( $post_type_title ) ) { switch_to_blog( $activity->item_id ); $post_type_title = get_post_field( 'post_title', $activity->secondary_item_id ); // We have a title save it in activity meta to avoid switching blogs too much if ( ! empty( $post_type_title ) ) { bp_activity_update_meta( $activity->id, 'post_title', $post_type_title ); } restore_current_blog(); } return str_replace( $matches[1][1], esc_html( $post_type_title ), $activity->action ); } add_filter( 'bp_activity_custom_post_type_post_action', 'monkey1980_include_post_type_title', 10, 2 );
Participantah this is image for sample
You must be logged in to view attached files.May 13, 2018 at 19:42 in reply to: Post Comment and Social Share with Shortcode Visual Composer #197600clyn
million thanks, its working social share shortcode. And, comments are working pluging template is not effect comment section just my mistakes.Million Thanks Again
ParticipantHi again,
1 aand 2 is solved with “scope” (different plugin i’m using to add shortcode) but activity upvote and downvote not registered so maybe i think scope is not working…. Just help about this.
Participantor maybe we can do this, each posts (wp or cpt) some taxonmies value will get buddypress profile value. ıf member buddypress profile defined such as country:france, all posts (tax) authorcountry: france . If memebr change country, yes all posts author country taxonomy will change.
so any one can easy filter posts by authorcountry.
Long way: member publish a book cpt and each time enter book cpt author taxonomies (age,region,country) . So, i am looking answer above question.
ParticipantSame (common) taxonomies (author age, author country, author region) for wp default post, book cpt and authorprofile cpt.
ok, i will try to explain step by step.
1 – I have members who can create wp default posts also BOOK CPT. but i’m not displaying on frontend taxonomies to edit for my authors.
2 – my member can create, publish and edit only 1 authorprofile CPT with taxonomies (age, region, country) on frontend.So, if my member publish authorprofile CPT and entered values for (age,coutnry, region) taxonomies. After, If member publish book cpt, book cpt taxonomies value (age,country,region) will get from authorprofile taxonomies. I mean that authorprofile taxonomies will be key value for other post taxonomies. I hope its explain well with my bad english. Oh also, if member change or edit authorprofile taxonomies, yes all books taxonomy value will change…
Thanks and have a nice week…
ParticipantHi Radu,
1st way i cretaed any row and with some contents after i turned editor to classic mode and use shortcode like this [membership level=”1″] [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]I am text block.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] [/membership]2nd way i created text block only add [membership level=”1″] after create my content after other text block for [/membership level=”1″]
Both of them working with visual composer? If its ok please close the ticket… Thanks
I start my project again, and this code is not working. I’m adding my chilt theme function php just changing cpt names and tax names but archive for cpt not show any posts and also wp default post dont show post contnet and meta tags. Maybe something change in kleo and this code is not working.
ParticipantHi Radu,
Yes i did but stil loco dont show the strings. But i solved like that. I changed the in register.php ‘have an account’ to my translate language 🙂 its ok. i hope no problem…
Participanttoday reinstall buddyapp and not post update automaticall when i add any image. But i want to ask if happen again whan can be the problem? Any javascript problem?
ParticipantI think i solved 🙂 if you say everything is ok, i will use below code…Thanks
function sq7_rdu_restrict_but_exception_cpt() {
/*check if is blog page choosen on wp-admin -> settings-> reading -> posts page.*/
if( is_singular( ‘post’ ) || is_singular(‘post‘) || is_singular(‘book‘) || is_singular(‘cinema‘)) {
remove_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘kleo_restrict_site’);
I solve all my problems except this code, ok i am writing (‘post‘) yes post page is open. But can you expand this code such as i am using book,cinema etc Custom Post Type..thanks
function sq7_rdu_restrict_but_exception_cpt() {
/*check if is blog page choosen on wp-admin -> settings-> reading -> posts page.*/
if( is_singular( ‘post’ ) || is_singular(‘you-custom-cpt-name‘) ) {
remove_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘kleo_restrict_site’);
ParticipantI think I solve no4 with this code
add_action(‘user_register’, ‘kleo_pmpro_default_level’);
function kleo_pmpro_default_level($user_id) {
}new register using default register form with own invite code. After complite register and activate account than login site with new membership levels and role… Is this OK?
Participantthanks Radu,
Acually i would like to use Paid membership Pro pluging to restrict some pages or post but some problems.1 – Paid membership pro is not rectrict buddypress section such as abcdomain . com/groups or members or activiy. Any code for this?
2 – Above problem, i decide to solve with Buddypress Members Only pluging. Yes this is restrict buddypress defaul page but this time also rectrict Post and CPT 🙂
3 – How can i give a role for new membership levels? Any free add on for paid memership pro for user roles?
4 – My project accept only invited with cost. So i am using invite code. But if i give a membership level cost is 0, anyano can to membership levels and can be member. How can i solve this… Thanksclyn
ParticipantActually i really want to use my site under restrict option with your login form. I will wait your answer. Thanks for all
Participantunder SYSTEM TWEAKS
Suspicious Query Strings
if this option enable: Filter Suspicious Query Strings in the URL
features explain of this: These are very often signs of someone trying to gain access to your site but some plugins and themes can also be blocked.if disable, login form work and reload my custom page or… SO, is this feature important?
ParticipantThanks Radu, i will install clean wordpress and KLEO theme. Such as, i installed Buddyapp theme for my other project and initially i install user roler editor after install other pluging (such as awesome support) no problem. I will test again for KLEO .
ParticipantHi Radu,
Actually yes i checked user role editor before. Also i am clicking null checkbox but never show reply text button. What am i missing? Deactive user role not working. Uninstall and install pluging after still not showing… -