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  • in reply to: Mixed frontpage form problem #1322

    We tested but it works.
    Do you have any caching plugin? If you do, then you have to configure it and exclude from cache the front page

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    in reply to: How to add more tabs next to the Profile image #1321

    You need to have the sweetdate-child theme activated. Also the user you are viewing needs to have some fields from the profile groups completed.

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    in reply to: Sweetdate Updates Change log #1314

    UPDATE V1.5 = 13.08.2013

    + Two new shortcodes to restrict content for members or for guests
    + Added the option on the Front page to choose from Search form, Register Form or display Register form for guests and Search form for registered users
    + Added rtMedia tab on Profile page. This shows photos that members uploaded via rtMedia plugin
    + Changed the way the Tabs on the Profile page render. This new way allows you to add your own custom content
    + Added tabs on post/page theme settings
    + Added support for Buddypress Docs
    * WordPress 3.5 Media uploader now used for selecting files on page edit(gallery, audio post formats)
    * Fix Video Button shortocode when using non ascii characters
    * Fixed Ajax search excerpt display when an article had no content.
    * Removed strict standard notices
    * Fix for Safari 6 – Nested comments appear to be overlapping on blog single article page.
    * Fix javascript error on password recovery via login modal

    Files modified:

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    in reply to: Translation contribution #1313

    This is the link to the updated file:


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    in reply to: Top Nav Menu Links #1312

    This is the way the menu works because we are using Foundation framework. This is because when it is in responsive mode that link won’t be available as a link and just to view child pages.

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    in reply to: How to add more tabs next to the Profile image #1311

    To change the order of the tabs we can remove the default added tabs by reinitializing the array with $bt_tabs = array(); and the adding our own tabs:

    function kleo_my_actions() 
        global $bp_tabs;
        $bp_tabs = array();
        $bp_tabs['base'] = array(
            'type' => 'regular',
            'name' => apply_filters('kleo_extra_tab2',__('About me', 'kleo_framework')),
            'group' => 'Base',
            'class' => 'regulartab'
        /* rtMedia tab - only if plugin installed */
        if (class_exists('RTMedia')) 
            $bp_tabs['rtmedia'] = array(
                'type' => 'rt_media',
                'name' => __('My photos', 'kleo_framework'),
                'class' => 'mySlider'
        /* Bp-Album tab - only if plugin installed */
        elseif (function_exists('bpa_init') AND sq_option('bp_album', 1) == 1)
            $bp_tabs['bp-album'] = array(
                'type' => 'bp_album',
                'name' => __('My photos', 'kleo_framework'),
                'class' => 'mySlider'
        $bp_tabs['looking-for'] = array(
            'type' => 'cite',
            'name' => apply_filters('kleo_extra_tab1', __('Looking for', 'kleo_framework')),
            'group' => apply_filters('kleo_extra_tab1', 'Looking for'),
            'class' => 'citetab'
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    in reply to: Monday Released #1310

    Yes indeed if you have the rtMedia activated then uploaded images will appear in a tab automatically.
    To add more tabs or modify one, take a look at this topic I just created:

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    in reply to: green bar "testing" #1308

    I dont’ know what that could be. Can you give us a link?
    Have you tried disabling any extra plugins?

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    Remove whatever you have in sweetdate-child/functions.php and add that code.
    Details on the errors that appear always helps

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    in reply to: PHP error using Pages by User Role #1306

    Send us a link on our email to take a look:
    Any other plugins installed that could cause this?

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    in reply to: Carousel not showing up… #1305

    By default it shows only video, gallery or image post formats.
    If you want to show all post formats:
    [kleo_posts_carousel post_formats="all"]

    Other attributes are available for this shortcode:!/shortcodes

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    in reply to: How to add a slider on home page header #1304

    I am glad it worked. Yes indeed it will be a pretty big update 🙂

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    in reply to: Recent Posts Widget with Post Image #1303

    In order to keep the main theme files intact you should add another widget that shows the post image instead of author.
    Add this code to your sweetdate-child/functions.php

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    in reply to: Theme update- car-sharing style #1297

    Hi Mimi25,
    To make sure you don’t lose any previous settings you need to have sweetdate-child as the active theme.


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    in reply to: Search Box Color Change #1296

    Hi Joel,
    Homepage search box share the same colors with primary buttons. You can change these colors in Sweetdate/Styling options/Buttons section.


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    in reply to: Homepage Background Image #1295

    Hi Joel,
    To set a full background image you need to choose “Cover” option from dropdown. Also your layout need to be in wide mode – Sweetdate/Layout settings/Site layout.


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    in reply to: PHP error using Pages by User Role #1282

    Maybe the plugin itself is displaying some notices and you see the Warning: Cannot modify header information
    Try disabling debug mode in your wordpress install by editing wp-config.php file from the root of your wordpress install and make sure your WP_DEBUG constant is defined like this(around line 80):
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

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    in reply to: bp checkins #1281

    We have to install the plugin to see what can be modified. We will let you know

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    in reply to: hide date and time #1280

    You can inspect html elements with Firebug for Firefox and add the the display:none style
    1,2,4. span.time-since {display:none}
    3. #groups-list {display:none}
    5. #member-list span.activity {display:none}

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    in reply to: How to add a slider on home page header #1279

    Hi, We will support revolution slider but in the 2.0 update at the end of the month. Where are you putting your code?

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    in reply to: logo resize #1277

    Hi, have a demo link to see where is the problem? Please send us to


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    in reply to: Buddydrive integration #1276

    Yes we are releasing today(12.08.2013) and update where we are including extra styling for the docs pages.

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    in reply to: Translation problems #1275

    You should keep the en_US .mo and .po under sweetdate/languages and then just add your translated ones. The name of your files should be like not and you should add them to the main theme in the languages folder.
    You can also use this plugin for easier translations.

    Also make sure you have done every step from this page:

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    in reply to: Search By Selected Fields #1270

    I am glad you worked it out. The Facebook login works, you just need to create an Application and then enter the APP ID in Sweetdate -> Miscellaneous

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    in reply to: Main menu and Love Heart #1263

    The update with membership will come later this month. Next week update will include some new features and bug fixes.
    Thank you very much,

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    in reply to: Buddypress Upgrade #1262

    Great 🙂

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    in reply to: remove hearts on profile #1261

    Yes that relates to the matching system and it is an image.

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    I can see now that the details doesn’t show and we already fixed it. We are releasing Monday an update that will also fix this.

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    Hello and thanks,
    You can change the info that displays under the name and the details field by adding this to your sweetdate-child/functions.php file:

    //members page fields 
    function kleo_my_member_data() 
        global $kleo_config;
        //this is the details field, right now it take the "About me" field content 
        $kleo_config['bp_members_details_field'] = 'About me';
        //this display the fields under the name, eq: 36 / Woman / Divorced / Berlin. Modify with the names of the fields you want to appear there
        $kleo_config['bp_members_loop_meta'] = array(
            'I am a',
            'Marital status',

    Also if the fields don’t appear add this line, reload the members page and you can remove the line after that(we have added a caching on those fields for better performance):

    delete_transient( 'kleo_bp_meta_fields' );

    Just replace those profile field names in the code with our one custom ones.


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    in reply to: Search By Selected Fields #1258

    Thank you for pointing that out. We are releasing Monday an update and we will include also this fix

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    in reply to: Registration Problems #1256

    I am glad it works now.
    Yes the default role should be Subscriber

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    in reply to: Building search queries for non-dating sites #1255

    The form styling doesn’t allow to set multiple values in the select.
    We can guide you on allowing multiple select but the form won’t be so stylish.
    Let me know if you want that .

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    in reply to: Want to know the colour code ? #1254

    By default when you install the theme the colours are already set.
    If you need to import the other demo styles please check this topic:
    Be careful because when you import the styles you’ll lose all your settings.

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    in reply to: Main menu and Love Heart #1253

    Hi Jeremie,
    I really tried to give you as much info to accomplish what you need and I don’t think by that you can say I don’t care but anyway let’s take the initial questions again and see where you have problems:

    1. How can I make the main menu look a bit bigger than they are right now?
    To do that you don’t need to edit any file, you just need to go to your WordPress admin and then click the “Sweetdate” menu, then go to “Styling options” then at the bottom of the page you have “Quick css” section where you need to paste the code:

    .top-bar ul > li a:not(.button) {font-size:14px;}

    3. When a user login, he or she should be redirect to their profile, how can I achieved that?
    This one you said it works.

    We will release an update Monday that will include some changes to the way the profile tabs are rendered and it will allow to reorder the tabs or add another with just some small lines of code.
    Let me answer the questions bellow Monday when the new update will be available. Hope that is ok with you. Thanks

    2. The site has a love heart allover, how can I remove that since I’m using the theme as project management platform.
    4. When users are on their profile area, they need to see the about me tab immediately instead of clicking to see it. How can I achieved that?
    5. Last but not the least, I’ve been having trouble with the profile tabs, only the about me shows next to the photos even when I’ve added all the info. How can I shop up the other tabs?

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    in reply to: Registration Problems #1244

    Hi and thank you very much.
    You need to enable registration on you website from Settings -> General and all buttons will appear.

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    in reply to: logo resize #1239

    You can set your canvas to 294×108 even if the logo is smaller like this, you need to edit this in a graphic editor app or you can send us at and we will resize for you.


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    in reply to: Want to know the colour code ? #1237

    Hi, there are more elements, you refer to a specific item?
    For pink color is #ff0461;
    For blue color is #0296c0.


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    in reply to: edit country list #1233

    Yes you can edit from Admin -> Users -> Profile fields
    Or phpmyadmin table wp_bp_xprofile_fields

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    Maybe because of an error caused by other plugin the page doesn’t load completely. Try disabling all other plugins and see what happens

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    in reply to: Building search queries for non-dating sites #1229

    You need to set the matching fields with “I am a” and “Looking for” fields in order the search to work correctly.
    This is required because If I select Looking for “Student” I want the search to return users that have selected “Student” in the “I am a” field, not in the “Looking for” field.

    The search should work fine. If you can’t figure it out give us am email with your website and some access to it at

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