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  • in reply to: Create Articles on landing page #8016

    Articles in Recent posts are the Posts you add from Admin area in WordPress. By default it shows only image,gallery and video post formats. To change that and show all formats you have to edit your Home page, find in the page content [kleo_posts_carousel] and replace it with [kleo_posts_carousel post_formats=all]

    For recommendations you should find a plugin.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Change form fields! #8006

    Great. Thanks for the appreciations.

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    in reply to: Different home page for register and unregister users #8005

    Hi, I guess this has to to with the links in the menu. See this plugin to add conditionals in menu items:


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    in reply to: Users online problem #8004

    Thanks @willianlima83 for appreciating us 😉

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    in reply to: text on members directory #8003

    That happens when you don’t have any members in the result.
    If you want to change the logic you should change it in the file: wp-content/themes/sweetdate/members/index.php


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    in reply to: Remove Mentioning #8002

    Hi, Google-ing got this:

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    in reply to: about me tab disappeared #8001

    hi, Follow this tutorial if you want to choose what tabs to show:

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    in reply to: About me tab #8000

    Hi, Make sure you use the latest theme version and follow this topic to choose which tabs appear
    The first array will be the first one and the selected one

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    in reply to: Group send Invites #7998

    You should do a test install on the same server and see it is different,

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Sweetdate WP Feature Requests #7997

    1.You need to see what code is responsible for that and add it in sweetdate/members/members-loop.php
    2. Also that should be modified in the plugin. Ask them to help or try hiring a developer from microlancer


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Hide fields in Profile Accordion #7996

    Hi, you can change in wp-content/themes/sweetdate/members/single/profile/profile-loop.php

    <dt><?php bp_the_profile_field_name(); ?></dt>
    <dd><?php bp_the_profile_field_value(); ?></dd>


    <?php if (bp_get_the_profile_field_name() != "Name") {?>
    <dt><?php bp_the_profile_field_name(); ?></dt>
    <dd><?php bp_the_profile_field_value(); ?></dd>
    <?php } ?>

    You can adapt the code to match your needs

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Expand Profile Accordian #7984

    Hi, Please replace file wp-content/themes/sweetdate/assets/scripts/app.js with this one and it will be fixed

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Mobile Issue: White Space on the Right #7982

    That was because of the Buddypress Wall plugin. My solution is given above.

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    in reply to: turning off linking words in users profile text #7981

    Hi, Those links will appear by default. You probably have a text that is too long or something. Theme isn’t doing anything to stop them by default

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Get Old BuddyPress Buttons in Member Directory #7980

    Hi, with this code added to sweetdate-child/functions.php you will render the missing buttons for public and private message. They will require some styling

    add_action( 'bp_directory_members_item_last', 'bp_send_public_message_button', 12 );
    add_action( 'bp_directory_members_item_last', 'bp_send_private_message_button', 12 );
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: individul page background image #7979

    Each page will have its own class in body tab. For example a page will have this class: page-id-658
    You can use that to add custom CSS and change the bg.

    .page-id-658 { background: url("/wp-content/themes/sweetdate/assets/images/patterns/p1_pattern.gif"); }
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: w3c errors #7978

    Hi please replace these files content in the theme to fix the errors:

    wp-content/themes/sweetdate/custom_buddypress/kleo-bp-search.php with

    wp-content/themes/sweetdate/framework/functions/facebook_login.php with

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Login popup keeps popping #7975

    I think that can come from an error in your templates. You should provide a link to your site to see it in action

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Users Online Page Problem #7974

    We haven’t added something to interfere with that.. maybe you installed a plugin or something


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    in reply to: How to set I am / looking for as a default when searching #7973

    We can’t promise anything. You can always hire a developer from microlancer for example to extend default functionalities.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: Locations #7972

    Hi, We have added the option for City auto completion base on Country. You will need to extend this functionality if you want also for States.

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    in reply to: Features making #7971

    1. Then have just one field named Sex and people would search for that

    2. Since v.2.3 you can have auto-complete for City field based on the selected Country. You need to extend that to use also regions. Enable auto-completion from Sweetdate – Buddypres

    3. Use a plugin like “Configure SMTP” to send trough your SMTP server.

    4. You need to develop your own functionality. The page for activating your account is wp-content/themes/sweetdate/registration/activate.php


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    in reply to: Duplicate pictures #7968

    Hi, There isn’t a really easy way of doing that. It will probably need a mechanism of picture recognition.

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    in reply to: City not showing #7967

    Great. Also see this topic on changing those fields if you need:

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    in reply to: Round page up #7966

    If you want to disable that, just delete from footer.php the line 124 that is a paragraph with “btnGoUp” id

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    in reply to: Horizontal scroll bar issue #7956

    Whole site looks messy. You might have changed something in the templates. Try re-installing the latest theme v.2.3

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    in reply to: PMPro registration flow #7955

    The thing is that you cannot checkout for a level before you have an account .. so going to checkout page and only after that to the register page is not possible.

    You can send users to the register page and after their first login redirect them to the levels page with this code added to sweetdate-child/functions.php

    function function_new_user($user_id) {
       add_user_meta( $user_id, '_new_user', '1' );
    add_action( 'user_register', 'function_new_user');
    //The next function will check if it's the first login and redirect the user.
    function function_check_login_redirect($user_login, $user) {
       $logincontrol = get_user_meta($user->ID, '_new_user', 'TRUE');
       if ( $logincontrol ) {
          //set the user to old
          update_user_meta( $user->ID, '_new_user', '0' );
          //Do the redirects or whatever you need to do for the first login
          wp_redirect( pmpro_url(), 302 ); exit;
    add_action('wp_login', 'function_check_login_redirect', 10, 2);


    PMPRO by default allows registration from the checkout page but you won’t use the Buddypress register page. To enable the default behaviour you need to replace the content of this file wp-content/themes/sweetdate/paid-memberships-pro/pages/checkout.php with attached file

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    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Hide Profile tab #7950

    Great 🙂

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    in reply to: Article Content, Page Content #7949

    Please provide links to the specific sections of your site so we can see what is the problem.


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    in reply to: log in button bottom of page #7948

    Hi, That should not be there. This is also v2.3

    Maybe you added something trough the child theme

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    Hello, It may seem a bit slow because of some Javascript code that runs when you scroll the page.
    Try this:
    – Disable sticky menu from WP admin – Sweetdate – Layout settings – Sticky Menu – OFF
    – Change this files content with the new one provided by us:
    wp-content/themes/sweetdate/assets/scripts/app.js with
    wp-content/themes/sweetdate/custom_buddypress/bp-functions.php with

    The thing with taking all other sites off I don’t think it is related to the theme and we haven’t heard this before. A WordPress site normally needs more than a shared hosting if you have many visitors.


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    in reply to: version 2.3 problems #7946

    @adam, we have checked all things reported by you but all looked good in the demo which is also updated to v.2.3. could be something with your changes but some of the things are really odd and we haven’t even changed styling in groups steps for example.

    7. If you have moved the buttonz to the top-bar then you just need to replace the old login buttons code with the new one from the header.php.
    In the new header.php search for

    <!--Login buttons-->

    to find the new code

    Let me know if you need anything else

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    in reply to: version 2.3 problems #7945

    That should not be from the update.. we haven’t modified anything that could allow that behaviour.

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    in reply to: version 2.3 problems #7944

    Hi @adam.
    See the changed files here:

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    in reply to: version 2.3 problems #7903

    Hi Adam
    We will analyze this issue and also put a file change log. I will let you know

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    in reply to: Closed down sweetdate theme website #7877

    Sorry to hear that. I am sure it was not for nothing and you learned some things 😉
    Thanks for the help and kind words.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

    in reply to: update error #7865

    You are doing something wrong .. I see sweetdate-old there in some paths.
    Enable the default WP theme. You can upload the new updated Sweetdate and activate it after

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    in reply to: Conditional field #7864

    Hi, I think that can be done using this 3rd party plugin: BuddyPress user account type PRO

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    in reply to: Register Page is Blank #7862

    @JessicaHardy All buttons work fine. I don’t see any problem

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    in reply to: Google Web Font Loading Over HTTP Issue #7861

    Thempunch responded:
    Hi Seventh,

    This is something we’re working on fixing in the next update. Until then, send us an FTP login and we’ll update the necessary file to fix this for you.


    You want to give them the FTP details or ask them to give instructions to fix it yourself?

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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