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Try this
COPY CODE#ajax_search_container:before { left: 20px !important; } #ajax_search_container { left: -22px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorHey Woman!
Just add the selector for the amount of columns you have. This would be for 1 and 2 columns
.kleo-main-header .nav li.kleo-megamenu.mega-1-cols>.dropdown-menu, .kleo-main-header .nav li.kleo-megamenu.mega-2-cols>.dropdown-menu { width: 500px; }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this in your quick css
COPY CODE.kleo-main-header .nav li.kleo-megamenu.mega-2-cols>.dropdown-menu { width: 500px; }
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sharmstrModeratorYou can either translate it or copy the following function to your child functions.php file
COPY CODEfunction kleo_portfolio_filter( $parent_category = "", $exclude_categories = array() ) { $filter_output = $tax_terms = ""; if ( $parent_category == "" || $parent_category == "all" ) { $tax_terms = kleo_get_category_list( 'portfolio-category', 1 ); } else { $tax_terms = kleo_get_category_list( 'portfolio-category', 1, $parent_category ); } $filter_output .= '<div class="filter-wrap row clearfix">'. "\n"; $filter_output .= '<ul class="portfolio-filter-tabs bar-styling filtering col-sm-12 clearfix">'. "\n"; $filter_output .= '<li class="all selected"><a href="#"><span class="item-name">'. __("Screenshots", "kleo_framework").'</span></a></li>'. "\n"; foreach ($tax_terms as $tax_term) { $term = get_term_by('name', $tax_term, 'portfolio-category'); if ( $term && ! in_array( $term->term_id, $exclude_categories ) ) { $filter_output .= '<li><a href="#">slug . '"><span class="item-name">' . $term->name . '</span></a></li>'. "\n"; } } $filter_output .= '</ul></div>'. "\n"; return $filter_output; }
I strongly suggest translating it.
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sharmstrModeratorThe testimonial shortcode will work without VC. There are two many options for me to type out for you, so I suggest installing/activating it to build the displays you want. Then copy the shortcode and disable VC. Here’s the basic carousel
COPY CODE[kleo_testimonials type="carousel" specific_id="no" number="3" tags=""]
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sharmstrModeratorTry this in quick css until they can release a fix.
COPY CODE#main-container #item-header { display: none !important; }
Moving to bugs forum
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June 12, 2015 at 22:56 in reply to: Display bug for attach media when using RT Media and BuddyPress Activity Privacy #62506sharmstrModeratorSorry for the delay. Try this
COPY CODE.rtmedia-plupload-container.rtmedia-container.clearfix { height: auto !important; visibility: visible !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorWhat the heck file path is that? LOL
Copy /kleo/buddypress/members/member-loop.php to /kleo-child/buddypress/members/member-loop.php, then make your edits. Try this instead though
COPY CODE<?php if ( bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( 'members' ). '&per_page='.sq_option('bp_members_perpage', 24) . '&type=alphabetical' ) ) : ?>
Now, that only handles the loop with in the /members/ context. Groups aren’t in the /members context, they are in… wait for it….. the /groups context. 🙂 That’s why you dont see it working there. Do the same above, but with the /kleo/buddypress/groups/single/members.php file.
COPY CODE<?php if ( bp_group_has_members( 'exclude_admins_mods=0&per_page='.sq_option('bp_members_perpage', 12) . '&type=alphabetical' ) ) : ?>
btw – this is off the top of my head. I havent tested any of it 🙂
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sharmstrModeratorTry this in quick css.
COPY CODE.popover { z-index: 900; }
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sharmstrModeratorCOPY CODE.kleo-main-header { background-image: url("") !important; } .kleo-main-header .container { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } .collapse.navbar-collapse.nav-collapse { background-color: #fff; }
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sharmstrModeratorI can see the css that’s causing the issue, but I dont know why its loading the way it is. I cant reproduce it. As a working around, try this in your quick css
COPY CODE.navbar-transparent .header-color, .navbar-transparent .header-color .kleo-main-header { background-image: url("") !important; }
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June 10, 2015 at 19:16 in reply to: "Your current membership does not allow private messages access." #61867sharmstrModeratorput this in your functions file
COPY CODEadd_action('init','remove_pm_email_restrict'); function remove_pm_email_restrict() { remove_filter( 'messages_notification_new_message_message', 'kleo_pmpro_restrict_pm_email_content', 11, 7 ); }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this instead
COPY CODEadd_action( 'init', 'wooDescrioption', 10 ); function wooDescrioption() { remove_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs', 31 ); remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'kleo_woocommerce_output_related_products', 20 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs', 10 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'kleo_woocommerce_output_related_products', 20 ); }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this
COPY #item-header-avatar {border-width: 6px;} .profile-cover-inner { background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(100%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5)), color-stop(100%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 50%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 50%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%); /* IE10+ */ background: linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%); /* W3C */ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#00000000', endColorstr='#a6000000',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */ }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this
COPY #item-header-avatar { display: none !important; }
If you dont want the avatar to display in groups as well, remove .is-user-profile.
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sharmstrModeratorView is built into the message and there is no class on it so its a bit difficult to remove it without removing the message completely IF the message contains a url.
With that said, you can try this in your child css (or quick css)
COPY CODE#item-header-content #latest-update a { display: none; }
So, if the message is just text, only View will be removed. But if its a url, all of it will be removed. See attached for an example of what I’m talking about.
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You must be logged in to view attached files.sharmstrModeratorTry this in your childs functions.php file
COPY CODEfunction kleo_membership_info() { global $membership_levels, $current_user; if (!$membership_levels) { return; } $levels_arr = array('2','3','4'); if (bp_is_my_profile()) { if ( isset($current_user->membership_level) && in_array($current_user->membership_level->ID, $levels_arr) ) { echo '<a><span class="label radius pmpro_label">' . $current_user->membership_level->name . '</span></a>'; } else { echo '<a><span class="label radius pmpro_label">' . __("Upgrade account", 'kleo_framework') . '</span></a>'; } } }
Change the $levels_arr to the IDs of the levels you do NOT want to show ‘upgrade’ to. Those levels will display the level name instead of Upgrade Account.
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sharmstrModeratorThat depends on where exactly you want it displayed. To put it on top of the main content, you can use this in your childs functions.php file
COPY CODEfunction add_to_forums() { if ( ( function_exists('is_bbpress') && is_bbpress() ) && ( function_exists('is_buddypress') && !is_buddypress() ) ) { do_shortcode('[yourshortcode]'); } } add_action("kleo_before_main_content", "add_to_forums");
If you want it elsewhere, take a look in the template files located in /kleo/page-parts; specifically the before wrap, title and header files. Look for do_action(‘xxxx’) and change “kleo_before_main_content” in my example to whatever xxxx is.
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sharmstrModeratorThat’s not a bug. That’s how its supposed to work. You can change that. Search is your friend
COPY .container, .bg-full-video .container-full { pointer-events: auto; }
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sharmstrModeratorTry all of this instead
COPY CODE#buddypress div.profile .dl-horizontal dt { float: left; text-align: left; } #buddypress div.profile .dl-horizontal dd { clear: both; margin-left: 0; text-align: left !important; }
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sharmstrModeratortry this
COPY CODE#buddypress div.profile .dl-horizontal dd { margin-left: 50px; clear: both; }
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June 5, 2015 at 17:27 in reply to: Facebook login button in buddypress login widget not working #61153sharmstrModeratorI dont know why its screwed up either. Maybe its another plugin conflict overriding the css. Put this in your quick css
COPY CODE#bp-login-widget-form input[type="text"] { width: 100% !important; } .widget_bp_core_login_widget .gap-20 { display: none; } .widget_bp_core_login_widget { line-height: 10px; }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this in your quick css
COPY CODE.header-color .caret:after, .header-color .widget_archive li:before, .header-color .widget_categories li:before, .header-color .widget_product_categories li:before, .header-color .widget_layered_nav li:before, .header-color .widget_display_views li:before, .header-color .widget_recent_entries li:before, .header-color .widget_recent_comments li:before, .header-color .panel .icon-closed, .header-color .panel .icon-opened { color: #fff !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorI’m not saying the plugin is installed in cpanel. I’m saying look for caching at the host level. That could be any number of caching application supplied by your host. As I mentioned, I’ve tested this with two sites and its not a Kleo / BP 2.3 issue. You can try temporarily activating the WP 2015 theme and see if you still have the issue. I’m guessing you will.
for the third question, you’ll have to copy /kleo/buddypress/groups/single/group-header.php to your child theme and replace this
COPY CODE<h4 class="highlight"><?php bp_group_type(); ?></h4>
with this
COPY CODE<h4 class="highlight"><?php bp_group_name(); ?></h4>
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sharmstrModeratorNo, the same thing happens on the demo site (see attached). The related carousel doesn’t necessarily show the full image. It uses aq_resize to resize the full image on the fly. Check out line 131 of /kleo/page-parts/post-content-carousel.php. aq_resize is passed $kleo_config[‘post_gallery_img_width’], $kleo_config[‘post_gallery_img_height’] and set to hard crop. Those sizes are hardcoded to
COPY CODE//Post image sizes for carousels and galleries $kleo_config['post_gallery_img_width'] = 480; $kleo_config['post_gallery_img_height'] = 270;
So, if you want to ensure that your images will display the way you want them to every time, make sure they have the same width/height ratio as stated above.
Alternatively, you can copy the above file into your child theme and changed the aq_resize parameters.
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You must be logged in to view attached files.sharmstrModerator@chunkee – Dont edit any css files except /kleo-child/styles.css. The code to change the search input is
COPY CODE#ajax_searchform input { color: #ccc !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorGroup cover full width is available in kleo 3.0
Try this
COPY CODE#item-header { min-height: 600px; } #item-header img.avatar { width: 200px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorPut this in quick css
COPY CODE#buddypress #item-header { min-height: 600px; }
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sharmstrModeratorYou’ll need to define a new shortcode in your childs functions.php file, put your custom template file in /kleo-child/vc_templates/buddypress/, then use VC’s shortcode mapper to add it to vc.
Example assumes you’ve named your template custom_bp_members_grid.php
COPY CODEadd_shortcode( "custom_bp_members_grid", "custom_bp_members_grid_func"); function custom_bp_members_grid_func($atts, $content = null) { global $kleo_config; $shortcode = array( 'name' => 'Custom Members Grid', 'category' => 'buddypress', 'example' => '[kleo_bp_members_grid type="newest" number="12" size="150" class=""]' ); $output = ''; if(!isset($shortcode)) { return; } include get_stylesheet_directory() .'/vc_templates/buddypress/custom_bp_members_grid.php'; return $output; }
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sharmstrModeratorI think you might be better containing it to the article div though
COPY CODEarticle { line-height: 32px; }
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May 26, 2015 at 17:19 in reply to: Change colour of continue reading/read more button in main blog page #60197sharmstrModeratorthere is no difference quick css and style.css except that quick css saves it do the db with your other settings.
COPY .muted:hover { color: #00b9f7 !important; }
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May 25, 2015 at 16:17 in reply to: Change colour of continue reading/read more button in main blog page #60050sharmstrModeratorCOPY .muted { color: #000 !important; } .post-header .post-title a { color: red !important; } .post-footer .item-likes span, .post-footer .item-likes::before { color: #00b9f7 !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorIf they have a shortcode, you can add it to the popup by putting this in your childs function.php file. Be sure to replace clef_shortcode with the actual shortcode for Clef
COPY CODE/* Add clef login to Kleo login modal */ add_action( 'kleo_before_login_form','add_clef_to_login_modal' ); function add_clef_to_login_modal() { do_action('clef_shortcode'); }
Note: I have no idea if it will actually work. I’m merely giving you the code to inject their shortcode into the popup login form.
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sharmstrModeratorCOPY { display: inline; }
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May 24, 2015 at 20:02 in reply to: Display all product images in full size in the lightbox (WooCommerce) #59990sharmstrModeratorOkay. I found what’s causing it. I’m not sure how the devs will end up fixing it, but I will alert them to it and it will be fixed in Kleo 3.0.
In the meantime, open up /kleo/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php. Scroll down to around line 50 and change it from this
COPY CODE$image_link = $image_src[0];
to this
COPY CODE//$image_link = $image_src[0];
Normally I wouldnt have you edit core files, but since there will be a fix, its okay in this instance.
Let me know if it causes any issues. I did some basic testing and it seems fine.
(@abe – pushing up the initial fix. Seems you’ve just defined $image_link twice. The first define is correct, the second changes the href to the thumbnail. )
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sharmstrModeratorYou can’t do it that way because its a link, not just plain text. Try this
COPY a { color: #fff; }
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sharmstrModeratorThat’s not the section background. There is no gaps between the posts. What you want to change is the individual item div backgrounds. Try this instead
COPY { background-color: #000 !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorIt uses the Section Style dropdown. So if you dont have a section that has a black background, you cant do it that way. You can either use the footer section which is by default pretty dark, or you can add some css to do it. At the bottom of the row settings add “black-bg” without the quotes to the Extra CSS box. Save it. Click on the gear icon at the top of VC and try this.
COPY { background-color: #000 !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorAdd the following “btn-buy btn-default” without the quotes to your menu item css. If you dont see the css box, enable it by clicking on screen options in the upper right part of the screen.
Then in your quick css add
COPY { background-color: #00b9f7; }
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May 21, 2015 at 15:15 in reply to: Custom post type meta not showing on single posts and post archieves #59728sharmstrModeratorI dont know what to tell you. The code works for me. Have you tried troubleshooting? Have you verified that
COPY CODEget_the_term_list( $post->ID, ‘project_categories’, ”, ‘, ‘ );
returns something?
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