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ModeratorI don’t know how you translate them but you need to use for example Poedit software for BUddypress and generate the .mo file. The theme can be translated with Codestyling Localization plugin that also can generate the .mo file inside the languages folder
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ModeratorStrange. Do you have any other plugin that might cause that? Try to update to latest theme 2.1.1
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ModeratorHi, you are right, it is a bit small. I have changed the image width to 1200px and it will be available in next theme version. To fix it until next update just copy the content from the text file attached and replace this file content from the theme wp-content/themes/kleo/single-portfolio.php
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ModeratorHi, to disable the magnific popup do this:
– open wp-content/themes/kleo/assets/js/app.js
– comment or remove this lines around 620:COPY CODE/* Regular popup images */ $("a[data-rel^='prettyPhoto'], a[rel^='prettyPhoto'], .article-content a[href$=jpg]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=JPG]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=jpeg]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=JPEG]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=gif]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=bmp]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=png]:has(img)").magnificPopup({ type: 'image', mainClass: 'mfp-img-pop', gallery:{ enabled: true } }); /* WordPress Gallery */ $(".gallery a[href$=jpg], .gallery a[href$=JPG], .gallery a[href$=jpeg], .gallery a[href$=JPEG], .gallery a[href$=png], .gallery a[href$=gif], .gallery a[href$=bmp] :has(img)").parent().magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'image', mainClass: 'mfp-gallery-pop', navigateByImgClick: true, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1] } });
or if you don’t need the login modal you can just comment this around line 33COPY CODEkleoPage.magnificPopup();
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ModeratorHi, starting with 2.1 update you are able to search members from the menu search or with the Search form Shortcode but your custom needs will require some programming
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Moderator@dicers I see you already opened a topic and please do not write parallel questions and think at our support staff no to answer same question twice.
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ModeratorYou need a bit of PHP knowledge. The first part should go in your child theme in functions.php anywhere you like but not after the ending ? > php tag
The second one goes in your style.css from the child theme
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ModeratorHi, make a screenshot of what you mean since I can’t understand the problem
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ModeratorThere is already one added by us .. try to replace the existing one header.php line 25
COPY CODE<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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ModeratorWhat is your site to take a look. I hope you are referring at server response time since the whole page loading time has lots of more variables like content inside it and other requests to external sites
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ModeratorUpdate WordPress to 4.0 and also theme to latest version and any other plugins you have
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ModeratorAlso disable any extra plugins or custom code added
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Moderator@sandervm86 it shows on mobile when I test it.. what mobile are you using for tests?
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ModeratorThis should be already resolver in 2.7 version. Also update your Buddypress plugin to latest version
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ModeratorSee my answer above and you will need to change the text there in the code
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ModeratorI don’t know what changes or other codes or other plugins you have added. I just updated on the demo to the latest rtMedia version and the functionality works as expected
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ModeratorHi, not necessarily but only if you like the functionality added by the plugins
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You can achieve that with a plugin like BWP Minify that allows you to move scripts to the footer and minify them. Unfortunately there are plugins that add the scripts to the header so you need to mark them manually to be moved by the plugin.Also you should consider using a caching plugin
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Moderatorhi @taiger
You should create a topic if your question is not related to this topichave you found the problem with the slow site?
To remove the featured image on the blog post page there is a setting in Theme options – BlogHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionCatalin
ModeratorHi, Make sure you have checked some fields in Sweetdate – Buddypress – Horizontal form
If you check them you shouldn’t encounter that problem
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ModeratorHi, WPML is a standalone plugin and it is sold at
KLEO does not include it and we haven’t stated anywhere that is included. KLEO is ready to be used with WPML
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ModeratorIndeed just remove the Archive for category: part
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ModeratorHi, it has been added in 2.1 version. Find them in Appearance – Menus – KLEO
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Moderator@iusethemes that should be in your < head > section of your header.php file
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ModeratorI don’t see the popular widget. Put some links to those specific pages.
In the sidebar is a bbpress widget from what I see and it dispalys usernames
In the footer.. what widget?
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ModeratorThank you for the suggestions. I appreciate it and we will consider it for next updates
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ModeratorThat should come from a plugin of yours since we don’t add that functionality in the theme. Try to disable some.
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ModeratorTry replacing line 231 in functions.php with
COPY CODE$atts['title'] = ! empty( $item->attr_title ) ? $item->attr_title : ( ! empty( $item->title ) ? esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags($item->title)) : '' );
That should strip tags from the title. Also another solution would be to put a value in the Title Attribute for that item
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ModeratorThanks @giannisff
@Kookidooki everything fine now?
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ModeratorHi @Ferghus
That plugin should do the trick but we will consider this for a next update.Thanks
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ModeratorHi, I have just tested on the demo and it does not happen.
Thank you @anitatakacs
This is a topic for Sweetdate. If you have a problem related to KLEO theme please submit a new topic in KLEO forumThanks
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I have your mail and will follow that to finish site changes.
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ModeratorHi, Yes their profile are not affected, only the membership is affected
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ModeratorHi, the excerpt wasn’t added in KLEO 2.1 but the date was configured to show on all entries
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ModeratorHi, That is related to your Revolution slider configuration.. edit the slider and play with the elements there
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ModeratorHi, I don’t think it is an easy job. The template responsible for that is located in wp-content/themes/kleo/buddypress/groups/create.php
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Moderator@jurica please check plugin documentation. Taking a quick look it should be related to [variable]username[/variable]/messages
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Moderatorhi, please update your theme to the latest version and that should be fixed.
Thanks @sharmstr
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ModeratorHi, Sorry for the late reply.
Unfortunately there are no options in KLEO as in Sweetdate for searching and matching.
For searching try BP profile search which will need CSS adjusting as far as I knowCheers
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ModeratorHi, you should see in apps.css, somewhere at the end, the media queries related to the header. You wikk gave to copy the ones related to header in your child theme and put them in your desired breakpoint. This is not so easy to achieve for me to give you a quick solution.
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