Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOK, got it. This is a relatively basic function of most of the ‘recent posts’ plugins we’ve used. I’ll go add it to the Feature Requests page.
ParticipantThought I would update this thread.
First, the dev for BuddyPress Like messaged that he has now added a check for the privacy issues that were at the root of the problem with his plugin in private groups. I have not tested, but thought I’d pass along for those interested.
Second, the devs at Likebtn have been ridiculously responsive to the requests I have made over the past month. They’ve added several critical features we wanted, including resolving the privacy issue and creating a way to modify the template that posts to BP.
I still hate that it is an annual license, but for $2 month, it’s by far the best thing going. I will be purchasing it for our use.
Thanks for your considering a tweak to your like mechanism as a plugin. If you release something later, we’ll for sure look at it, but we’ll go this way for now.
Keep up the good work.
ParticipantMy mistake, it had been a while since I was working on this… it wasn’t the categories that was missing in the Kleo Posts (query) settings, it was the ability to ‘offset.’
How would we apply an offset to that query structure?
Participantwow, I had forgotten about this… it was submitted three weeks ago. You guys must be busy, you’re usually much better at replies than that.
Well, the VC post load is based on a quantity I can put in the widget, so you’re saying that if I choose to pull ALL (1,000+) posts, but filtered by category, I can do so. My concern there would be page load time.
Do you have any intention of adding a category filter option to the Kleo posts widget via VC, like what the default VC masonry widget has for posts?
ParticipantBummer, I get it though. I just felt you guys could have done a better and more economical job, since you already had a base likes mechanism.
I’m curious, why do you think there is the need to have a plugin use their server for the plugin to work? If they’re looking at making sure it’s properly licensed there are other ways to do that.
And I guess I’ll look at BP Like again too, but last I saw he still hadn’t resolved the privacy issues.
Thanks for having considered this.
ParticipantUgh. Now the (Pro version of the) plugin that @sharmstr mentioned above has added integration with myCred, another real solid benefit. I am really tempted to just plug my nose and purchase the damn thing.
More than anything (even the annual license), I think I hate the fact that the plugin has to connect to another server to work. That just fails the smell test for me.
C’mon @abe and @sharmstr tell me you are going to move this one to the top of the list, that you’ll charge us a small premium for it, but that’ll it will be ready to go here really soon. I have the credit card standing by. 🙂
ParticipantHonestly, I was so used to using Chrome on my Galaxy, I never even considered it to be a iphone/chrome issue until I was testing it during our thread. It just didn’t occur to me that it would act differently on Safari.
I wouldn’t have been surprised that Apple would make (purposefully?) something from Google not function right on their device. LOL.
But I just tested several of our Genesis-theme sites in Chrome on my iphone, and they loaded fine right away. Same with those sites on Safari. So it’s strange, but looks like it might be something to do with the way the Kleo loads/displays the posts on the ‘blog’ page in Chrome. No clue.
I don’t know either. I need to spend less time on this. I would think that iphone/ipad users would *primarily* use Safari, so it wouldn’t matter much. I’ll need to look at some analytics and do more testing and go from there.
If nothing else, it’s something to have out there, maybe someone else is experiencing the same thing.
Moving on for now. 🙂
ParticipantGood deal, so scratch that as the problem.
So now I need to figure out what is causing the performance issue on mobile.
Here’s something interesting. I’ve had an android for several years – and therefore was used to using Chrome. I just recently went back to iphone. Loading this page in *Chrome* (on iphone) is horribly slow – seriously, like 40 seconds. But now testing the load of the page in *Safari*, it’s relatively normal, < 5-6 seconds. Go figure.
Any thoughts there? Besides not using Chrome (which I’m personally fine with on iphone, just worried about visitors).
Thanks for your time in the rambling thread. Have a great day!
ParticipantOK. So backing up… all the way to my initial question.
I do NOT use the Kleo shortcode on the page in question. I simply have set that page as my ‘Posts’ page; have 24 posts set in wp > reading; and in Theme Options > Kleo display type as Grid Masonry. No shortcode. I should have explained that better.
In this set up, does ‘query_posts’ run twice?
I’m simply trying to look at performance issues. 30 seconds to load posts on a mobile device won’t fly. The header loads, the sidebar loads, but the posts just take for – ev – er. Looking to resolve, that’s all.
Sorry to have gotten a little off-track. (Though the new found info for situations where I might want to use the Kleo shortcode IS helpful.) Thanks for the redirect. 🙂
ParticipantLOL. Nah, gonna use 2010 Theme – I’m all about the State of the Art. 🙂
OK, so are you saying that to be all the cool stuff Kleo does – THAT’S why it has to do the ‘query_posts’?
This was what struck me:
As explained later, there are better, more performant options to alter the main query. query_posts() is overly simplistic and problematic way to modify main query of a page by replacing it with new instance of the query. It is inefficient (re-runs SQL queries) and will outright fail in some circumstances (especially often when dealing with posts pagination). Any modern WP code should use more reliable methods, like making use of pre_get_posts hook, for this purpose.
I’m just trying to get a handle on this speed/performance issue. I was looking to buy a couple more licenses for two other sites and I don’t want to go down a road I regret later.
Thanks @sharmstr
ParticipantOK, that’s what I thought it meant when I read it. 🙂
Yes, I have a lot of plugins, but I really only have them if I need the functionality. It’s not like I’m collecting them. 🙂
And in that other link (thank you for the info), it lists specific things to be wary of in a plugin (and, by extension, I would think a theme):
Does it load lots of scripts, styles, or other assets?
Does it add extra database queries to each page?
Does it perform complex operations?So with all this information, it begs to ask… Why must Kleo work this way if it is a known issue for performance?
ParticipantThanks! Good info. So I won’t ask about Kleo using query_posts 🙂 but…
A curiosity question: So I am not specifically using a kleo posts shortcode on the page in question (the default ‘blog’ page) but if I were to place a Kleo shortcode (with the various data/settings options provided for) on any page, it would return posts in the same way, right?
And then back to the original issue. That page load for the 24 posts in chrome on mobile takes over 30 seconds to display the posts. Besides not using a mobile device 🙂 any other ‘best practices’ or recommendations for Kleo page load performance?
Thanks as always.
ParticipantHey @abe – happy to help. If you and @sharmstr want any of my test notes, I’m happy to share. I’ve looked at about 15 ‘likes’ plugins, and tested 6 or so extensively on the sandbox site. I have some Pros and Cons of each in my notes. LMK if you decide to proceed with this, I’m willing to help beta test if needed.
ParticipantHey @sharmstr I looked at that one too. Yes, very comprehensive, in fact, in my test notes, I use the words ‘almost overkill’ 🙂
I had two issues with it. 1) to get the full feature set we wanted, it was $39 and 2) that was an annual license.
The plugin has great functionality, but I hesitate to go down that road for a Like mechanism.
At this point, WTI Like Pro ($20) is the one I’ve been closest to pulling the trigger on. But I struggle with their position of zero interest in adding their really quality features to work IN the BuddyPress activity stream. (Likes of posts update to the BP stream, but no option to Like BP/bbpress activity).
So I just keep coming back to this thread, hoping that @abe has decided to jump on this opportunity. 🙂
ParticipantI’ve tried all of those. No bueno. And I had the same issue – and some – with ULike. Closest thing to decent is the Pro version ($20) of WTI Like. But even then, they don’t/can’t/won’t put a like option in the actual BP activity stream – I’ve asked three times.
Voter-plugin said the Like of Activity Stream items *might* be sometime this quarter, but after their most recent update, I get site errors, so I deactivated.
And they still have an issue where Likes in a Private BP group flow to the Public Activity stream – not good.
I’ve added another comment to the Feature Request Vote for expansion of the existing Kleo Like, if you haven’t voted, go add your voice there.
I’m amazed someone hasn’t filled this need.
ParticipantAny movement on this one? Can I just add 100 votes for it and let’s go. 🙂 I’m tired of trying to use duct tape and bubble gum to piece together three plugins to do what I want, and still not get it done.
An expansion of your existing Like concept (you’re part way there!), which would include counts, provides for widget placement, allows time parameter variables for voting and counts, feeds to the BP activity stream, and can be used in BP and bbpress, as well as Woo and other CPT’s.
There, simple enough, right? 🙂
Put it out as a Premium plugin, I’m good with that.
Trust me, I have *scoured* the WP repo, github and all over for a solution… yours would be the first one done right.
Let me know if you want the details of the feature set. I’ve messed with about 15 related plugins to know what they are missing. 🙂
ParticipantBy the way, an upgrade to VC resolved this issue. I had purchased a copy of VC long before I bought Kleo, so I upgraded that license.
See I wasn’t *completely* crazy. 🙂
ParticipantHmmm. Didn’t try with Kleo parent. Just did 2015. I’ll try that too.
It was just so strange that the minute I went from 4.7 back to 4.61 on the same site with NO (as in nada, zip, zilch) 🙂 other changes but that, that it worked again.
Back at it…
Thanks for the ideas.
ParticipantHmmm. Strange. I did deactivate all other plugins. I am not getting any memory error. And I have purged the CDN.
I have 4.7 on my production site, and 4.6.1 on my sandbox.
4.6.1 fine. 4.7 no joy.
The plugin configuration is the same (e.g. all but VC inactive on that page), and I just went through the functions.php for each and they are the same.
Finally, I just reverted the production site back to 4.6.1 with the same exact plugin structure as was in place with 4.7, and it works fine.
Color me befuddled.
ParticipantWow. I had no clue on the ‘per person’ call (he said, sheepishly, thinking he should have known this). That seems like it would be a big deal, no? I’m going to make that change. Seems like a small trade off if I can improve performance.
We run BuddyPress, bbpress, Woo, S2, CalendarizeIt and Connections… all resource intensive, plus, er, lots of plugins, so I’m looking for every edge I can get.
Thanks @sharmstr
ParticipantThis is like the Holy Grail. or the Bermuda Triangle. 🙂
I’ve tried mobile themes, BizApps, and Apppresser. I’d try carrier pigeon if I thought the tech was right and I’d get traction.
If 7thQ could do something, maybe they can bring the resources to make it work. For now, I’ve somewhat abandoned the app from web concept, but I may look at the Apppresser/PhoneGap option again if I can pull in some ODesk help to do the tech.
I’ve subscribed here for updates if this thread continues.
ParticipantYou know, the more I thought about this, and messing around some with it, if there is not some specific theme option to make this change, it may simply be easier to use a plugin structure.
I put something together pretty quickly with Content Aware Sidebar (a really nice solution). I just created two new Alt Sidebars, made it where those only displayed in my single posts and archives (the places I wanted 3 columns), and forced them to replace Kleo Main and Extra (but on the opposite sides as the default layout)
Worked like a champ.
ParticipantExcellent. I just had some words in the wrong places in the ways I was trying. Thank you for your help, this works great.
ParticipantThis request may not be as strange as it seems. I am looking at exactly the same need.
So I’m not sure how that code worked for @ibogaine but it did not work at all for me. It just smushed the two sidebars together in the middle. No bueno.
I know I could probably create some workaround with custom sidebars and dynamic widgets, but I thought I could just go into the code somewhere and copy part A to place B and part B to place A and call it good. 🙂
If this is possible, please let me know.
ParticipantCool. Thanks Radu. It works, as in it auto expands all of those with children. It will work as is, but I was also wondering if possible to target just one of the the items that have a dropdown.
I tried various pieces of the following
which contains the specific menu id, but couldn’t get it to work.
Is there a simple way I am missing to target just the one menu parent, not all of them?
ParticipantHey, just to update this and close it out. It looks like I don’t have any more issues with this. It was a good exercise though, after digging through all the code, I found a total of 10 places that it looks like I can hook into. Cool. 🙂
You must be logged in to view attached files.mitchcan
ParticipantSeems to work great. Tested in all three browsers I use. Had a little issue at first as it worked in Chrome and IE, but not FF. Once I cleared cache there all is fine.
Thanks for another great update. I’m still finding cool new features months into using this theme. I’m continually blown away by the theme and your support. Thanks!
ParticipantDamn… that sounds like ‘work’ LOL.
Ok, I’ll mess around and see what I can break. Alright, who am I kidding… I won’t really try to do this. 🙂
I’ll connect with the plugin dev and see what he thinks. Maybe I’ll also add this to the Feature Request voting thingamajiggy.
Have a great day!
ParticipantYou can activate the use of Coupons in woocommerce/General and the voucher plugin ties into that system.
The reason I thought it was a theme question is because the vouchers DO sbow up on the standard My Account page, but when I elect to integrate with BuddyPress via the Klek theme options they don’t show there.
Any ideas are appreciated.
ParticipantI see you already pushed 3.0.6 with the before-wrap change, cool. I still need to fix the after-wrap. Thought I’d try this… so in general-after-wrap, would I put
COPY CODE<section class="container-wrap main-color"> <div id="main-container" class="<?php echo $container; ?>"> <?php if($container == 'container') { ?><div class="row"> <?php } ?> <div <?php echo $section_id;?>class="template-page <?php echo $main_tpl_classes; ?>"> <div class="wrap-content">
on Line 20 after
</div><!--end main-page-template-->
or would there be anything else I’d need to do?
I’m working without an net on a live site (tsk tsk) 🙂 so I just don’t want to screw it up.
ParticipantI just updated to 3.0.5, and this issue remains. I was thinking there was a fix for this in that release, but I mistakenly took “Fix remember me on ajax login” in the changelog as being for this issue.
Let me know if there is anything I can do as far as mentioning something over on the S2 support desk. Otherwise, I’ll just hope for a fix here soon, as I am getting negative feedback from users on functionality.
ParticipantOK, so that worked fine. Thanks.
However, wouldn’t we need to do the same thing with the kleo_after_main_content also? I ask because while the attached resolved the before issue, even though I added a container to the after also, it is still a display problem.
I would mess with general-after-wrap like what was done with general-before-wrap, but I’m not sure exactly what to do, so any help there would be great.
P.S. Do I get some kind of award for having your post number 10,000? 🙂
ParticipantYeah, it was really weird. Thanks for looking at it, I’ll update here once I have applied the fix.
But hey, my apologies in advance for asking a dumb question, but I don’t see an attached file anywhere. Where would I see the file? Am I looking in the wrong spots?
ParticipantWell, I’ve commented out that code in functions because it was making the pages wonky.
I’ll go back in and activate it and then put some content in those areas on a single page, and then add a link here.
Participantwelp, then I have broken something. 🙂
I get a *vertical* placement for both kleo_before_content and kleo_after_content. If I add a widget in those areas, it acts likes another vertical sidebar, breaking the page into halves or thirds, vertically.
What should I look at that might be causing this?
ParticipantOK, thanks. A nice reference point in the docs will be helpful.
A question on kleo_before_content
For me, using this seems to add a vertical, almost sidebar-like section on a post/page, just before (beside) the main_content and sidebar areas. I was expecting this area to be a *horizontal* area, above both the main and the sidebar(s), but BELOW the breadcrumb (being that _before_main was already there ABOVE the breadcrumb).
Can _kleo_before_content work like I was expecting? Or is this simply not the case?