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  • in reply to: Update error – won’t update #210176
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Register form #210175

    Hi Aurelio,

    If you assign any page in WP Admin > Settings > BuddyPress > Pages to the register option it will always override any content within the page and output the BuddyPress register form instead.

    What you need to do is create a page that does not contain your custom form and assign it to the register option as stated above.

    Once you have done that you can use the below custom PHP in your KLEO Child theme’s functions.php file to redirect the default register page to your custom register page and redirect users away from that custom register page if they’re already signed in.

    Add this code via WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > KLEO Child > Functions.php

    Code to generate the redirect from the page titled register to a page titled signup. You can change these two values to suit your needs.

    // Redirect from page with slug register to page with slug signup
    function redir_away_from_reg() {
        if (is_page( 'register' ))
            wp_redirect(home_url( 'signup' ));
    add_action('template_redirect', 'redir_away_from_reg');

    Code to redirect away from the page titled signup if the user is logged in. Change the value signup if needed to suit any changes from the above code.

    // Redirect from signup page if logged in
    function acc_redir_away_li() {
        if ( is_user_logged_in()
            && (is_page( 'signup' ))
        ) {
    add_action('template_redirect', 'acc_redir_away_li');



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    in reply to: No email for new user #210174


    Please can you try going to WP Admin > Tools > BuddyPress and check the option ‘Reinstall emails (delete and restore from defaults).’, then press repair items. Once this is complete clear all caches and CDN again and retry.

    If this fails please see my original reply about confirming / denying if the mail is being generated or sent/ returned.



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    in reply to: change the background of Header, Socket and Footer? #210161

    Hi Alex,

    Sorry, I had assumed that you were running Windows/Chrome as that is the most common. Mac/Safari does have a development tool, but is indeed different to Google Chrome’s DevTools – though essentially the function is the same.

    I don’t personally use Mac/Safari so I don’t have any basic tutorial to hand for you but you will almost certainly find beginner friendly tutorial videos on YouTube for Safari development tools.



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    in reply to: change the background of Header, Socket and Footer? #210159


    No worries, this tutorial may be helpful if you’re interested in learning to use Google Chrome DevTools.

    All the best,


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    in reply to: Multiple Headers Color #210158


    You can use custom CSS to target different elements on different pages. Go to the desired page on the front end and open the development tools (F12), check the body tag for the page-id- class.

    You can then use this before your custom CSS to target only that page.


    .page-id-99 .kleo-main-header.header-normal {
        background-color: red;


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    in reply to: No email for new user #210155


    Please try the following

    – Update SweetDate to the latest version. Currently you’re using SweetDate 3.2.6 – the most recent version is 3.2.10
    – Update any/all plugins that have updates pending in WP Admin > Dashboard > Updates
    – Clear all caching at the server and WordPress level – test again

    If the issue is still present check to see if the mail is being generated and if it is leaving the server or being returned as spam. You’ll need to contact your host to check this.

    Let me know,


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    in reply to: change the background of Header, Socket and Footer? #210154


    As you’re using the SweetDate Child theme your CSS modifications should go into WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > SweetDate Child > Style.css, but they will work also in the Quick CSS of Theme Options.

    You can try the below CSS to change the colors for the highlighted objects

    /* Menu CSS */
    .page-id-13067, .page-id-13067 .header-color .top-menu li > a {
        border-color: white;
    .page-id-13067 .kleo-main-header.header-extras {
        border-bottom-color: white;
    .page-id-13067 .navbar a {
        color: white !important;
    /* Footer CSS */
    .page-id-13067 #footer .widget-title {
        color: white;
    .page-id-13067 .footer-color .widget_nav_menu li a {
        border-color: white;
    .page-id-13067 #footer li a {
        color: white;
    .page-id-13067 #footer p, .page-id-13067 #footer label {
        color: white;

    You can generate the CSS for yourself by right click the item and inspecting with Google Chrome DevTools to reveal the class/ID – add .page-id-13067 before anything you generate.



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    in reply to: change the background of Header, Socket and Footer? #210147

    Hi Alex,

    Do you mean on a per page basis? If so you’ll need to do this manually with CSS after getting the page ID.

    .page-id-12504 {
        background-color: red;
    .page-id-12504 .kleo-main-header.header-extras {
        background-color: red;
    .page-id-12504 #footer {
        background-color: red;
    .page-id-12504 #socket {
        background-color: red;

    You can get the page ID from hovering over the link to edit the page in the WordPress back end or via the front end by inspecting the page / viewing the source and checking the body tag for the page-id- class

    In the example above I have set it to .page-id-12504 which is the page currently assigned as the homepage.



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    in reply to: Popup redirect after registration #210143


    As you’re using the SweetDate Child theme you should add all custom CSS to your style.css via WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > SweetDate Child > Style.css



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    in reply to: Popup redirect after registration #210141


    If you wish to change the code for the registration page please copy the below file from the main theme to the Child theme. Recreate any folder structure from the parent theme that does not already exist in the Child theme.


    Edit from around line 400



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    in reply to: Popup redirect after registration #210140


    Redirecting to another page after registration would be complex and not future proof with new iterations of BuddyPress and would therefore be prone to breaking.

    The best option, as you stated, would be styling the notification. The page where the notice is shown is still the register page (as per how BuddyPress functions) and therefore the CSS stated below may target elements on the register page itself and will also target the title of the register page.

    .registration h2.article-title {
        color: red;
        font-size: 40px;
        font-weight: bold;
    .registration #template-notices p {
        font-size: 20px;
        color: blue;
        font-weight: bold;



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    in reply to: Popup redirect after registration #210135


    I don’t understand your question. Do you wish to change the registration process? Disable activation process? Change the appearance of the activation page?

    Please provide more detailed information on your request so I may assist you.

    With regards to updates, so long as you’re using the SweetDate Child theme and file changes you make will be safe,



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    in reply to: live chat #210132


    There is no live chat option in WordPress, BuddyPress or SweetDate by default. You can however add this functionality via a third party service or a plugin.

    I would highly recommend using a third party service if you’re on somewhat limited hosting (shared or low end VPS) as the load that live chat can create on a server is quite high.

    You can try CometChat or ArrowChat for third party services that offer offloading or this link for many chat plugins that can be used on your site



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    in reply to: Registration Fields #210131


    The KLEO Register widget only registers the basic fields required by WordPress to create an account and BuddyPress fields / custom fields cannot be added to without advanced knowledge of PHP and extensive custom code.

    If you, or your developer, wish to begin this process then you will need to be running the KLEO Child theme and override the shortcode by following this support article



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    in reply to: General Bulk Message #210015


    No worries, we just like to keep topics separate so that they can be properly tracked and ensure that you get an available member of the support team.



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    in reply to: General Bulk Message #209959


    Please open a new topic for new questions so one of the available team can give you an answer. I am only available for existing tickets on the weekends.



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    in reply to: child theme and login and sign up buttons #209932


    There is no setting to change this, you’ll need to be using the SweetDate Child theme and edit the code.

    With the SweetDate Child theme active copy the below file from the parent theme to the Child theme. Recreate any folder structure that is not already present in the Child theme.



    Scroll to around line 210 and look for the below code

    <?php if ( get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) { ?>
    								<li class="header-register-button">
    									<a href="#" data-reveal-id="register_panel" class="tiny button radius">
    										<i class="icon-group hide-for-medium-down"></i>
    										<?php _e( "SIGN UP", 'kleo_framework' ); ?>
    							<?php } ?>

    Change the a tag to

    <?php if ( get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) { ?>
    								<li class="header-register-button">
    									<a href="/my-custom-page/" class="tiny button radius">
    										<i class="icon-group hide-for-medium-down"></i>
    										<?php _e( "SIGN UP", 'kleo_framework' ); ?>
    							<?php } ?>

    Replace “/my-custom-page/” with the path to your custom page

    Save, clear all caches and log out to test.



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    in reply to: General Bulk Message #209931


    Not that I know of as when you use a static page you’re telling the browser to show X page as the root. By adding a slug to this you would be removing it as the home page.


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    in reply to: General Bulk Message #209823


    You’re welcome. For new questions please open a new topic and one of the available support team members will be happy to assist.

    All the best,


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    in reply to: General Bulk Message #209820


    This is best done with a plugin like Yoast, All in One SEO Pack, The SEO Framework. But you can do it via transparent text if you wish – drag a text element to your desired location, once in place add your text and then select the style tab. Once in the style tab select the ‘Text Color’, you’ll see to sliders on the right side of the color picker, slide the furthest right slider all way day to make the text transparent.


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    in reply to: General Bulk Message #209730


    You can add, edit and remove profile fields at any time and it will not effect your users in that way. The worst that happens is they have an empty field on their profile they need to update.


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    in reply to: plugin #209707


    I have split your recent reply into a new ticket as it was not related to this ticket that was closed over 3 months ago. Someone from the weekday support team will assist you in your new ticket as soon as they’re in on Monday.



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    in reply to: View shortcodes and HTML in post title #209702


    The title output should be the same if the title function has been manipulated correctly as we’re only calling the post title. I’ll refer this ticket to one of our devs for review but you’ll need to share the following so we can look into it

    – A page using the KLEO Posts element
    – The name of the plugin or location of custom code used to add shortcodes to titles
    – Admin credentials for your site

    Someone will be in touch with you as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time.



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    in reply to: View shortcodes and HTML in post title #209699


    I have responded to your original ticket here



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    in reply to: View shortcodes and HTML in post title #209698


    The shortcode question is one of WordPress functionality and not an issue / extension of KLEO. With that said I only know of one plugin that would allow you to render a shortcode in a title but it is two years since it was last updated. If you wish you can try it

    When you say you would like to colour it green. Are you referring to the whole title or just the shortcode output? If it is the output of the shortcode that you wish to style then you’ll need to either hook into the shortcode you’re using to extend it with HTML before and after or find an alternative plugin to the one mentioned above.

    This would be an advanced task to achieve and if you’re not confident with PHP and/or HTML you’ll need to hire a developer to achieve this custom functionality for you.



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    in reply to: Cover photo #209697


    I have had feedback from the development team and they’ve decided to add your request into the development queue. The theme option should be added in the next release of KLEO which will be some time later this week.

    All the best,


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    in reply to: Facebook Login #209693
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Cover photo #209690


    Thanks for contacting us about setting the default state of the cover photo. I am not aware of a solution to this and therefore have reached out on your behalf to the development team who I expect to get a response from on Monday or Tuesday regards your query.

    Thank you for your patience,


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    in reply to: Landing group in Profile Edit #209685


    As per your other topic I am not aware of any method where you can set a default sub tab for the profile edit tab. I will however refer this ticket to one of our developers for any insight on this matter. They’ll be in touch with you as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time.



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    in reply to: could not import #209683
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: could not import #209682
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Facebook Login #209680
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: group images black background #209679


    We’re not avoiding your replies we’re trying rule out and identify causes. If you’re not comfortable switching themes then please contact your host to find out if they offer staging on your account and if they will set that up for you – once set up please share details here so I can safely check it out.


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    in reply to: BP Error #209678


    That’s great to hear this was resolved so quickly.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,


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    in reply to: Facebook Login #209673
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    in reply to: Facebook Login #209668
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Facebook Login #209664
    Not marked as solution


    Glad to hear this is now resolved.

    All the best,


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    You’ll need to enable the ‘Title Attribute’ option in ‘Screen Options’ when editing the menu to do this. Once you have activated it open the account menu item and enter the below in the field titled ‘Title Attribute’.


    You can use this to say

    Welcome ##member_name##


    ##member_name##'s Account

    And any other format as needed



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