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You can use the below custom CSS to hide these elements
COPY CODE.bp-user a#activity-mentions { display: none !important; } .bp-user a#activity-favs { display: none !important; } .bp-user #post-mention { display: none !important; }
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Please use the below CSS to hide the mentions tab on the activity page
COPY CODE.activity li#activity-mentions { display: none !important; }
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It can, but this will stop users from easily commenting on posts. If you would still like to remove this please use the below custom CSS.
COPY CODE.activity-content .activity-meta a:nth-child(1) { display: none !important; } .activity-content .activity-meta a:nth-child(2) { display: none !important; }
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Kieran_SQModeratorYes, please use the below CSS to remove the RSS feed
COPY CODE.activity .sub-nav li.feed { display: none !important; }
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Kieran_SQModeratorNo worries, we’re here to help any time 🙂 If you have any other questions please feel free to open a new ticket and we’ll be happy to assist.
If you have a spare moment please consider leaving the support you received and/or KLEO a review on ThemeForest. Every review really does help.
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It is an RSS feed of the activity page. It works exactly like your activity feed except in RSS format. You can find more information about RSS here
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Absolutely, please use the below custom CSS to hide this element.
COPY CODE.activity #activity-all span { display: none; }
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The top left area of the top bar is reserved for social media icons and there is no option to add a telephone number currently. You can however override the template by copying the below file from your main KLEO theme into your KLEO Child theme
Copy from
Copy to
Once you have copied this file scroll to line 80 where you see the below text
<div id="top-social" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-5 no-padd<?php echo $social_icons_class; ?>">
Drop a line and add the the below snippet under this text
<a href="tel:+15555555555">Call +1 555 555 5555</a>
Replace the number in both parts of the string and the text to suit your needs – save. Clear your website cache and local cache (Ctrl+F5) to see the changes.
I will recommend to the developers that we add an option for this going forward.
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Thanks for the extra information. I am going to pass this ticket over to one of our developers to discuss your query in further detail. They’ll be in touch with you as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time.
Thank you for your patience,
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April 8, 2018 at 01:53 in reply to: How can I adjust the main logo so that it appears 25 or 50 pixels more to the left? #194125Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionApril 8, 2018 at 01:47 in reply to: The home page registration form disappeared from the top left of the home page #194124Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionKieran_SQModeratorHi,
Do you mean for posts on the single post page? If so you can use the below CSS to hide the title.
.single-post {display: none;}
If this is not what you mean please specify where you would like to remove titles from.
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I’m sorry but I do not understand what the question is, can you clarify what it is you wish to do and where?
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April 7, 2018 at 22:50 in reply to: kleo_register shortcode template working for buddypress registration #194113Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
Thanks for getting back to me with the error log, as you say, there is nothing related in the log. I will refer this ticket to one of our developers for review, they’ll be in touch as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time.
Thank you for your patience,
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Kieran_SQModeratorNo worries, we’re here to help 🙂
All the best,
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I am not sure if that is possible as they’re coded this way and unless you knew your plans exact order would never change then it would not update well.
Would you like me to refer this question to one of our developers?
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April 7, 2018 at 21:36 in reply to: kleo_register shortcode template working for buddypress registration #194103Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
Everything looks okay with regards to settings but you’re right it doesn’t appear to be processing the form.
Can you add the below to your wp-config.php file for me
COPY CODEdefine( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Once you have added this please try and register several times from as many different browsers as you can. Once you have complete this step download the debug.log file that has been created in your /wp-content/ folder – zip the file locally and upload it to this ticket.
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You can add the below custom CSS to your SweetDate Child theme to hide the list on checkout
COPY CODE.pmpro-checkout #pmpro_pricing_fields li { display: none; }
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Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.
We do offer custom development services, you can contact our developers directly with your request by emailing Please provide a link to this ticket in the email and provide as much information as possible on what you would like to achieve.
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April 7, 2018 at 20:43 in reply to: the cart is not deleted when you remove the products from the cart #194091Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
If you disabled all caching and all minify / combine plugins at the WordPress level as well as disabled all caching and any CDN at the host level and the issue persists you will need to try disabling all plugins except for K Elements, WP Bakery and WooCommerce. Given the amount of plugins that you called on the front-end you should do a full backup of your site files and database, further, you should do these tests on a staging (preferable) or local environment.
Session data (the products in the cart) is not shown to any other user by default in WooCommerce and KLEO. Something is either storing and sharing them with others, you should not be able to see that in an incognito / private tab. Please confirm with your host that they do not have a caching level at the server that you are unaware of or unable to access – if this is the case please make sure that changes are made to work with WooCommerce.
I can see that there is an issue on your site with the output of the :before for the Telegram icon and I am looking into it.
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You can add a new profile tab by using the code shown on this post
If the content you wish to render has a shortcode within you will need to change the below line
echo 'Content';
echo do_shortcode( '[YourShortcodeHere] Content [OtherShortcodeHere]' );
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Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.
Kieran_SQModeratorNo worries, we’re happy to help 🙂 If you have any other questions feel free to open a new ticket and one of the available support staff will assist ASAP.
If you have a spare moment I would appreciate it if you would consider leaving the support you received / KLEO a review on ThemeForest? Every review really does help
All the best,
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April 7, 2018 at 18:56 in reply to: the cart is not deleted when you remove the products from the cart #194057Kieran_SQModeratorHi,
This is likely caused by caching that is too aggressive as the cart function is working well on the demo and several local/live test sites.
Please try clearing your cache and then disabling your caching plugin. Purge your local cache and test again.
If this is the case you will need to adjust the settings of the caching plugin that you’re using or find an alternative that is compatible with WooCommerce.
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This is an option for the ‘Homepage(deprecated)’ tab in theme options, it was used to show or hide the members carousel in the search form as per my third screenshot in the above reply.
Please do not use the settings within the Homepage(deprecated) tab. You are using 3.0+ and do not need to set these options.
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I logged into your site and found that you have not enabled groups to be created by users, disallowed group avatars and cover images in BuddyPress.
If you wish to use these features you can enable them by going to WP Admin > Settings > BuddyPress > Tab: ‘Options’ > Scroll to: ‘Group Settings’, enable any options you wish and save.
You will then be able to add an avatar and cover photo when creating or group or after creating a group by going to the desired group and selecting the ‘Manage’ menu item.
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You must be logged in to view attached files.April 7, 2018 at 18:11 in reply to: The home page registration form disappeared from the top left of the home page #194046Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionKieran_SQModeratorHi,
The settings within ‘Homepage (Deprecated)’ are not relevant to your site as you’re using 3.0 – please remove any settings from this section and follow the below steps.
You should use Elementor to setup your register and search form. Open your desired page, click the “Edit with Elementor’ button and select the ‘Register’ element within the page and edit with the pencil icon. Make sure the register elements visibility is set to ‘Guest users’ (see screenshot).
Next, go to the Elements panel on the left and scroll down to the heading ‘SweetDate’ and drag the element titled ‘Profile Search’ to the area desired (see screenshot). Once the element has been added select your desired form, whether or not to show profiles, desired text (if any) and set the visibility to ‘Logged-in Users’ (see screenshot).
Once you save this you should test as a logged in and logged out user to see the changes.
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You must be logged in to view attached files.April 7, 2018 at 17:59 in reply to: The home page registration form disappeared from the top left of the home page #194037Kieran_SQModeratorNot marked as solutionKieran_SQModeratorHi,
Please can you send me a screenshot of all of your relevant Facebook App’s settings so I can check them out.
Also, please let me know if your Facebook App was create before or after March 1st 2018.
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