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Put this in the page css using VC and see if it fixes it
COPY CODE.vertical-col .container-full .row:first-child, .vertical-col>.section-container .row:first-child { display: inherit !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorVC adds the title attribute to its images. So depending on which of their styles you are using, you’ll have to edit their templates for it. I strongly urge you to not do this since they are constantly updating their template files and you’ll have to compare their new files to your old one(s) after every upgrade.
If you really want to do it and maintain it going forward, you can copy /plugins/js_composer/include/shortcodes/vc_gitem_zone.php and replace
COPY CODE$image_block .= 'prettyphoto_rel . ' data-vc-gitem-zone="prettyphotoLink" class="vc_gitem-link prettyphoto vc-zone-link vc-prettyphoto-link">';
COPY CODE$image_block .= 'prettyphoto_rel . ' data-vc-gitem-zone="prettyphotoLink" class="vc_gitem-link prettyphoto vc-zone-link vc-prettyphoto-link">';
Alternatively, you can google for a way to remove the title attribute via jquery or css.
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sharmstrModeratorI responded Saturday, looks like it didnt go through.
Copy /kleo/rtmedia/media/media-gallery-item.php to your child theme and changed the following line from this
COPY CODE<a>" title="<?php echo rtmedia_title(); ?>">
to this
COPY CODE<a>" title="">
You might want to hold off doing it until Kleo 3.0 (due to be released any day). rtMedia has made some major changes and that code might be changed in the next release.
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sharmstrModeratorThis is specifically for the main menu section.
COPY CODE.collapse.navbar-collapse.nav-collapse { border: 1px solid #000 !important; }
This is for the header which includes the logo and main menu
COPY CODE.kleo-main-header.header-normal { border: 1px solid #000 !important; }
This assumes you are using the default header layout. If you are using a different layout and the above code does not work, please provide a link.
If you want my assistance figuring out why the styles in your child theme are being ignored, I need admin access.
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sharmstrModeratorIts the double quotes its inserting. Open up /visual-subtitle/class-visual-subtitle.php. Find the following line (around 304)
COPY CODE$title = $title . ' <small class="subtitle">' . $subtitle . '</small>';
and change it to this.
COPY CODE$title = $title . " <small class='subtitle'>" . $subtitle . '</small>';
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sharmstrModeratorThat line is a visual indicator to tell your members where they are at. It highlights the current menu item. To remove it, try this css in Theme Option > General > Quick css
COPY CODE.kleo-main-header .nav > > a { box-shadow: none !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorPut !important on it.
COPY CODE.kleo-main-header.header-normal { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4) !important; }
Sorry, I dont understand your section question.
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May 17, 2015 at 16:34 in reply to: Custom post type meta not showing on single posts and post archieves #59189sharmstrModeratorI just found some code I used on another site over a year ago. Totally forgot about it. See if this helps.
At the top of the kleo_entry_meta function you’ll see.
COPY CODE// Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. if ( in_array( 'categories', $meta_elements ) ) { $categories_list = get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'kleo_framework')); }
Try something like this instead.
COPY CODEif (get_post_type() == 'projects') { $categories_list = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'project-category', '', ', ' ); } else { // Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. if ( in_array( 'categories', $meta_elements ) ) { $categories_list = get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'kleo_framework')); } }
Be sure to change projects and project-category to match your setup.
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sharmstrModeratorPut this is quick css. I’ve tested it. It works.
COPY CODE#buddypress #members-list .action { display: none !important; }
Also, you may find this useful. Hopefully it will help you in the future:
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sharmstrModeratorAssuming you’re talking about the ajax search in the menu, here are most of the bits
COPY CODE#ajax_search_container { background-color: blue !important; color: pink; } .ajax_search_content a { color: pink; } #ajax_searchform input { background-color: red; color: green; }
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sharmstrModeratorWow that took forever. I cant determine whats wrong. But this should get you close. I didnt want to add it because you’ll have to make sure your admin(s) are in the correct level. Also, change the 1 to whatever level its supposed to be. The code is from my site so I used 1. I purposely put each component in its own if statement so you can easily see what they do and disable/change if necessary.
COPY CODEfunction custom_deny_access() { global $bp; if ( bp_is_user() && !bp_is_my_profile() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(1) ) { wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); exit; } if ( bp_is_activity_directory() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(1) ) { wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); exit; } if ( bp_is_members_directory() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(1) ) { wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); exit; } if ( bp_is_group() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(1) ) { wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); exit; } if ( bp_is_groups_directory() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(1) ) { wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); exit; } if ( bp_is_messages_compose_screen() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(1) ) { wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); exit; } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'custom_deny_access' );
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sharmstrModeratorHmmm. I’v been testing different settings and I cant get it to NOT work. I was keeping an eye on what you were doing and it didnt appear that you disabled ALL plugins. Looked like you still had some BP plugins enabled.
You can try adding custom functions to do it for you instead of relying on Kleo I suppose. I’ve tested this code on my site, so I know it works. What it does is redirects you to the home page (your levels page) if anyone besides level 3 tries to view a profile that’s not theirs. Put it your functions file and turn off profile blocking in theme options > memberships before testing it. Again, you might have to clear your cache as well.
COPY CODEfunction custom_deny_access() { if ( bp_is_member() && !bp_is_my_profile() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(3) ) { wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'custom_deny_access' );
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sharmstrModeratorTry this in your quick css
COPY CODE.article-meta a { color: red !important; }
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sharmstrModerator1 – You need to add the Live Notification and My Account menu items from the Kleo list. If you dont see the Kleo list on the left side, then enable it by clicking on Screen Options in the upper right hand of your screen. The avatar will automatically show up for My Account. For Live Notifications, you need to choose an icon.
2 – Wrap the Navigation Label in em tags like this
COPY CODEService <em>New</em>
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You must be logged in to view attached files.sharmstrModeratorThe code doesnt work with the 2015 theme either. You should ask on the buddypress forum. The only piece they cant help you will is hiding the icon. You can do that with this css
COPY CODE#-personal-li { display:none; }
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sharmstrModeratorJust found this. It might be helpful
If you want to try the second suggestion here’s the code.
COPY CODE$('.kleo-show-login, .bp-menu.bp-login-nav a, .must-log-in > a').magnificPopup({ items: { src: '#kleo-login-modal', type: 'inline', focus: '#username' }, preloader: false, mainClass: 'kleo-mfp-zoom', // When element is focused, some mobile browsers in some cases zoom in // It looks not nice, so we disable it: callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { if($(window).width() < 700) { = false; } else { = '#username'; } } } });
But I’d change .kleo-show-login to .kleo-show-login2 and delete the other selectors. Like this
$(‘.kleo-show-login2’).magnificPopup({Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionThis support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact
sharmstrModeratorTry this
COPY CODE#buddypress div#item-nav ul a:before { display: none !important; } #buddypress div#item-nav ul li a span { top: 0 !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorPlease search this in your quick css
COPY img.avatar { width: 300px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorI found the issue. Try this out.
Open up /kleo/buddpypress/activity/entry.php. Scroll down to the following line (should be line 89)
COPY CODE<?php if ( ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_activity_can_comment() ) || bp_is_single_activity() ) : ?>
and change it to this
COPY CODE<?php if ( ( bp_activity_get_comment_count() && bp_activity_can_comment() ) || bp_is_single_activity() ) : ?>
Let me know if that fixes it for you.
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sharmstrModeratorPut this in your quick css
COPY CODE#bbpress-forums div.reply { height: auto; position: relative !important; overflow: hidden !important; width: 100%; }
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sharmstrModerator1 –
COPY CODE.bp-user #latest-update { display: none !important; }
2 –
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sharmstrModeratorYou can add
COPY CODE#buddypress ul.item-list li img.avatar { width: 120px; }
to make the avatar bigger, but the issue is that the shortcode pulls a 50px avatar so it will look pixelated.
If you just want to move the info below the avatar, remove this part of your custom css.
COPY CODE#buddypress #members-list li div.item-avatar { width: 120px; height: 120px;
Also, the active bubble is not available in that shortcode.
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sharmstrModeratorThere will be several files. Put this in your childs function.php file and it will print out which templates files were called. Just load the group page and view the source.
COPY CODE/** * show included template files */ add_action('all','template_snoop'); function template_snoop(){ $args = func_get_args(); if( !is_admin() and $args[0] ){ if( $args[0] == 'template_include' ) { echo "<!-- Base Template: {$args[1]} -->\n"; } elseif( strpos($args[0],'get_template_part_') === 0 ) { global $last_template_snoop; if( $last_template_snoop ) echo "\n\n<!-- End Template Part: {$last_template_snoop} -->"; $tpl = rtrim(join('-', array_slice($args,1)),'-').'.php'; echo "\n<!-- Template Part: {$tpl} -->\n\n"; $last_template_snoop = $tpl; } } }
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sharmstrModeratorYou can either change your H1 size in Theme Options > Fonts or try this in your quick css
COPY { font-size: 16px; }
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sharmstrModeratorSorry, see what I mean about the quotes changing? Look
You have “ and ” and ´ and
change theme to
COPY CODE" and '
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sharmstrModeratorA few people have put a bit of a drop shadow on the text
COPY div#item-header div#item-header-content { text-shadow: 1px 1px #000; }
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May 5, 2015 at 14:55 in reply to: Kleo Post Grid – Different Colors For Each Post / Counter [unique code] #57394sharmstrModeratorAre you using the masonry layout? Did they work for the other post types? You can try this
COPY CODE.masonry-listing .type-job .post-title { border-left-color: blue !important; border-left-width: 3px !important; }
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May 5, 2015 at 00:48 in reply to: Kleo Post Grid – Different Colors For Each Post / Counter [unique code] #57309sharmstrModeratorNo, by default there is no way. Either create the shortcodes (I gave you a link that will do that for you) or search for a plugin that will allow you to enter the php code you have.
Here’s how you can override the color for posts.
COPY CODE.masonry-listing .type-post .post-title { border-left-color: pink !important; }
You’ll have to figure out how to do it for the rest of them. The part that *should* be unique to each one is the .type-post. So maybe try .type-jobs, .type-portfolio and .type-kleo-testimonials.
By default, enter will always take you to the standard search page. There is no way to change that. You can disable the enter to submit.
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sharmstrModeratorYou need to figure out what your plugin is calling that tab in terms of the css class. My guess its “Forum” but dont know for sure.
Try this in your quick css
COPY CODE#buddypress div#item-nav ul #forum-personal-li a:before { content: "\e97b"; }
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sharmstrModeratorPut important on it
COPY CODE.header-color .top-menu li > a, .header-color #top-social li a { color: rgba(102,153,204, 1) !important; }
COPY CODE.header-color .top-menu li > a, .header-color #top-social li a { color: #6699cc !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorPut this is quick css
COPY CODEnav.pagination-sticky.members-navigation {display: none;}
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sharmstrModeratorTry this css
COPY CODE.single-product .related.products { display: none; }
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sharmstrModeratorIts throwing off the entire page because you’re using and * which tells the css to do it for all Before and Afters.
Assuming you mean after each topic, try this.
COPY CODE.widget_display_topics li { margin-bottom: 10px; }
If you mean after the widget, try this.
COPY CODE.widget_display_topics { padding-bottom: 10px; }
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sharmstrModeratorAs the link says, you use
COPY CODEif (is_user_logged_in()) { }
Just put you function inside that.
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sharmstrModeratorTry this
COPY CODE#members-list .action { display: none; }
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sharmstrModeratorCouple of things.
1 – To increase the page number circles so the 2,410 fits, add this to your quick css
COPY CODE.pagination > li > a, .pagination > li > span { width: 40px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; }
2 – You need to update Visual Composer to 4.4.3.
3 – For the breadcrumb, css and pagination issues. Is this a live site? It looks like its still under development. If you are still developing, I suggest turning off caching and CDN until we get everything sorted out. It appears your cdn servers dont have current files. If its a live site, can we put it in maintenance mode so we can disable plugins and switch the 2015 theme? We need to start figuring out where the issue is coming from. Let me know when its ready to do all of this.
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sharmstrModeratorFor the first question, try this in your childs function.php file
COPY CODEif (!is_user_logged_in()) { echo '<style>nav.pagination-sticky.members-navigation {display: none;}</style>'; }
The second one would involve editing the member nav query which is you’ll need to either do yourself, hire someone or request this feature in the new Feature Request section here.
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sharmstrModeratorI’ve moved this to feature requests.
In the meantime, you can override the css using Theme Options > General > Quick Css. Here’s an example
COPY CODE.ui-widget-header { background-color: red !important; background-image: none !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this is quick css
COPY CODE@media (min-width: 1440px) { .container { max-width: 1080px; } }
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sharmstrModeratorAssuming devoir is the slug name, probably something like
COPY CODE'parent_url' => $group_permalink . "/devoir"; 'parent_slug' => bp_get_current_group_slug() . "/devoir";
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